The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 371 The Sad Su Xiaomo

Chapter 371 The Sad Su Xiaomo
Seeing that Su Xiaomo was eating very happily, Ying Xiaolian was a little puzzled. Although there was not a lot of dragon meat, there was still a lot.

Su Xiaomo has never even eaten dragon meat... This shows that the place where Su Xiaomo stayed was not very high level.

In other words, Su Tianling's wives may also be staying in a small place.

"Eh, no, you... aren't you a disciple of Dongshan Dongtian?" Ying Xiaolian suddenly remembered something. When she went to Dongshan Dongtian before, she saw Su Xiaomo being threatened by the elders of Dongshan Dongtian.

"That's right, I'm now a disciple of Taixu Dongtian." After Su Xiaomo finished speaking, he continued to enjoy the dragon meat.

"..." Ying Xiaolian looked at Su Tianling with doubts in her heart. Su Tianling said before that he would leave for a while, so he went to Dongshan Dongtian?

But Dongshan Dongtian is far away from here. With Su Tianling's Immortal Venerable Realm, even if he rushed to Dongshan Dongtian with all his strength, it would take more than half a day.

Ying Xiaolian made up her mind a bit, presumably it was Immortal Emperor Taixu who gave Su Tianling the powerful magic weapon of imperial space.

"The weather in Dongshan Cave is very bad. Fortunately, you came out from there." Ying Xiaolian patted his chest and assured Su Xiaomo, "Don't worry, even if the cave master of Dongshan Cave comes here to look for you in person, Taixu Cave Master will will drive her away."

"Yeah." Su Xiaomo nodded repeatedly, then continued to eat, she thought to herself, Dongshan Cave Master is dead, looking for her?It's impossible.

I ate for a long time.

Su Xiaomo caressed his full belly and said contentedly, "If you can eat dragon meat once in your life, you will die without regret."

After Ying Xiaolian heard this, she felt that Su Xiaomo was so pitiful, thinking that Su Xiaomo had never enjoyed much before coming here, and must have lived a hard life.

Ying Xiaolian looked at Su Xiaomo, and the woman's unique maternal love suddenly overflowed, and said to Su Xiaomo, "I'll kill some dragons for you to eat."

Before Su Xiaomo could respond, Ying Xiaolian disappeared.

Su Xiaomo had a strange look on his face, Ying Xiaolian was so enthusiastic.

"Go and play, I want to be quiet." Su Tianling said to Su Xiaomo.

"Okay." Su Xiaomo strolled out.

Su Tianling lay on the chair, took a sip from the jug, looked at the sky, and felt relaxed.

Originally, he wanted to deal with Mother Nature and Father Nature alone.

Although he also knew that Liu Xue and the others would definitely be involved in this matter, he didn't want Liu Xue and the others to get involved right now.

But now, Liu Xue and the others have already started this matter, and it is impossible for him to stop it.

Su Tianling shook his head lightly, since he couldn't stop it, let it be.


Su Xiaomo was walking around in Taixu Cave, and the disciples of Taixu Cave saw Su Xiaomo, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, with doubts in their eyes, Taixu Cave did not have such a disciple, where did it come from? ?
A woman walked over and asked Su Xiaomo with a smile, "little girl, why are you staying in Taixu Cave?"

The other female disciples also came over one after another, looking at Su Xiaomo curiously.

Su Xiaomo looked at them and said with a smile, "My grandfather is a disciple here, and I'm going to be a disciple here too, and we'll be sisters in the future."

"Your grandfather?" All the disciples looked at each other. As far as they know, none of the male disciples have children... let alone granddaughters...

Is it...

The complexions of the dozen or so female disciples changed slightly. They thought of a possibility. Could it be that some male disciple had an affair with a woman down the mountain when he went down the mountain...

This is in Taixu Cave, but he will be severely punished! ! !
"Your grandfather is..." a female disciple asked.

"Su Tianling." Su Xiaomo looked at the female disciple with a smile.

"What! Su Tianling..."

"I'll go... Su Tianling is your grandfather???"

"Isn't it? Su Tianling and Lin Ruoxue aren't Taoist couples? Why did they suddenly have a granddaughter???"

Hearing this, Su Xiaomo's face instantly turned cold, he looked directly at the disciple, and asked in a deep voice, "What are you talking about! My grandfather and Lin Ruoxue are Taoists? Who is this Lin Ruoxue?"

Su Xiaomo clenched her fists tightly and frowned. Her grandmothers were worried that something would happen to Su Tianling every day, which is good!Su Tianling actually had a good time here!And betrayed her grandma!

As a granddaughter, it hurts so much!

The female disciple felt a strong coercion in Su Xiaomo's eyes, she couldn't help being surprised, she is a fairy!

The only ones who can put pressure on her are Immortal Saints, Immortal Emperors, and Saints!

But how could a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl put such pressure on her?

She calmed down for a while, and said to Su Xiaomo, "Lin Ruoxue is the former young cave master of Taixu Cave, and was replaced by Su Tianling later. However, Lin Ruoxue and Su Tianling are designated Taoist couples, and there is only one marriage ceremony missing."

"Who is this little girl?"

A few young people came not far away, the leader was Gu Xiao, Gu Xiao looked at Su Xiaomo suspiciously, Su Xiaomo clenched his fists, his face was cold, and his eyes were cold, what's going on? ?
A female disciple explained to Gu Xiao, "The little girl said that Su Tianling was her grandfather, and she heard that Su Tianling and Junior Sister Ruoxue were designated Taoist couples, and that's it."

Gu Xiao's male disciples looked at Su Xiaomo in astonishment after hearing the words, this is Su Tianling's granddaughter?

When will Su Tianling have children...

"Junior Brother Su is really amazing... He has a granddaughter, yet he can still make Junior Sister Ruoxue fall in love with him..." A disciple sighed in admiration from the bottom of his heart.

"Shut up." Gu Xiao glared at the disciple. He looked at Su Xiaomo and asked with a smile, "Little girl, you didn't lie to us, did you? Are you really Su Tianling's granddaughter?"

Su Xiaomo looked at Gu Xiao coldly, "Ask him yourself! I just want to know where Lin Ruoxue is!"

"Junior Sister Ruoxue is practicing in the back mountain..." Gu Xiao.

"Take me there!" Su Xiaomo said.

"This..." Gu Xiao felt very embarrassed. Lin Ruoxue was practicing, so it's not good to disturb her practice.

The next moment, Gu Xiao trembled all over, feeling a heavy pressure on his body.

"Take me!" Su Xiaomo's indifferent voice rang in Gu Xiao's ears. Gu Xiao and the disciples present looked at Su Xiaomo with shock in their eyes, and they couldn't believe it.

How is it possible that a thirteen or fourteen year old girl can suppress them!
This is simply impossible...

However, the reality told them that they were indeed suppressed by a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl.

"Little girl, don't be impulsive...Junior Sister Ruoxue is kind-hearted, so don't do anything." Gu Xiao said, seeing Su Xiaomo's posture, he seemed to beat Lin Ruoxue up.

As soon as the words finished, Su Xiaomo said coldly, "Take me to find her! Miss Ben wants to see how she compares to my grandmas!"

When everyone in Gu Xiao heard the words, their eyes went dark, how many grandmas?

Su Tianling has married several wives?

(End of this chapter)

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