The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 167 You Are Not Worthy To Lift My Brother's Shoes!

Chapter 167 You Are Not Worthy To Lift My Brother's Shoes!
Dongfang Jian was furious!
From childhood to adulthood, who would dare to hurt him?

He was actually injured!

Terrible coercion surged from Dongfang Jian's body, and the coercion of the peak martial king surged like a hurricane, directly smashing all the flowerpots and tables in the yard!
"Today! Abolish your cultivation! Let you serve me for the rest of your life!"

Dongfang Jian stared sharply at Su Xiaoke. He took a step, and the aura of his whole body suddenly increased. He took another step, and the aura was like a rainbow. .

"That's a lot of nonsense!" Su Xiaoke held a sword in his hand. The sword weighed hundreds of thousands of catties. When the sword was swung out and collided with the aura of Dongfang Sword, the gravity of the epee was like the sky falling, directly suppressing the aura of Dongfang Sword. collapsed.

"How dare you!" Dongfang Jian's pupils contracted, showing a trace of fear. He never thought that Su Xiaoke's sword would be so heavy!
The heavy power of the lightsaber has reached the power of the late Martial Emperor!

how can that be!

Su Xiaoke looked at Dongfang Jian as if she was looking at an idiot, why didn't she dare?
She had seen Su Tianling tear the sky with her own hands, and told her that Emperor Wu could be killed with one thought of destroying the saint!

Although it was difficult for her to accept it for a long time, when Su Tianling was measuring her figure and preparing to customize a dress not long ago, she asked again seriously.

Su Tianling told her seriously that it is not difficult to kill a few ordinary Emperor Wu.

After she heard it, although she was very shocked in her heart, she believed it.

Ask in a very serious situation, and this kind of thing can't be used as a joke, and Su Tianling doesn't need to lie to her.

Since she is backed by her brother who can kill the emperor, why is she afraid of the Eastern Sword?

In addition, Dongfangyu intends to win her brother over, as long as she doesn't kill or destroy Dongfangjian, Dongfangyu will not move the powerful emperors to deal with them.


Su Xiaoke spit out indifferently.

Dongfang Jian looked at the falling epee, felt the aura around him continue to collapse, his pupils contracted, and for the first time he felt fear.

The epee landed on Dongfang Jian's chest, and with one blow, he directly smashed Dongfang Jian to the ground, smashing the ground out of a big kang!
Dongfang Jian looked embarrassed, and couldn't help coughing. Every time he coughed, blood would come out of his mouth.

He looked at Su Xiaoke, who was looking at him with his hands behind his back, with contempt, that look really only had contempt.

Su Xiaoke looked down at him, and said contemptuously, "With your strength, how can you return to the emperor? You can't even beat me, and you dare to provoke my brother. You are not worthy to lift my brother's shoes!"

Dongfang Jian was angry when he heard the words, but he couldn't believe it more. After he consciously awakened his martial soul, he was taught by the emperor himself. How could he not be strong?

He passed the assessment among the clans, defeated the Tianjiao one after another, and got the approval of the emperor, so he was named the emperor's son.

And now, he has lost to a little-known Su Xiaoke!
If not personally experienced!No matter what, he didn't believe that he would lose to Su Xiaoke.

He looked at Su Xiaoke, with an exquisite face and a proud figure, her appearance was absolutely unique, it was difficult for anyone to surpass her, at most she could only be shoulder to shoulder.

He recalled the scenes, how a woman without a strong background dared to insult him again and again, which showed her courage.

Now that the terrifying strength of the same situation is exposed, he actually has the urge to get Su Xiaoke.

If this woman can be obtained, wouldn't it be possible for the Eastern Imperial Clan to have another extremely powerful female emperor in the future.

At this moment, Dongfang Jian suddenly understood why his sister Dongfangyu wanted to win over Su Tianling so much.

"You won!" Dongfang Jian stood up with difficulty. He looked at Su Xiaoke and said only one sentence, "My sister and the emperors of the Gongsun Emperor Clan, Su Clan, and Xuanyuan Emperor Clan are looking for him. Wait for your brother to come out. Let him come to us."

Dongfang Jian didn't say any more, turned around and left with a limp.

Su Xiaoke raised her brows, shouldn't Dongfang Jian be furious and continue to fight her?Why did you suddenly become so talkative?
"Emperor!" Su Xiaoke frowned. Before at the auction house, her brother took out 100 yuan of sacred stones. It is understandable that these emperors will come here.

in the room.

Both Su Tianling and Liu Xue saw the fight between Dongfang Jian and Su Xiaoke with their own eyes, but they didn't say anything.

"Tianling, you shouldn't have taken out so many holy path stones before. Now that all these empresses are here, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

Liu Xue said lightly.

"Trouble?" Su Tianling shook his head lightly, "If even they can cause trouble to me, I might as well die."

"Can you be more serious..." Liu Xue.

"No." Su Tianling was busy making clothes, his eyes flashed a light, looked at Liu Xue, and said with a smirk, "I'll make some sexy clothes for you to wear at night."

"No seriousness." Liu Xue said angrily.

As soon as the words were finished, she saw Su Tianling making a pair of leaky pajama pants, which made her pretty blush. Aren't these crotch pants worn by children?


The backyard of the Zongmen Hall.

Dongfang Jian looked at Gongsun Wan'er and the others, and said, "He's busy, let's wait."

"Busy?" Gongsun Wan'er frowned at Dongfang Jian, and said displeasedly, "You mean, let us wait?"

Xuanyuanyu's face turned cold on the spot, and she said coldly, "I am a majestic emperor, there are not many people who can make me wait!"

"What's the matter with waiting?" Dongfang Jian raised his eyebrows.

Su Yin took a deep look at Dongfang Jian, and always felt that something was wrong with Dongfang Jian. Before, Dongfang Jian sneered at Su Tianling, why did he suddenly change his attitude now?

Especially when she found out that when talking with Dongfangyu, she found that Dongfangyu cared a lot about Su Tianling.

"Then just wait." Su Yin said calmly, just as the words fell, Su Yin's communication jade slip received a message from the clan.

She checked it out.

Knowing that Su Tianling is a descendant of the Su family's imperial family, and that he recognized his ancestors not long ago, this made her look puzzled.

Now that it is confirmed that Su Tianling is a descendant of the Su Clan, why is he now a member of the Eastern Clan?

Su Yin looked at Dongfang Yu and said leisurely, "You said Su Tianling is from your Eastern Imperial Clan, but his surname is Su, so how could he be from the Eastern Imperial Clan?"

Before Dongfangyu could speak, Dongfangjian said directly, "My sister has taken a fancy to him, and when he joins our Dongfang Imperial Clan, he will be a member of the Dongfang Imperial Clan!"

Su Yin, Gongsun Wan'er, and Xuanyuan Yu all looked suspicious. Dongfangyu has taken a fancy to Su Tianling?
Su Yin raised her eyebrows, she looked at Dongfangyu, and showed a playful smile, "Su Tianling is the heir of my Su Clan's Imperial Clan, could it be that the Dongfang Imperial Clan wants to join forces with my Su Clan?"

When Xuanyuanyu and Gongsun Waner heard the words, they cast their eyes on Su Yin, and asked in a deep voice, "What did you say? You said that Su Tianling is the heir of your Su family's imperial family?"

(End of this chapter)

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