The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 314 The tree road wakes up and worships thousands of trees!

Chapter 314 The tree road wakes up and worships thousands of trees!

three days later.

Su Tianling fell asleep for three days.

When he was still immersed in a deep sleep.

The entire tree path's upper and lower realms suddenly surged out of the tree path's origin!

This source is invisible and colorless, covering every place on the tree path.

"I'm going to break through!"

"I want to break through!"

Many people who had stagnated in the realm of Shudao for too long suddenly felt the opportunity to break through.

Sit cross-legged directly one by one!

Prepare to break through.

When they just sat down, there was a crackling sound in their bodies, and then, the aura emanating from their bodies continued to rise.

Boom boom boom!
Many people's eyes widened, they couldn't control their bodies at all, and their realms continued to climb, seemingly never stopping.

Just for a moment!

In the upper and lower realms of the tree path, countless people were shocked and said, "The tree path is awakened, this is the reward of the tree path world to the living beings."

"Hahaha... Shudao can finally stand up."


Some people's cultivation has broken through to the point of directly breaking the void and entering the upper realm to practice.

Some people directly broke through the barrier of the lower heaven and fell into the upper heaven.

The upper world.

Su Luo led a hundred demon kings to stand above the void. The realm of these demon kings was only one level behind the demon emperor. Such a realm, looking at all paths, was also among the very strong.

But at the moment.

They all stared solemnly at the space in the distance, they knew that there was a powerful and lawless man in that space.

It was the man who killed the strong men of Fengyun and Liangdao three days ago, and even His Royal Highness of the two ways was killed by him!

The beautiful woman in black stood beside Su Luo, and she reminded Su Luo in a deep voice, "Before Sword Master Qingxuan comes, don't fight him!"

"I know." Su Luo looked at the distance, wondering what she was thinking.

The beautiful woman in black breathed a sigh of relief. She stared at the space in the distance. The man slept for three days.

Now the source of the tree path is awakened, and the throne of the tree path is about to be born.

That man will definitely choose to aspire to the tree path throne.

If they were against that man at this time, they would probably all die!

She had no doubts about that.

Even Fengshen and Yunxiao dared to kill, and they also dared to kill Su Luo!

Her duty is mainly to protect Su Luo's safety.

If Su Luo dies, Demon Emperor Qingran will definitely kill her!

above the void.

The sky and the stars danced wildly.

The situation began to change.

The wind is howling and the clouds are blowing with the wind!
Above the stars, a vortex appeared at this moment!
This vortex is constantly circulating, and with every breath, an extremely terrifying aura is exposed from that vortex.


A black-purple crutch emerged from the vortex. This crutch was about one meter long and had some bumps all over its body.

When this crutch appeared, the entire tree path, the upper and lower realms, and all tree path creatures knelt down on the ground.

"It's a scepter!"

"It is the throne of our tree path!"

Seeing this, the tree path creatures exclaimed one by one. They knelt on the ground and bowed to the scepter.

When this scepter appears.

The entire tree path, thousands of billions of big trees, and small trees shook their branches one after another, and bowed to the scepter.

"The tree road is revived! Thousands of trees worship!"

Su Luo stared at the void, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The beautiful woman in black also looked at the scepter representing the supreme power, and exclaimed, "With this scepter, you can control the origin of the entire tree path. With this scepter, you will be the king of countless creatures in the tree path."

Su Luo frowned slightly, and she looked at the space where Su Tianling was resting, with doubts in her eyes.

The Throne of Tree Path has been born, why hasn't Su Tianling come out yet?

When the tree path wakes up and the throne is born.

Throughout the Three Thousand Avenues, countless avenue masters who have recovered have all looked through the distant trees.

Many avenue masters just watched deeply, but their bodies did not move.

"The ownership of the tree path is contested by the Demonic Dao and the Fengyun Dao, and no one else can compete." A Dao Master murmured, looking at the direction of the tree path with deep eyes.

Among the three thousand avenues, among the masters of the Dao, robbing the tree road that has just been revived must follow the rules to determine the final avenue.

The tree path was controlled by Qingran Demon Emperor and Fengyun two masters a long time ago, and the other masters of the road are not allowed to interfere with the tree path.


It is equivalent to violating the rules and will be besieged and killed by all the masters.

"Who will control this tree path?"

"I think it will be acquired by the Su family!" While the master of the avenue was thinking and guessing, a white-haired old man came across the void.

The Lord of the Great Dao heard the voice and looked at the old man, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why did you say that?"

The white-haired old man came to him, he looked into the distance, his eyes were deep, and he said leisurely, "For so many years, the Su family has never missed the throne they wanted."

After hearing that, the Master of the Great Dao stared blankly, then thought for a moment, then nodded lightly, "It seems that Xia Qingran and the others are going to control one again."

The white-haired old man narrowed his eyes slightly, with a flash of coldness in his eyes, and said leisurely to the master, "Don't you think that the Su family has expanded their power too quickly over the years!"

Hearing the words, the master's eyes flickered, and he stared at the white-haired old man and said, "There are too many strong people in the Su family, Xia Qingran controls both immortals and demons, and his personal strength is already the strongest in the three thousand worlds, not one of them! In addition The music and books controlled by Liu Xue, as well as the avenues controlled by Su Xiaoke, Li Ran, Ye Qingxuan and others, add up to a total of 99 avenue thrones controlled by the Su family! Even though we know that the power of the Su family will become more and more stronger, but what can we do?"

The white-haired old man turned around, stared at the master, and said in a deep voice, "Just three days ago, those avenues that were not awakened were speeding up their recovery. In less than a month, all three thousand avenues will be awakened!"

The master's eyes flickered slightly, staring at the white-haired old man in surprise, "How could it change so quickly?"

"It's not important!" The white-haired old man stared at him, and said in a deep voice, "Three days ago, Xia Qingran and the others saw that the unawakened avenues were about to wake up, and they were already preparing to occupy those unawakened avenues!"

"What!" The man in Tsing Yi narrowed his pupils, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes, and he said in a concentrated voice, "Are they going to make enemies of all the masters of the Dao?"

The white-haired old man stared at him, and said in a deep voice, "The Su family's ambitions have always been great! From the end of ancient times to the present, nine avenue masters have been killed by them! Wait for them to occupy all the unawakened avenues , I believe that their fangs will be aimed at all the masters of the avenue!"

"What do you want to do!" The man in Tsing Yi stared at him.

The white-haired old man stared at him, and said leisurely, "The masters of the Tao are secretly preparing to join forces to deal with the Su family. I came here to hope that you can join hands with us!"

Hearing this, the man in Tsing Yi narrowed his pupils slightly and stared at the white-haired old man for a long time. He turned his eyes away, looked into the distant void, and sighed, "It seems that the world is going to be chaotic."

(End of this chapter)

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