The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 189 Give Me Your Homework

Chapter 189 Give Me Your Homework

The next morning.

Su Tianling was lying on a chair in the yard. Yesterday, he got Xia Qingran, during which Xia Qingran kept struggling, but it was just a useless struggle.

After struggling for a while, Xia Qingran didn't struggle anymore, but shed tears of despair expressionlessly.

Su Tianling took out a jar of wine and took a sip. Originally, he wanted to torture Xia Qingran all the time, but seeing Xia Qingran shed tears of despair, he couldn't help but think of Xia Qingran who was very affectionate with him before.

This made him feel very uncomfortable, and tortured Xia Qingran, giving him the feeling that he was torturing the former Xia Qingran.

Although it made him feel uncomfortable, he did not regret doing such a thing.

At this time.

Xia Qingran walked out of the room fully dressed, her expression was indifferent, and she exuded an aura of not being close to strangers all over her body. She looked at Su Tianling with cold eyes, and there was undisguised resentment in her eyes.

Su Tianling looked at her and continued to drink without saying anything.

"I'm going out for a walk."

Su Tianling felt a little uncomfortable staying here, so he got up and left.

Xia Qingran looked at Su Tianling's leaving back, mist appeared in her eyes. She had killed too many people and tortured many people in her life.

Unexpectedly, she was also tortured sometimes.

Although Su Tianling tortured her for a reason and because of her own faults, she still felt extremely painful in her heart.

In her whole life, has she ever suffered such humiliation?


Xia Qingran clenched her fists tightly, she will repay this revenge ten thousand times!

Su Tianling was wandering around the sect, while looking at Yuelanzong. He stayed in Yuelanzong for a while back then, but he didn't expect to appear here again, it would be like this.

When the surrounding disciples saw Su Tianling, their eyes showed jealousy.

That day, Su Tianling suppressed thousands of disciples by himself, and defeated Xia Qingran in public. This is enough to show that Su Tianling's peers are very strong, and his future achievements may surpass Xia Qingran's.

With Su Tianling's conditions, he was perfectly worthy of Xia Qingran.

But when everyone thought that the goddess in their hearts was going to marry Su Tianling, everyone felt very angry.

Su Tianling ignored the eyes of these people and continued to wander around. He came to the Elder's Pavilion in the core area and saw Li Jianqiu.

Li Jianqiu saw Su Tianling walking over in a hurry, and asked curiously, "You stayed at the young master's residence yesterday?"

Su Tianling drank his wine and nodded lightly.

"Young Sect Master accepts you?" Li Jianqiu blinked.

"Yes." Su Tianling.

"Good guy..." Li Jianqiu hammered Su Tianling's chest, envious and jealous, "You are really lucky to be able to get the young suzerain."

"So-so." Su Tianling.

"Pretend." Li Jianqiu said, "With the talent of the young suzerain, even if you are in the imperial clan, you can get along well. Whether it is appearance or martial arts qualifications, you are first-class. If the young suzerain is willing to marry you, You must be having fun in your heart."

"No." Su Tianling drank his wine and shook his head lightly.


In Xia Qingran's residence, a graceful and luxurious woman came down. She was dressed in a white robe and was extremely beautiful. She looked at Xia Qingran with her beautiful eyes, and seeing Xia Qingran's cold eyes made her frown slightly.

"Qingran, what's going on?" the white-robed woman asked.

Xia Qingran sat there drinking wine, but did not respond to the woman in white robe.

The woman in white robe didn't blame Xia Qingran for ignoring her, she asked, "Do you really want to marry him?"

Xia Qingran, who was drinking, was slightly startled.

Her innocence has been ruined, and with her current strength, she has no ability to compete with Su Tianling.

Su Tianling will continue to torture her, but she can only bear it.

"Marry! Of course I want to marry!"

Xia Qingran's eyes flashed with crazy revenge, Su Tianling ruined her, she ruined Su Tianling!
"Then I'll go and prepare for your marriage with him. Besides, I'll inform your parents about it." Chu Yuelan said.

Xia Qingran didn't say anything, she was still drinking.

Chu Yuelan didn't ask any further questions, but felt that something was wrong with Xia Qingran.

The day.

Su Tianling and Xia Qingran's wedding will be held in nine days from suzerain Chu Yuelan.

After the people in the sect heard the news, they all beat their chests and stomped their feet. They were so angry that the goddess in their hearts was really going to marry someone!

After the rest of the forces learned about it, they frowned deeply.

Xia Qingran wants to marry Su Tianling?
Who is this Su Tianling?
After Xiahou, the lord of Xiazhou, heard the news, his face became extremely ugly!

His daughter is getting married!

Xia Fuzhong.

Many people began to discuss that Xia Qingran, as the daughter of the Lord of Xiazhou, was extremely talented, and she should have married the more powerful Tianjiao, but now she was going to marry someone she had never heard of.

"Let's go! Yuelanzong!"

Xia Hou opened his mouth coldly, his eyes flashed a cold light, he really wanted to see who this Su Tianling was.


Yue Lanzong.

After Su Tianling chatted with Li Jianqiu for a few words, he wandered around again, drinking wine while walking.

Yesterday Xia Qingran said that after Xia Qingran recovered all his memories, it stands to reason that Xia Qingran would definitely kill him.

But he has been living well in those days.

That is to say, after recovering his memory, Xia Qingran also had some feelings for him. Maybe Xia Qingran was very complicated at that time.

On the one hand, he wanted to kill him, but on the other hand, he was reluctant to kill him.

The two wills collided constantly, and in the end Xia Qingran failed to kill him.

Su Tianling stopped, looked at the sky, his thoughts were flying.

"She originally wanted to use me as a stepping stone to forge a deep relationship. Her original intention was very damning to me, but after she recovered her memory, the memories of the two lives merged, preventing her from killing me, that is, Said that after recovering her memory, she still has deep feelings for me."

After sorting out the cause and effect, Su Tianling couldn't help shaking his head, feeling very complicated.

"Forget it, I don't want to."

While drinking, Su Tianling felt that this kind of thing was too complicated, so let's take a step at a time.

Su Tianling turned around for a while, and then went back. Seeing that Xia Qingran was practicing, he didn't bother her.

It's just that his eyes stayed on Xia Qingran.

Xia Qingran sensed that someone was approaching, opened her eyes, and looked at Su Tianling with indifference.

"You still want to torture me, don't you?"

Su Tianling took a sip of wine, looked at her and said calmly, "If you have a tendency to be abused, we can continue."

Xia Qingran looked at Su Tianling coldly, but did not respond.

"Hand over your study and life books, and give me half of the Dao book and two pages of the soul book I gave you back then."

Su Tianling said lightly.

For studying and living books, he is bound to win.

"Exchange your timebook with me!"

Xia Qingran's eyes flickered, she knew she couldn't refuse, and the consequence of refusing would only be bullied by Su Tianling, she retreated and wanted to get Shishu.

(End of this chapter)

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