Chapter 308
Duan Feng stared at Su Tianling coldly, an ordinary person!Relying on being valued by Su Liyuan, she dared to provoke him!
"Xu Fan! Play the love song!" Duan Feng.

Xu Fan nodded slightly, and then sat down. A guqin appeared in his hand. He touched the piano with his fingers and began to pluck the strings.

The piano sounded immediately.

Let the soul instantly enter the artistic conception of the song.

The sound of the piano is sometimes tactful, sometimes melodious, and sometimes ups and downs.

Duan Feng listened with a satisfied smile on his face, and he paid attention to the changes in the expressions of Su Liyuan and Su Tianling.

Seeing that Su Liyuan already showed a little shock.

The smile on his face couldn't help but grow wider.

After a while, Su Liyuan's brows relaxed and her expression returned to normal. She looked at Xu Fan who was still playing the piano. The romantic song that Xu Fan played at the beginning had reached [-]% of its artistic conception, but later... Misunderstood, this is not the real artistic conception of Floating Love Song.

Until the end of the song.

Duan Feng looked at Su Tianling, playing with taste, "If you have the ability, you can also try to play the moody song on the spot."

Su Tianling looked at Duan Feng and said with a smile, "Why should I play the song of love?"

"If you don't play! It means that the love song you play is not as good as Xu Fan!" Duan Feng stared coldly at Su Tianling's eyes, then looked at Su Liyuan and said in a deep voice, "He dare not play the love song, that means He thinks that the love song he plays is not as good as Xu Fan, and he is not worthy of you!"

Su Liyuan shook her head lightly, she looked at Su Tianling and the others and said, "Go back."

"Yes." Su Tianling nodded slightly.

Immediately, several people entered the South Heaven Gate.

Duan Feng looked at the backs of the people leaving in front, his face was extremely embarrassed, Su Liyuan didn't even let Su Tianling play it on the spot!
"Brother, what should we do now?" Duan Wu frowned.

"Go back!" Duan Feng's eyes were gloomy, and Su Liyuan was already holding another man's arm, which showed that the relationship between the two had developed to a certain level, and he knew that it might be impossible to break up.


No.30 Three Heavens, Su Tianling was lying on a chair, drinking tea, while writing down some things about the ancient times and the present.

He was a little puzzled.

All the masters are chasing and killing variables, and these masters should be able to identify who is the variable.

When he fought with Linghuang and Yaohuang before, the two masters didn't see that he was a variable.

This made him a little puzzled.

Su Tianling looked inside his body.

The lotus in the body has three thousand petals, one of which represents the way of heaven, which contains the origin of the way of heaven.

Could it be possible that the remaining 99 petals could represent another avenue?
Su Tianling shook his head lightly. Many avenues are still sleeping, and the revived avenues have been controlled by others. How could the petals in his lotus represent other avenues?
But, what exactly is this lotus?
He still can't figure it out.

After flipping through the Library Pavilion of Immortal Dao, Su Tianling carefully read everything about Dao.

Still haven't found anything resembling the characteristics of the lotus in his body.

Su Tianling frowned slightly, but couldn't find out, it seems that he can only wait for Liu Xue and the others to come back, and then help to look.

Su Tianling got up, stretched his waist, and planned to take a good look around this fairy world.

"This is the No.30 third heaven, so is there any No.30 fourth heaven?" Su Tianling asked curiously, and then his figure moved and shuttled towards the sky.

When just reaching the sky.

Suddenly a very strong barrier appeared in the sky!

Directly keep Su Tianling out.

Su Tianling raised his eyebrows and looked at the barrier. The barrier looks very strong!

Like a sky-protecting barrier composed of powerful original forces.

"Look at what's inside this barrier."

Su Tianling opened his arms completely, a petal in his body trembled, and a terrifying force instantly spread to Su Tianling's whole body.


Su Tianling's eyes narrowed, and the power of both arms spread into his fist. The power contained in this fist at this moment seems to be able to open up the world.

When the fist was smashed out, the air flow in the entire fairy world was instantly evacuated!
Countless people trembled and stared at the No.30 triple sky.

Originally, Su Liyuan was busy with other things.

Feeling this force, his expression changed slightly, and he immediately went to No.30 Three Heavens.

Originally, when Su Yi was talking with Ling'er, he felt this terrifying aura, his expression changed slightly, and he immediately went to the third 33rd heaven.

When they arrived at No.30 Third Heaven, they saw Su Tianling bombarding the sky barrier!

This made the two of them frown slightly.

Su Tianling was still punching the barrier of the horizon, and the barrier gradually cracked and gaps appeared.

when gaps appear.

The lotus in Su Tianling's body spun instantly, and one of the petals kept trembling, as if he was very longing for this extraterrestrial thing.

Su Tianling felt that the lotus in his body was abnormal and stopped immediately.

Originally, only the petals representing the way of heaven could move.

Now the second petal is moving!
Is it because there was a gap in the sky just now, and the origin of the immortal way burst out?

Is it...

The corners of Su Tianling's eyes twitched slightly.

This lotus flower, shouldn't it represent the Three Thousand Ways?
Each petal represents a path, and each petal needs to be supplemented with the corresponding source?

Su Tianling frowned and thought, the origin of the immortal way is now under Xia Qingran's control, so naturally he would not use the origin of the immortal way to prove his guess.

You can only go to other avenues to see.

Su Tianling fell below, he looked at Su Liyuan and said to Su Yi, "I have something to do when I go out, I will come back later."

"Where are you going?" Su Liyuan asked.

"Take a walk on other avenues." Su Tianling said.

"En." Su Liyuan nodded slightly.

Su Tianling smiled, and then left directly!


When Su Tianling's figure appeared again, he appeared in a void. He looked down at the world below, which belonged to the tree road, one of the three thousand roads.

Shudao was still sleeping, not waking up.

He came here to see if he could directly accommodate the unawakened source of the Dao in the petals.

Skip the process of aspiring to each throne directly.

Su Tianling scanned for a week, and found that there were many people in the distance, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

With a movement of his figure, he flew to the past.

There were nearly a thousand people there.

Almost everyone's aura is very strong, although not as terrifying as the Immortal Emperor, but only one step away from the Immortal Emperor.

However, the practice system of these people is not based on the practice system of immortality.

Su Tianling looked down again.

There are many, many people in the lower realm.

"The tree path is sleeping, and the creatures in the lower world do not have high cultivation bases. It is estimated that the cultivation base of these creatures will rise rapidly when the tree path wakes up."

Su Tianling murmured to himself, and glanced at the void of the upper realm sky. The nearly thousand people were divided into multiple forces, each working in their own camp, which seemed to be a hostile relationship.

Su Tianling watched for a while, then fell into the lower realm.

(End of this chapter)

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