The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 172 Xia Qingran

Chapter 172 Xia Qingran

in the cage.

The young man and the dignified and noble woman sat cross-legged on the ground. Although they were attacked from time to time, their expressions did not change much. It seemed that they had become accustomed to this for so many years.

When the imperial formation covering the Sea Palace was broken, the two immediately opened their eyes, and their deep eyes looked at the female emperor of another world standing in midair.

There was a look of doubt in his eyes.

Who is this woman?The new emperor?
The two looked at each other, then scanned the surroundings, and found that the time emperors who had been guarding them had fallen, and they couldn't help being deeply shocked.

They knew how strong the great emperor who guarded them was, stronger in number, but now they have all fallen, leaving only this magnificent female emperor standing here with an indifferent expression.

"Father, mother."

Su Tianling, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart. His figure stepped out of the time storm and appeared in midair.

He looked at Su Xiaoyao and Ling Wan in the cage below, and his eyes turned red. For him, it took 10 years for him to reunite with his biological parents, and his heart felt sour.

Su Xiaoyao and Ling Wan looked at Su Tianling, trembling slightly, isn't this their son.

When the two left, Su Tianling was eight years old, and now Su Tianling's appearance is similar to when he was a child.

Su Xiaoyao and Ling Wan, who are biological parents, can more easily recognize whether Su Tianling is his son.

"You...your cultivation level..." Lingwan looked at Su Tianling with doubts in her eyes. According to her age, her son is only 24 years old this year, but Su Tianling has the cultivation level of the Great Emperor.

The 24-year-old emperor?She wouldn't believe it even if she was killed.

Su Xiaoyao looked at Su Tianling vigilantly. Although Su Tianling looked very similar to his son, it was probably a disguise and was trying to plot Shishu.

"Xiaowan, don't be fooled." Su Xiaoyao reminded.

Lingwan suppressed her excitement and nodded lightly.

People's hearts are the most difficult to fathom. The person who looks like her son in front of her may be someone else in disguise.

Seeing this, Su Tianling could also understand it. After all, according to normal logic, it is really unbelievable.

"My name is Su Tianling, my sister Su Xiaoke, my wife Liu Xue, my father-in-law Liu Feng, and my mother-in-law Xie Yujie live in Qingling Town."

Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaoyao and Ling Wan, and saw that they were staring at him, Su Tianling said again, "I have the Emperor Wuhun, my sister and Xiaoxue are the Crown Wuhun."

An emperor's martial spirit jumped out of Su Tianling's body, and the shape of the emperor's martial spirit was a golden emperor's clothes.

Su Xiaoyao and Ling Wan stared blankly at this scene. Of course they knew that their son was the Emperor's Martial Soul.

Few people know about some things in Qingling Town.

Is it really their son?
"Your cultivation level..." Ling Wan asked out the doubts in her heart.

"It's a long story. Go back and see Xiao Ke and Uncle Liu first. You will all know by then." Su Tianling said slowly, knowing that his parents still had some doubts.

Su Xiaoyao and Ling Wan looked at each other, and when they found Liu Feng and Xie Yujie, they could know whether the person in front of them was their son or not.

Su Xiaoyao looked at the red-robed empress in the mid-air, and thanked you with cupped hands, "Although I don't know whether you saved us on purpose or accidentally let my husband and wife out of the cage, I still want to thank you."

The red-robed empress held her hands behind her back, her big red robe fluttered in the wind, and her jet-black hair fluttered in the wind. Her beautiful face was facing Su Tianling, her eyes were extremely indifferent.

After she killed the emperors, Su Tianling suddenly appeared.

Obviously, she was tricked by Su Tianling!

Su Xiaoyao and Lingwan sensed something was wrong, they couldn't help frowning slightly, looked at the red robe empress, and then at Su Tianling.

Su Tianling looked at the red-robed empress. She had a familiar face, a familiar figure, and everything she could see was exactly the same as her.

"Hand over the Soul Book and Dao Book! Otherwise! Die!"

The red-robed empress spoke coldly, her eyes staring at Su Tianling indifferently.

Su Xiaoyao and Ling Wan couldn't help but change their faces when they heard the words, soul book, Tao book...these are all nine heavenly books!
This person who claims to be their son actually has two big scriptures?
The two of them seemed to understand something, no wonder the emperors of the time realm would fall, it turned out that they fell because of competing for these two great heavenly books.

Su Tianling looked at the red-robed empress calmly. It is undeniable that the red-robed empress is very powerful, especially the red-robed empress who has a book, is even more powerful.

With his current state, he couldn't take down the red robe empress.

But... he sometimes reads books, even the red robe empress can't take him down.

Su Tianling looked at her, and there were two pages of the soul book and half of the Taoist book in his hand.

The red-robed empress looked at the two heavenly books in Su Tianling's hands, and she was sure that this was what she was looking for.

"Bring it." The red-robed empress looked at Su Tianling.

"Before I give you the Soul Book and the Tao Book, I want to know your name." Su Tianling looked at her.

The red-robed empress' eyes flickered, wanting to know her name?

After a moment of silence, the red-robed empress said indifferently, "Xia Qingran!"

Hearing this, Su Tianling's heart couldn't stop beating faster.

Xia Qingran...

Ha ha…

It has exactly the same name as his otherworldly Taoist companion.

At this moment, he has confirmed that the red robe empress is his Taoist companion from another world.

Looking at Xia Qingran's beautiful face and indifferent eyes, Su Tianling wanted to go over and caress her pretty face, but... just thinking about it.

For him, Xia Qingran is his Taoist companion.

But to Xia Qingran now, to her, she is just a passerby.

Su Tianling gave Xia Qingran the soul book and the Tao book. He has already comprehended the soul book and the Tao book, and it is useless to keep them.

Originally, he wanted to give Xie Yujie the Heavenly Book to study after Xie Yujie became emperor, but now...forget it.

Since Xia Qingran was his former Taoist companion, giving these two soul books to Xia Qingran is not considered to be given to outsiders.

Xia Qingran took the soul book and the Tao book, and gave Su Tianling a cold look, "You are wise!"

After all, Xia Qingran's figure disappeared out of thin air.

"Father, let's go back."

Su Tianling looked at his absent-minded parents and said.

Su Xiaoyao and Ling Wan looked at Su Tianling meaningfully, and said, "You just gave her the Soul Book and the Tao Book?"

"no difference."

Su Tianling smiled lightly.

Su Xiaoyao and Ling Wan took a deep look at Su Tianling, is there any difference?What does this mean?

Liu Yuezong.

The three of them stood in the sky, scanning their eyes.

I saw Liu Feng, Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke.

Su Xiaoyao looked down and saw that Liu Feng was drinking tea and Su Xiaoke was pinching Liu Feng's shoulders.

"That's Xiao Ke, the [-]th female college student, and now she's a top-notch little beauty." Su Xiaoyao said with a smile, and looked at Su Tianling. At this moment, he believed that Su Tianling was his own son.

"Tianling..." Lingwan had tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Mother." Su Tianling walked over and hugged Lingwan, feeling extremely sour in his heart. It has been 10 years, a full 10 years.

"Hey... I want to hug too." Su Xiaoyao.

(End of this chapter)

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