The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 3 My sister can't be bullied by anyone

Chapter 3 My sister can't be bullied by anyone
The man in purple robe and the young Liu Xuan saw that it was Su Tianling, his eyes showed disdain, he was just a married son-in-law of the Liu family, not much better than the servants.

"Su Tianling, you came just in time. I want to marry your younger sister. Your younger sister refuses to agree. You persuade her to let her marry me. As long as she marries me, she will be rich and prosperous." Liu Xuan opened the mouth and said.

Su Tianling looked up at Liu Xuan, Liu Xuan... the son of the elder of the Liu family, the purple-robed man beside Liu Xuan was Liu Kong, the elder of the Liu family.

Liu Xuan likes his sister, he has always known it.

It can be said that everyone in the younger generation of the Liu family covets his sister's beauty, but among his peers, Liu Xuan has the deepest background, and his own martial arts aptitude is also very high, no one can compete with Liu Xuan.

"Are you dumb? Don't you rush to persuade Xiao Ke?"

Seeing Su Tianling standing there in a daze, Liu Xuan felt sullen in his heart.

"Persuasion?" Su Tianling looked at Liu Xuan, as if looking at a dead person: "You are not good enough for my sister!"

"Not good enough? Hahaha..." After hearing this, Liu Xuan seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, saying that he was not good enough for Su Xiaoke.

He laughed out of anger, and Liu Xuan took a step forward, with a sharp aura rushing out of his body, staring at Su Tianling proudly with icy eyes, and said: "I have a three-star martial soul, let alone your sister, in the entire Qingling Town, only Others are not worthy of me, and without me I am not worthy of others!"

Su Tianling shook his head lightly, three-star martial soul?It's just scum.

He looked at the Great Elder Liu Kong indifferently, with a cold look in his eyes: "You hit Xiao Ke, I will abolish your cultivation, and let you live in pain for the rest of your life!"

Liu Kong stared blankly, what did he hear?
Su Tianling actually said that he would abolish his cultivation?


What a joke!

Great joke!
A useless wretch who actually said that he wanted to abolish his cultivation!
"Bold!" Liu Xuan heard Su Tianling's unreasonable words, his whole body was full of murderous intent, his eyes were sharp, and he shouted coldly: "If you dare to offend me, even if you are Liu Xue's husband, I will teach you a lesson today!"

Liu Xuan took a big step, raised his fist, and smashed hard.

Su Tianling gave him a playful look, and it was this look...

As if the whole world was quiet.

"elder brother……"

Su Xiaoke was already weakly leaning on Su Tianling's arms, when he saw Liu Xuan rushing, he screamed in fright.

She knew Liu Xuan's cultivation level, and it was precisely because of this that she was terrified in her heart. If Liu Xuan's punch hit Su Tianling, she would have to break a few bones if she didn't die.

Liu Kong thought so too, it was completely expected that his son would smash Su Tianling to pieces with one punch.

Liu Xuan thought the same way, there was no suspense about it, the genius of his majestic Liu family could easily crush Su Tianling.

When a muffled sound sounded.

Su Xiaoke shed tears sadly.

Her brother... was injured.

Liu Kong felt secretly refreshed, and felt that the fight was very good. How presumptuous would a worthless brat dare to speak nonsense to him!


The next moment, screams pierced the airflow...

Liu Kong's eyes froze, and when he saw his son, he flew upside down, and a bloody arrow spewed out from the corner of his mouth!
Liu Xuan slammed into the back wall, and finally collapsed on the ground, his whole face was pale, and blood was still spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"Xuan'er!" Liu Kong hurriedly ran over to check Liu Xuan's injuries, and found that Liu Xuan's tendons were broken, all internal organs were injured, and his whole body instantly became murderous!
"Su Tianling! How dare you hurt my son!"

Liu Kong looked at Su Tianling fiercely, with a terrifying aura surging all over his body, he condensed his fist and smashed Su Tianling's head through the air, and a wave of air rushed out!

At this moment, he was dazzled by anger, completely ignoring that Su Tianling is Liu Xue's man and Liu Feng's son-in-law!

There is only one thought in his mind, to kill Su Tianling!

"Brother..." Seeing Liu Kong's attack, Su Xiao used all her strength to block the air wave with her frail body.

When Su Tianling saw Su Xiaoke disregarding life and death, defending him against the attack, his nose couldn't help but feel sour, and his heart felt pity...

Sister, you are still so stupid...

Su Tianling asked himself, if... anyone can save him regardless of life and death, except Su Xiaoke, there is no one else.

Even Liu Xue, even Liu Xue's father Liu Feng would not save him regardless of life or death.

This is love...


the next moment.

Su Tianling gave Liu Kong a cold look, and with just one look, the attacking air wave dissipated!
As for Liu Kong, his whole body trembled suddenly, and blood spewed out from the corner of his mouth!

Su Tianling's useless words, like a bolt from the blue, directly blasted his cultivation base!
Liu Kong was paralyzed on the ground, as if his energy and energy had been drained...

"Father..." Liu Xuan saw Liu Kong spitting blood, and directly collapsed on the ground, his whole body became unwell.

How could his father lose to a wimp?

Su Xiaoke's heart was still trembling violently, she thought that she would be separated from Su Tianling.

But...the bang has passed...

Why didn't she feel anything wrong?

She opened her eyes cautiously, and saw Liu Kong, who was sprawled on the ground vomiting blood in her eyes, her eyes were as bright as stars, revealing confusion.

What... what happened?
Su Tianling glanced at Liu Kong and Liu Xuan indifferently: "If you still dare to target my sister, I will let you know how to write the word fear!"

"Xiao Ke, let's go." Su Tianling pulled Su Xiaoke away.

The father and son paralyzed on the ground in the hall, their faces were ashen...

They felt that not only their own cultivation bases were abolished, but even their martial souls were abolished...

They didn't think about why Su Tianling was able to crush them at the moment, they no longer had the time to think about it.

In my heart, there is only despair...


The East Courtyard of the Liu Clan.

Su Tianling was in the yard, lying on his back on a chair...

Su Xiaoke couldn't recover for a long time.

Her brother... suddenly became so powerful.

Su Tianling explained to her that he accidentally ate a piece of fruit while strolling last night, and then his cultivation base skyrocketed.

Su Xiaoke believed it immediately after hearing it.

First, she felt that Su Tianling would not lie to her.

Second, she still knows how much her brother is, and only when she meets a chance can her cultivation base skyrocket.

When she learned that Su Tianling's cultivation base had skyrocketed, she wept with joy, her brother finally didn't have to be drowned in gossip anymore.

"Brother... You abolished the Great Elder and Liu Xuan. If the people of the Liu Clan knew about it, they might want to kill you, and even... would want to know why your cultivation has skyrocketed." Su Xiaoke worried. .

The joy just now was instantly covered by worry.

People from the Liu Clan will definitely investigate the reason for Su Tianling's sudden increase in cultivation base, and the reason why Su Tianling is guilty of committing crimes... She understands.

"Silly girl." Su Tianling caressed a strand of her hair, and said softly: "I can destroy Liu Kong in an instant, do you think I will still be afraid of the strong men of the Liu Clan? Let alone the Liu Clan, even I am not afraid of the powerhouses in the entire Qingling Town besieging me."

(End of this chapter)

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