The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 193 You are you, I am me, we do not owe each other

Chapter 193 You are you, I am me, we do not owe each other
With this loud shout, the startled disciples of the sect trembled.

Many people looked over, and when they saw the people in the mid-air of the Zongmen, their faces became slightly dignified.

"The lord of Yinzong has come to take revenge!"

"Before the Young Sect Master killed Mu Bai and the nine Wuhuang elders of Yinzong. After Yinzong learned about it, he would definitely fight Yuelanzong!"

At this time, Chu Yuelan appeared in midair with a group of core elders, she glanced at the sect master Mu Qianchi with her beautiful eyes, and said coldly, "Before the martial arts competition, you wanted to violate the rules, so it is only natural that you were killed by Qingran .”

"Of course?" Mu Qianchi laughed loudly, and the mountains with a radius of hundreds of miles that were shaken by the laughter continued to shatter.

"Kill!" Mu Qianchi was too lazy to talk nonsense, and his figure directly hid in the void.

Chu Yuelan's expression became slightly dignified, Mu Qianchi and her were both the masters of the same sect, and the difference in strength was extremely small.

Yinzong has brought so many strong men, if there is a fight, Yuelanzong will also suffer a lot of losses.

"Kill!" Chu Yuelan took the lead in killing the elders of Yinzong, and the elders of Yuelanzong also immediately killed them.

Inside the sect.

Su Tianling looked at this scene and frowned slightly, "You helped me back then, and I will help you this time."

Bang bang bang bang!

The voice fell.

Everyone outside the sect's sect, including the figure of the sect master Mu Qianchi, fell from the sky.

In the end, it suddenly hit the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust!
"This... what's the situation..."

Everyone in Yuelanzong was stunned, looking at this scene in bewilderment and surprise.

Before the fight started, the entire army of Yinzong was wiped out...

Chu Yuelan was also in a daze, standing there at a loss.

She was also planning to do a big fight, but in the end, the cultivation of everyone in Yinzong was abolished.

Who ruined it?
do not know.

Chu Yuelan didn't know, and everyone in the Yuelan Sect didn't know.

Inside the sect.

Xia Qingran looked at this scene and didn't say anything. According to the memory Su Tianling passed on to her, Su Tianling knew Chu Yuelan once, and Chu Yuelan also helped Su Tianling a lot. It is reasonable for Su Tianling to help Chu Yuelan.

Time gradually passed.

In the evening, Su Tianling opened his eyes. He looked at Xia Qingran. Xia Qingran had been beating his leg all day long.

It's only been two days.

Xia Qingran had already served him obediently.

If time passes and habits become natural, won't Xia Qingran stop resisting him at all?

Maybe it will last forever...

"It's getting dark." Su Tianling said.

Xia Qingran raised her head and looked at Su Tianling.

"Tonight, I'll be with you." Su Tianling said.

Xia Qingran's face turned cold in an instant, violent anger grew in his heart, and he said coldly to Su Tianling, "Didn't you say that as long as I serve you well, you won't touch me!"

"Is there any difference between touching you once and touching you countless times?" Su Tianling looked at her and said lightly, "After touching you once, your innocence has been destroyed, so what's the difference if I touch you countless times? What's more... I It is said that I will let you go after you take good care of me these few days, which includes sleeping with me."

"Shameless!" Xia Qingran gritted her teeth with a cold face.

"You and I are not good people, we are just half-assed, don't talk about anyone." Su Tianling got up, raised his hand, controlled Xia Qingran, and then brought Xia Qingran into the room.


The next morning.

Xia Qingran was completely desperate.

Su Tianling doesn't count at all!
Yesterday, she was bullied by Su Tianling again!

Su Tianling was lying in the yard, looking at Xia Qingran with a cold face, and said calmly, "What are you pretending to do? You appear to be reluctant, but your body is very honest."

"Shameless!" Xia Qingran stared at Su Tianling coldly.

"Go make breakfast." Su Tianling.

"Does it make a difference? Even if you make breakfast, you will still bully me!" Xia Qingran.

"Then go on!"

With a flick of his sleeve, Su Tianling brought Xia Qingran into the room.

"I'll make breakfast, I'll do it now." Xia Qingran said in a panic.

"Too late." Su Tianling.


After a few days.

Xia Qingran was already numb.

She doesn't resist anymore, and she doesn't say anything against her.


Su Tianling looked at Xia Qingran, "Go and cook."

Xia Qingran didn't respond, just sat there quietly.

"Not cooking? Then continue." Su Tianling threatened.

Xia Qingran still didn't respond.

Su Tianling raised his eyebrows and looked at her. Now that the jar is broken, have you accepted your fate?
Xia Qingran looked at Su Tianling, her eyes were very calm, if Su Tianling said this a few days ago, her face would definitely change drastically, now hearing Su Tianling say this, her heart can no longer cause any waves.

"You can do whatever you want. In short, I won't listen to you anymore." Xia Qingran spoke calmly, without any emotional waves in her voice, as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

With a flick of his sleeve, Su Tianling grabbed her and led her into the room.

After half an hour, Su Tianling came out, drinking wine with a hip flask.

In the beginning, this trick was effective against Xia Qingran, but now Xia Qingran has broken the pot, and it doesn't matter anymore.

He continued to use this trick has failed.

At this time, Xia Qingran came out fully dressed, sat on a chair, and said nothing.

Su Tianling took a sip of wine, looked at her, and asked, "You're a broken pot now, have you accepted your fate?"

Xia Qingran didn't respond to him.

"Can you say something? Believe it or not, I will continue to bully you?" Su Tianling.

"You can do whatever you want." Xia Qingran said calmly.

Su Tianling took a deep look at her and said nothing.

"I'm going to practice." Xia Qingran got up and left.

Su Tianling didn't stop her, looking at Xia Qingran's leaving back, he was speechless for a moment.

Is this what he wants to see?
At first he wanted revenge, but after that revenge, he no longer wanted to continue revenge so much.

In the past few days, Xia Qingran was no longer afraid of him.

Maybe it's because I don't care about my body anymore.

Su Tianling felt depressed while drinking.

"Obviously I am a victim, why do I look like a bad person now?" Su Tianling continued to drink, feeling very sad.

In the evening, Xia Qingran came back. She looked at Su Tianling calmly and asked, "Do you want more? I'll go to practice after I finish."

"Let's talk." Su Tianling took a sip of wine, he is no longer interested in that aspect now.

Xia Qingran sat down and looked at Su Tianling calmly.

"What do you mean now?" Su Tianling looked at Xia Qingran.

Xia Qingran calmly replied, "For what happened to you before, let me say sorry to you again now. I will bear the consequences of the cause I planted. If you want to take revenge on me, I accept it. If you want to sleep with me every day, I accept it." , I just hope that after you have vented all your anger, you can give me back my freedom, and from now on, you are you and I am me, and we will not owe each other."

(End of this chapter)

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