The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 381 Ultimate Screening

Chapter 381 Ultimate Screening ([-])
"Yeah." Su Xiaomo nodded, then laughed, looked up at Su Tianling and said, "If Grandma finds out, Master Lingmiao let you get closer to sister, do you think Grandma will slap you to death?" she?"

Su Tianling gave her a blank look, and said angrily, "Think about all this mess."

"Hee hee." Su Xiaomo said.


After Jiang Yan left, she came to a mountain top, which also had a formation that isolated her eyes and ears, and there were a few people there.

There are the cave master of Yuque Cave and Li Shaobai, the young cave master.

There are also the Cave Master of Taixuan Cave Sky and Lu Shaoyou, the young Cave Master.

Seeing Jiang Yan coming here, they all looked over.

Cave Master Yuque stepped forward, looked at Jiang Yan and asked, "How is the situation?"

Jiang Yan's face was slightly sullen, and she said in a deep voice, "Immortal Emperor Taixu reacted very violently, and was already annoyed."

Cave Master Yuque frowned slightly, looked at Cave Master Taixuan beside him, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Taixuan, what countermeasures do you have?"

Cave Master Taixuan has a mustache and looks like a fortune teller. With his eyes slightly closed, he said leisurely, "According to the information I got, Su Xiaowu, Su Xiaodou, Su Tianling, and Su Xiaomo, their previous backgrounds Unknown, there is no way to find out, if one of the three of Su Tianling reaches the end, we will ask to find out their real origins at the end! If the origin is unknown...hehe..."

A ray of light bloomed in the eyes of the master of Yuque Cave, and the cave is going to cultivate new saints.

Soon, one person will be chosen to become the holy son of the [-]-hole Heavenly Paradise.

But from the current point of view.

Whether it is his disciple Li Shaobai, or Lu Shaoyou of Taixuan Dongtian, neither is absolutely sure that he can become the Holy Son.

Then, we can only think of other ways to kick Su Tianling and the others out!
Cave Master Taixuan said to Jiang Yan at this time, "Think of a way to get Su Xiaomo involved with that mysterious person. She is Su Tianling's granddaughter. As long as she is dragged into the water, Su Tianling will also be affected."

Jiang Yan nodded, "I will find a way."

Lu Shaoyou and Li Shaobai looked at each other, and there was a strange look in their eyes.

During the previous military battle, they were still baffled by the cessation of the military battle.

It was only later that I learned from my master that I had to find a way to disqualify Su Tianling, Su Xiaodou, and Su Xiaowu from the final selection of the Holy Son.

"If the three of Su Tianling cannot prove their past origins, they are not qualified to become the Holy Son."

Lu Shaoyou looked at Li Shaobai, and said calmly, "Brother Shaobai, it seems that between you and me, one of us will become the Holy Son."

Li Shaobai looked at Lu Shaoyou, "I look forward to fighting with you."


Su Tianling, Su Xiaomo, and Lin Ruoxue stayed in the same courtyard for the time being. He closed his eyes, lay on the chair, and heard the conversation between Jiang Yan and Taixuan Cave Master and Yuque Cave Master.

Want to use this method to disqualify him from being the Holy Son?

Su Tianling shook his head slightly in his heart, he had already constructed all his previous backgrounds.

It is impossible to deal with him in this way.


Being plotted against, I feel upset.

the next day.

Everyone went to the martial arts area.

Discussing one by one, "Today, we should be able to know who will become the Holy Son of the Paradise."

"Just wait and see who can become the Holy Son."

Su Tianling and the others stood in a row.

Su Tianling took a step, and his figure appeared on the tower. He looked down at Li Shaobai below, "Go up the tower."

Li Shaobai below was stunned, he didn't expect Su Tianling to challenge him.

Li Shaobai smiled playfully, and his figure appeared on the high tower. He said to Su Tianling, "Brother Tianling, how much hope do you think you will become the holy son of the Paradise of Heaven?"

Su Tianling talked nonsense with him lazily, a jade-colored guqin appeared in front of him, he stroked the strings with one hand, and immediately, his fingers danced instantly.

The strings began to vibrate, and there was a deafening noise, like a thunderclap.

This zither sound contained powerful spiritual power, and it was like a war hammer as big as the sky, smashing towards Li Shaobai fiercely.

Li Shaobai felt this powerful spiritual force coming, his eyes narrowed, and he held the Qinglian sword in his hand. The Qinglian sword drew a circle on the spot, and a white glow immediately bloomed on the ground, trying to resist the attacking spiritual attack.


That white glow, like fragile glass, collapsed in an instant, while that spiritual power was like an invincible warhammer that smashed through any defenses, and directly smashed hard at Li Shaobai.

"Hidden Sword!"

Seeing this, Li Shaobai's expression changed and his figure moved, as if trying to avoid the blow.

But soon he discovered that this spiritual power had actually locked onto his soul, no matter where he hid, this spiritual power would automatically turn around and track him down!

This made Li Shaobai startled, and cold sweat broke out all over his body.

"Soul Breaking Sword!" Li Shaobai yelled loudly, the sword intent in his body trembling, wanting to cut off the spiritual power that locked his soul with one blow!
But he discovered that this spiritual power is indestructible!

This made him anxious.

the next moment.

Li Shaobai felt that the spiritual power had come, and he frantically urged his phantom sword to resist.

His phantom sword collapsed directly, and the spiritual hammer hit his soul hard!

humming sound.

Li Shaobai's figure trembled, and his soul was smashed to pieces!
Su Tianling continued to play the piano, and the sound of the piano continued to erupt into terrifying beams of light, one after another of bright beams, like shock waves, constantly bombarded Li Shaobai's body.

puff puff!

Li Shaobai's figure kept trembling, and his mouth kept spurting blood.


Many people stared blankly at this scene.

Facing Su Tianling, Li Shaobai was defeated so simply and neatly.

One must know that Li Shaobai's previous battle was very strong.

Everyone looked at the high tower, and each of them frowned slightly after they came back to their senses.

"Li Shaobai has already lost, why is Su Tianling still attacking? If you continue to fight, Li Shaobai will definitely die!"

far away.

Cave Master Yuque's face was gloomy, he stared at the Wu Zhan area coldly, and stopped, "Stop!"

A loud shout.

Destroy the spiritual power of Qin Yin.

Su Tianling looked indifferently at the Cave Master Yuque on the distant mountain, "Li Shaobai hasn't admitted that he has lost yet, so it's considered a continuation of the martial arts battle."

With a flick of Su Tianling's fingers, the notes condensed into a sharp long sword, piercing through the air and piercing through Li Shaobai's body.

At this moment, Li Shaobai was already lying on the ground, half dead and dying.

Cave Master Yuque's face was extremely gloomy. He looked at Li Shaobai lying half dead on the ground. His heart trembled. He was as strong as Li Shaobai. He was so vulnerable to Su Tianling!

He stared at Su Tianling coldly, and said in a deep voice, "This cave master is his master. This cave master now announces that Li Shaobai has lost!"

"Hehe." Su Tianling smiled faintly, and popped out with one finger, flying the half-dead Li Shaobai out of the tower.

(End of this chapter)

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