The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 365 Congratulations, Young Cave Master

Chapter 365 Congratulations, Young Cave Master
Immortal Emperor Lingmiao's face turned cold, she looked at the sky, is Zhuge Dongliu going to lose?

Immortal Emperor Taixu looked at Immortal Emperor Lingmiao contemptuously like a proud peacock.

Immortal Emperor Lingmiao felt the contemptuous gaze cast by Immortal Emperor Taixu, and she snorted coldly.


After Zhuge Dongliu's protective shield was about to be crushed, Zhuge Dongliu's face broke out in cold sweat, his eyes sharpened, and he shouted, "Nine body stars!"

Nine stars surged out of Zhuge Dongliu's body in an instant, and the power filled with each star seemed to be able to turn clouds and rain.

The nine stars submerged away, crushing many mountain-sized hammers in the blink of an eye!

Both Miao Qingqing and Lingmiao breathed a sigh of relief.


As if the nine stars were about to turn the world around, the nine stars formed a line, as if the nine stars were falling, and blasted towards Su Tianling.

Su Tianling glanced at it lightly, and continued to pluck the strings with five fingers, and the crazy notes danced wildly, forming nine full moons in an instant!
The nine full moons are like shock waves, plundering towards the nine stars with a destructive attitude!


In an instant, nine stars exploded, eight of the nine full moons exploded, and only one full moon blasted towards Zhuge Dongliu.

In just an instant, the mountain-like full moon suddenly fell on Zhuge Dongliu.

Zhuge Dongliu trembled all over, and then his body exploded into pieces.


Miao Qingqing's face turned pale in an instant, Zhuge Dongliu's defeat meant that Immortal Emperor Lingmiao was going to lose a broken Taoist weapon...

It means that Zhuge Dongliu's status as the young cave master will be deprived!


The diffuse blood mist suddenly gathered, Zhuge Dongliu's figure reappeared in everyone's eyes.

Zhuge Dongliu's face was pale, he glanced at Su Tianling, he was defeated, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Immortal Emperor Lingmiao.

Because he knew that Immortal Emperor Lingmiao's face must be extremely cold at this moment.


All the elders and disciples heaved a sigh of relief, and each of them showed a strong smile on their faces.

Immortal Emperor Taixu leaned back on Shiyan, she looked at Lingmiao, and said calmly, "It seems that your disciple is nothing more than that."

Lingmiao looked at Immortal Emperor Taixu coldly, "Zhuge Dongliu is not the strongest, if Su Tianling fights with another disciple of my Dongtian, Su Tianling will definitely lose!"

"The sickle of judgment, bring it." Immortal Emperor Taixu.

"Don't be complacent!" Lingmiao looked at Immortal Emperor Taixu and said coldly, "Do you dare to continue betting with me! Let Su Tianling fight against another disciple of mine, and I will also bet on the damaged Taoist artifact!"

"The sickle of judgment, bring it." Immortal Emperor Taixu.

"Do you dare to bet!" Ling Miao asked.

"The sickle of judgment, bring it!" Immortal Emperor Taixu said.

Lingmiaoqi's lungs hurt, why keep staring at the scythe of judgment?Is it possible that she will play tricks?

Lingmiao endured the pain, and gave a green sickle to Immortal Emperor Taixu.

Immortal Emperor Taixu took over the scythe of judgment, she stroked it lightly, looked at Lingmiao and smiled, "Thank you."

After Lingmiao heard it, her expression turned ugly, thank you?Thank you big head ghost!
"Do you dare to continue betting with me!" Lingmiao stared at Immortal Emperor Taixu, and said in a deep voice, "I still have a broken Taoist artifact!"

Immortal Emperor Taixu stretched lazily, glanced at Lingmiao, disbelieving, "You still have a Dao artifact? I don't believe it!"


Only saints have it!

Although at the end of the prehistoric era, Mother Nature created many Taoist artifacts, those Taoist artifacts were almost destroyed in the final battle.

As far as she knew, Immortal Emperor Lingmiao only had this scythe of judgment.

It is impossible to have a second Taoist artifact.

not to mention.

Lingmiao said that there is another disciple who is stronger than Zhuge Dongliu, and she also feels very suspenseful in her heart.

If that disciple is stronger than Su Tianling, wouldn't she bet for nothing?

Lingmiao snorted coldly, staring at Immortal Emperor Taixu, "You just don't dare to bet with me!"

"I just don't dare to gamble, what can you do?" Immortal Emperor Taixu said lightly.

"You bastard!" Ling Miao.

"I'm a coward, what can you do?" Immortal Emperor Taixu asked.

"..." Lingmiao's face was ashen, didn't aggressive methods work?

She looked at Immortal Emperor Taixu coldly, and said coldly, "One month later, the strongest young generation will be selected from the 36 caves and 72 blessed lands, and the strongest person will be jointly cultivated by all the blessed lands! And my The disciple's strength is definitely the strongest, there is no one, when the time comes, you, Taixudongtian, will be waiting to give a lot of resources to my disciples to use!"

Immortal Emperor Taixu leaned lazily against the stone wall, she looked at Lingmiao, and said calmly, "And then?"

Then you bastard!Ling Miaoqi's face was livid, she snorted coldly, and stared coldly at Su Tianling, it was this guy who made her lose face in front of Immortal Emperor Taixu, and even made her lose a Dao weapon!
"I remember you!" Lingmiao glanced at Su Tianling meaningfully, and then left with Zhuge Dongliu and Miao Qingqing.

"Junior Brother Su...Junior Brother are so amazing..."

"Junior Brother Su, from now on, you are my idol."

"Junior Brother Su..."

Many female disciples in the distance ran over one after another, circling around Su Tianling.

"Average." Su Tianling looked at them and smiled modestly, "It's not that I'm good, it's that he's too average."

"Junior Brother Su is too modest."

"Junior Brother Su, do you drink tea? I have good tea over there, so come and have a sit at my place."

"Junior Brother Su, I have fine wine, why don't you go to my place and have a drink?"

Su Tianling felt ashamed when he heard the invitation of these female disciples, what is this for?Are you going to eat him?
"Junior Brother Su, you are really amazing." Gu Xiao and other male disciples looked at Su Tianling, their faces flushed red, and they were extremely excited.

Su Tianling had already surprised them by defeating Li Qing before, but now that he has defeated Zhuge Dongliu, his simply too strong...

"So-so." Su Tianling smiled modestly.

"If this is normal, then we are second or third..." Gu Xiao said speechlessly.

Su Tianling smiled, not knowing how to reply.

Lin Ruoxue looked at Su Tianling who was surrounded by all the disciples at the moment, and felt very happy, and she also felt admiration in her heart.

Ying Xiaolian was even more excited, her disciple defeated Zhuge Dongliu, if word got out, she would have more face as a master.

Immortal Emperor Taixu was also very happy at the moment, she looked at Su Tianling and said with a smile, "Come find me in an hour."

"Junior Brother Su, congratulations, no, you should be called Young Cave Master." Gu Xiao said with a smile, the cave master said before that if Su Tianling wins, then Su Tianling will be the young cave master.

"Congratulations, congratulations, Young Cave Master."

"Congratulations, congratulations, Young Cave Master."

The disciples present smiled and cupped their hands, and saluted.

Su Tianling gave them a blank look, these guys...

(End of this chapter)

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