The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 179 Me!Do not agree!

Chapter 179 Me!Do not agree!
The great emperors who had been deeply hidden in the Time Realm felt horrified one by one, and their faces turned extremely pale. Their eyes penetrated into the distant void, and when they saw a man and a woman standing in the void.

Their pupils constrict.

They are no strangers to Su Tianling and Xia Qingran.

They knew that dozens of great emperors in the Time Realm many years ago fell because of these two people.

Especially Xia Qingran, at that time Xia Qingran killed many great emperors by himself.

They hid in the dark, just waited and watched, and did not appear.

Seeing Su Tianling laughing there now, and the power of the laughter gave them a feeling of fear, which made them horrified.

Just laughter can make them fear, what kind of powerful emperor is this?
In the entire time world, many beings were deeply tortured one by one, suffering unspeakably from this laughter, and only hoped that this laughter would stop as soon as possible.

Qingling Town, Liu Family.

The gazes of Su Xiaoyao, Ling Wan, and Xie Yujie penetrated into the void. They were not affected, but they still felt the terrifying power. Seeing Su Tian Lingling standing in the void in the distance, they kept laughing there.

When laughing, the eyes are red, the eyes reveal the desolation, and the laughter reveals the ridiculous meaning.

This made the three of them puzzled, what happened to make Su Tianling laugh so sadly and heart-piercingly?
in the void.

Xia Qingran was stunned by this sudden scene, why did she go crazy?

Just laugh!Why are you laughing so loudly!

Laughter also reveals the meaning of ridiculous.


Su Tianling was still laughing. When he was laughing, he recalled the scene with Xia Qingran when he was in the world of death.

Back then when he was with Xia Qingran in the world of death, that was the happiest time for him. He gave Xia Qingran everything he owned. At that time, he and Xia Qingran were incomparably in love with each other, comparable to Liu Xue now. And.

When Xia Qingran was besieged and killed by people, he participated in the whole process. He felt very painful when he saw his beloved being killed by people, but he was powerless.

Because of Xia Qingran's death, he awakened his Emperor's Martial Soul, and after awakening his Emperor's Martial Soul, his realm continued to rise, and finally killed the people who besieged him and Xia Qingran.

Although he took revenge, what was lost has been lost, and it will never come back.

Xia Qingran's death depressed his will for many, many years.

After reaching the emperor's realm, he encountered a heart demon calamity, so he erased time, thinking that everything would start over again, and he would be able to be with the dead Xia Qingran again.

Didn't expect... never expected...

Xia Qingran turned out to be an empress, and she was also an empress who was powerful enough to break into the realm of legend.

Now he understands, understands everything.

All the previous doubts were resolved.

He looked at Xia Qingran, and his heart felt angry like never before!

He was played!

Xia Qingran played with her feelings!
In Xia Qingran's eyes, he was just a tool to break into the legendary realm!

Ha ha…

Su Tianling thought it was ridiculous!

When he looked at Xia Qingran again, his eyes were filled with cruelty!

play him?
play with others!
Pain for life!
Xia Qingran frowned at Su Tianling, she saw cruelty in Su Tianling's eyes.

This cruel intention was aimed at her!
This baffled her.

She has no blood feud with Su Tianling, so why did she show such cruelty towards her?

for a long time.

Su Tianling calmed down the anger in his heart. He looked at Xia Qingran with endless indifference in his eyes.

"You! You can be reborn!"

Su Tianling let out a voice indifferently.

"Sick! Can be cured!" Xia Qingran glanced at Su Tianling, and then fell into the life book, ready to be reborn.

"If you are need to be can cure my illness."

Su Tianling looked at the shining golden book in the distance, and a strong sense of revenge rose from the depths of his heart.

He had never had such a strong desire for revenge, and Xia Qingran... completely succeeded in making him have the strongest desire for revenge.

If you don't take revenge on Xia Qingran!

There will only be a pimple in his heart forever, and it will be difficult to get rid of it for the rest of his life!
After a while.


The endless stars in the void collapsed!
The sun hanging in the sky crashed down!
Followed by.

Dusk falls!

Strong winds, thunder and lightning come one after another!

Darkness is coming!
"What is it! Doomsday!"

The expressions of all the people in the time realm below changed drastically, with fear in their eyes.

The hidden emperors in the time realm shrank back one by one, feeling the terrifying power of heaven, and hid one by one.

"The sun fell,

dusk shrouded,

darkness strikes,

The way of heaven is coming! "

Su Tianling looked at the void, such a scene, he encountered this scene when he used the time book to erase 10 years.

This scene is the way of heaven coming to judge!

Judgment of those who defy the sky.

He erased time, it was against the sky.


Xia Qingran used the book of life to rebirth, which was against the sky.

It was normal for Xia Qingran to be judged by heaven.


There is no more sun.

The whole world is in the color of twilight, full of dead silence, giving people a feeling that they are about to face the end.

Darkness also covers the whole world. This darkness is not the night. This darkness covers everyone's heart, making people feel extremely fearful in their hearts, as if they will be erased at any time.


On the void!
Thunder and lightning densely covered the entire sky, such a vast and terrifying scene, countless people would hardly see it in their lifetime!


The thunder of the sky suddenly fell, as if the whole sky had collapsed, and the thunder of judgment fell from the sky, crashing down on the golden book below.

Inside the golden book, Xia Qingran's face turned pale instantly, and a large amount of blood spewed out from the corner of his mouth, which stained the raw book red.

Su Tianling stood in the distance, he took a step forward, the power of the time storm spread to Xia Qingran in the distance, and uttered an indifferent voice, "You see me as a tool to break into the legendary realm, you want to lose your memory and start over again, I ! No promise!"

After the words fell, the storm of time wrapped Sheng Shu with terrifying power, covering Xia Qingran.

Xia Qingran is facing the judgment of heaven at this moment. He is already scarred, and he is also facing the power of Su Tianling's time storm. This makes Xia Qingran shoot at Su Tianling in the distance with strong murderous intent in his eyes, "When I aspire to the legendary realm, I will kill you!"

"You! There is no chance to aspire to the realm of legend."

Su Tianling looked at Xia Qingran indifferently.

Xia Qingran wanted to start again after losing his memory, but he let Xia Qingran rebirth with his memory!

Xia Qingran who has all the memories, with her indifference and ruthlessness, it is impossible to fall in love with any man!
If you can't be tempted by a man, you won't be able to experience emotional things, and if you can't experience emotional things, you won't be able to survive the catastrophe of love!


"Su! God! Ling! Just wait for me!"

Xia Qingran's last voice sounded, and finally calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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