The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 25 3 Prince Dongli

Chapter 25 The Third Prince Dongli

Su Tianling looked at the nine martial artists with a calm expression. To him, it was just a formality.

"It's time to start." Su Tianling looked at the nine martial artists.

"Don't worry."

Regarding Su Tianling's youth before, he said: "Because it is difficult to meet someone entering the palace through a challenge for a few years, so we have to wait until the number of people from the academy is almost here before we can start."

This young man is Qin Ze, the son of General Qin from the Dongsheng Kingdom's General's Mansion, and he has quite a status in the Beiming Academy. Qin Ze said to the people behind him: "Immediately spread the news that Su Tianling entered the palace to practice in a challenging way."

"Yes." Dozens of people left immediately, and they wanted to spread the news.

Qin Ze looked at Su Tianling playfully. He was from the General's Mansion of Dongsheng Kingdom, and his father was the General of Dongsheng Kingdom, so he was very familiar with the princes.

He knew that if the third prince knew that Su Tianling was here, he would definitely come here immediately, and then there would be a good show to watch.


Learn the Palace of Souls.

The Hall of Souls is the place for students of the spiritual department to practice. Anyone who has the talent of a spirit department can practice in this Hall of Souls.

In a pavilion of the Soul Palace.

There was a handsome young man with an extraordinary bearing looking at the quiet beauty sitting there with appreciation in his eyes.

"Xue'er, Prime Minister Liu calculated the destiny for you. He said that you are the destiny of the emperor, you are born extraordinary, and you will be the mother of a country in the future." The young man looked at Liu Xue, his voice full of magnetism.

Liu Xue looked at the crystal-clear lake outside the pavilion, her eyes were calm, and she didn't respond to the young man.

Seeing that Liu Xue ignored him, the young man paused and said, "You are a six-star martial soul talent, and your future martial arts prospects are limitless. It's ridiculous that your parents insisted on making you marry a man you don't like. I know you don't like Su Tianling." , and even dislike him, I want to help you, I will come forward and ask your parents to divorce Su Tianling."

"No need." Liu Xue said coldly.

The young man frowned, looked at Liu Xue and said, "Why? Then Su Tianling is not good enough for you at all, you are the proud daughter of heaven, what is he? What kind of future can a one-star waste martial soul have? What's more, When choosing a Taoist partner among warriors, you should choose someone who is similar to yourself. After all, the higher the warrior's cultivation base, the longer the life span. With Su Tianling's martial arts talent, it is not bad to live for 100 years, but you can live for 500 years. Even 800 years, this long time, you need a man who will spend the rest of your life with you."

"Third prince, if you discuss about cultivation, I'm happy, but if you talk about my family affairs, I will get angry." Liu Xue said coldly.

The third prince Dongli's face darkened slightly. During this year, he sometimes reminded Liu Xue through implicatures, asking Liu Xue to put Su Tianling to rest.

However, whenever this matter was mentioned, Liu Xue always didn't want to answer.

This made him unable to understand, Su Tianling was a waste, why did Liu Xue leave him alone?

Anyone would have given up on Su Tianling, right?
At this time.

A young man walked over quickly, he looked at the third prince Dongli, then at Liu Xue, and then said: "Someone wants to enter the academy to practice through a challenge."

"Challenge is a challenge, what does this prince have to do with you?" Dongli's face was very cold, he glanced at the young man coldly, and said coldly: "My prince said that when Liu Xue and I are together, no one is allowed to disturb you." us!"

"But... his name is Su Tianling." The young man's face was pale. If it wasn't that the challenger was Su Tianling, how dare he bother the Third Prince?

This statement came out.

Dongli's expression changed, Su Tianling?
Isn't that Liu Xue's husband!
After hearing this, Liu Xue's long eyelashes trembled. She looked at the young man and asked, "Is it Su Tianling from Qingling Town?"

"Yes." The young man's voice trembled slightly.

"Where is he!" Liu Xue asked.

"Examination platform." Youth.

Liu Xue got up and left the Soul Palace immediately.

The third prince Dongli's face was ugly, and his eyes were filled with anger. When Liu Xue heard Su Tianling's name, she immediately got up and left!

This is!Do you care about performance?
"Follow my prince!" Dongli said coldly, his eyes were full of killing intent, he wanted to see how could this Su Tianling make Liu Xue care so much!


On the Martial Dao Terrace, Su Tianling's face was calm, he was in a better mood at the moment, his emperor thoughts enveloped the Soul Palace, and he heard the conversation between Liu Xue and the third prince Dongli.

Liu Xue's reaction made him very satisfied.

But he was still a little upset, how could his woman get so close to other men?

He doesn't allow it!

Below the Martial Arts Platform.

Qin Ze looked at Su Tianling playfully, and waited for the third prince Dongli and Liu Xue to come here and witness the scene of Su Tianling being ravaged with his own eyes, what would it be like?
Perhaps, Liu Xue would directly divorce Su Tianling in public, and then fall into Dongli's embrace?

Everyone also looked at Su Tianling jokingly. Su Tianling stood on the martial arts platform, looking very calm, giving people a feeling of contempt for the heroes.

However, this is just a feeling. Everyone knows that if Su Tianling fights with these martial artists, he will definitely lose.

And they knew that these martial artists had been reminded that they would ruthlessly ravage Su Tianling when they waited for the martial arts competition.

"The third prince and Liu Xue are here."

Someone suddenly said something.

When everyone heard the words, they searched for Dongli and Liu Xue's figures one after another. When they saw Dongli and Liu Xue coming together in the distance, everyone showed a faint smile.

Qin Ze looked at the two figures in the distance, and said with a smile, "A man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful appearance are truly a match made in heaven."

Everyone echoed and said: "The third prince is a prince, he is twenty, and is about the same age as Liu Xue. Both of them have high talents, so they are really a good match."

The voice of their communication was not low, and Su Tianling who was standing on the Martial Dao Stage could also hear it. He looked at the third prince Dongli and Liu Xue who were walking towards here in the distance.

Dongli's eyes were staring at him, and he was also looking at him. Su Tianling could see the murderous intent hidden in those eyes, but Su Tianling ignored Dongli directly, and his gaze was on Liu Xue.

Liu Xue, his wife, the woman who appeared in his heart demon robbery.

I haven't seen her for a year, but Liu Xue has become more beautiful and charming, and she is almost ripe.

When a woman is most glamorous, she is 22 years old. This age is neither young nor old, and her body is completely mature. At that time, it is time to pick.

Liu Xue was also looking at Su Tianling. She saw the flirtatious look in Su Tianling's eyes, which made her feel slightly annoyed. The flirtatious look reminded her of the scene where Su Tianling had molested her twice. Thinking about that scene back then, she wanted to beat Su Tianling up.

Until Dongli and Liu Xue came here.

Dongli looked at Su Tianling coldly, and said in a cold voice: "I heard that you are going to enter the academy to practice through challenges. This prince wants to know, with your one-star martial soul talent, how can you pass the challenge?"

(End of this chapter)

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