The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 17 Let's Go Together Together

Chapter 17

Su Tianling's expression changed.

He looked at Patriarch Bai sharply, and Patriarch Bai said that his parents had been missing for many years, and they might have died long ago!

If he just said that he was not polite, Su Tianling would not be angry, but Patriarch Bai said that his parents were dead, which made him angry and wanted to kill.

In his life, there are not many reverse scales!

Parents are one of his backs.

"It's good to die." Su Tianling glanced at Patriarch Bai indifferently. From the time Patriarch Bai said something that made him angry, Su Tianling's heart was moved to kill.

"Waiting to die?" Patriarch Bai sneered, and said, "I'm not ashamed to say anything, I just want to see who died today!"

On the side, Palace Master Yang's face was gloomy, and each of the juniors was so ignorant, which made him very annoyed.

He is the master of one of the halls of Beiming Academy, why was he contradicted by a junior like this?
"Let's start the competition of the younger generation now!" Dianzhu Yang said angrily, he tiptoed, and his figure flew straight into the air, sitting on the viewing stand.

Patriarch Bai, Patriarch Zhao, Liu Feng, and some teachers from the academy also sat in the watching seats.

Liu Feng was calm in his heart, at the level of a warrior, only his daughter could control the field, and if the rest of the tribe participated in the battle, they might be injured.

Liu Feng looked down, looked around and said: "Zhao family, Bai family, Beiming Academy, Liu family, each send a warrior first."

"I'll go first!" A young man from the Zhao family stood up. He looked at Su Tianling coldly and said, "You said you wanted your sister to kill me, but I want to see how your sister kills me!"

"Go." Su Tianling glanced at Su Xiaoke beside him.

"En." Su Xiaoke held the Qingliu sword in his hand. The Qingliu sword was in an ordinary scabbard. Others thought it was an ordinary sword, so they didn't take it seriously.

The Zhao family youth looked at Su Xiaoke, and smiled playfully: "You look weak and weak, and you look like you will fall down when you push it. I want to see how you kill me!"

Su Xiaoke glanced at him, after a day and night of practice, her realm is already in the late stage of warriors.

Warriors are divided into three small realms.

Early, middle, late.

The late stage is the last small realm of warriors.

Su Tianling said that her strength in the same realm, looking at Qingling Town, is almost invincible even in Beiming Academy.

Su Xiao is believable, she now feels that she is very strong.

I don't know if it's because of Su Tianling, but when Su Xiaoke sees people in the same realm, she will have a calm look in her eyes, as if, in the same realm, she is invincible.

"I'll go!" A young man came out of the Bai family, he was a late warrior.

A young man also walked out of Beiming Academy, who was also a late martial artist, this student from Beiming Academy looked arrogant, and did not take Su Xiaoke and the others seriously at all.

On the sidelines.

Liu Feng looked at Su Xiaoke intently, at first he saw that Su Xiaoke was going to play, he couldn't help being stunned, but when he looked closely, he found that Su Xiaoke was actually a late-stage martial artist!
This practice speed is too fast, right?

Palace Master Yang of the academy looked down, and said lightly: "I heard that among the three major families in Qingling Town, the younger Liu family is the most outstanding. Two years ago, Liu Xue detected a four-star martial spirit, but refused to enter the palace to practice. I know how proud the younger generation of the Liu family is, so let the warriors from the Zhao family, Bai family, and Xuegong take turns to challenge this little girl from the Liu family."

Everyone heard the words.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Palace Master Yang's words had another meaning, and many people understood it. Was this intentionally aimed at the Liu family, trying to torture the younger generation of the Liu family beyond recognition?
Su Xiaoke also understood, she was not afraid in her heart, she held the Qingliu Sword, and walked towards the central area, her star-like eyes looked indifferently at the youth of the Zhao family: "Come here!"

The young man of the Zhao family shrugged his shoulders and walked over casually, not paying attention to Su Xiaoke at all.

On the sidelines.

Liu Feng took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "The contest begins!"

"Xiao Ke, I'll be gentle." The young man of the Zhao family rubbed his hands together and said with a smile.

Su Xiaoke didn't draw his sword, but directly poured strength into the scabbard. Then, holding the scabbard, he suddenly stabbed at the young man of the Zhao family.

The youth of the Zhao family clenched his fists and faced the scabbard. He looked at Su Xiaoke coldly, and said, "Even if you are a beauty, I will destroy flowers with my hands today!"


Many people couldn't help closing their eyes, Su Xiaoke, what a beautiful girl, was about to be hurt by the youths of the Zhao family, and couldn't bear to watch.

Looking at Liu Feng on the waiting table, his fists in his sleeves were tightly clenched, and now he only hoped that Su Xiao would be less injured.

Patriarch Zhao looked at Liu Feng with a hearty smile.

If Su Tianling dared to abolish Zhao Wu, his Zhao family would definitely find their way back.



Su Xiaoke's scabbard shattered the fist and skull of the young man of the Zhao family, not only the fist bone, but also the arm of the young man of the Zhao family was shattered!
This is the case for the warrior realm.

Instill power where it needs to be instilled, and whoever has the strongest power will be able to defeat the opponent.

The youth of the Zhao family was in terrific pain, breaking out in cold sweat, his right hand was paralyzed, and the bones of his right arm were paralyzed by the shock!
On the sidelines.

Liu Feng was shocked, and announced in surprise: "Su Xiaoke wins!"

This statement came out.

Many people's expressions changed, and they looked at Su Xiaoke in disbelief.

Su Xiaoke actually won!It was so easy to win!

When did Su Xiaoke become so strong?
not far away.

Liu Xue glanced at Su Tianling meaningfully, except for Su Tianling who could make Su Xiaoke so strong, she really couldn't think of anyone else who could do this.

Su Tianling's face was calm. He originally asked Su Xiaoke to kill the young man from the Zhao family, but who would have thought that Liu Feng would announce the result directly.

On the sidelines, Patriarch Zhao's face was gloomy. He originally thought that Su Xiaoke would be defeated, but he didn't expect Su Xiaoke to win!
The youths of other tribes were completely defeated!
This made him extremely annoyed, wishing to abolish the children of that clan, what a waste!


Su Xiaoke was sure of her own strength, and felt that it would not be a problem for her to fight one against two. She calmly looked at the young man of the Bai family and the students of Beiming Academy, and said, "You two join forces to fight me."

The young man of the Bai family and the student of the academy stared blankly.

Almost everyone present was stunned.

what did they hear!
Su Xiaoke actually let the warriors from the Bai family join forces with the warriors from the academy!
Is this too conceited?

Those who are arrogant don't pay attention to the students of the academy.

On the sidelines.

Palace Master Yang's eyes were cold, and he said coldly: "I heard that Su Tianling was arrogant and conceited, but I didn't expect you to be the same, you really are brothers and sisters!"

Palace Master Yang showed a cruel smile, and said to the young people of the Bai family and the students of the academy below: "Since she made such a request, then please satisfy her well."

[Thanks to Mohe for the 599 book coins]

(End of this chapter)

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