The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 383 Ultimate Screening

Chapter 383 Ultimate Screening ([-])
When everyone heard the words, they looked at Jiang Yan one by one.

Jiang Yan said that Su Tianling's origin is unknown?

How can this be?

At this time.

The figure of Immortal Emperor Taixu appeared next to Su Tianling, and she stared at Jiang Yan coldly, "Jiang Yan! If you have no evidence, this cave master will regard you as disrupting the order of the selection of holy sons in the blessed land of the cave, and the cave master will personally Kill you!"

Jiang Yan looked calm, she looked directly at Immortal Emperor Taixu, "Cave Master Taixu, as far as I know, Su Tianling became a disciple of Taixu Cave Heaven a year ago, have you checked his past history! "

Cave Master Taixu looked at Jiang Yan coldly, "Of course I checked!"

"Hehe, can Cave Master Taixu tell me where Su Tianling used to stay?" Jiang Yan asked.

Immortal Emperor Taixu's eyes turned cold. This Jiang Yan has recently been in close contact with Taixuan Cave Master and Yuque Cave Master. This is collusion. Don't let Su Tianling become a holy son!

Immortal Emperor Taixu responded coldly, "Su Tianling used to live in a small secret realm. As for which small secret realm it is, this cave master doesn't need to know so clearly!"

"Hehe." Jiang Yan looked around at the people present and said, "Have you heard that? Su Tianling used to live in a small secret realm, but I don't know which secret realm he lived in. In other words, Su Tianling's origin is unknown! Everyone knows the identity of the Holy Son, and the background must be clean, otherwise, who knows if he is an undercover agent arranged by other forces?"

Everyone nodded after hearing the words. The identity of the Holy Son is of great importance. Once you become a Holy Son, you will be cultivated by all the blessings.

The resources that have been cultivated with all their strength are massive.

If Su Tianling was arranged by other forces, wouldn't it be in vain for them to spend so much resources?

"Since Su Tianling's origin is unknown, this cave master suggests that Su Tianling be disqualified from becoming a holy son!"

A deep voice sounded, and the Taixuan Cave Master and Yuque Cave Master appeared on Jiang Yan's left and right sides at the same time.

Immortal Emperor Taixu looked coldly at the Taixuan Cave Master and Yuque Cave Master, and said coldly, "If Su Tianling can't become the Holy Son, looking at the huge [-]-hole heaven and earth, who can take on the position of the Holy Son? It depends on your Disciple Li Shaobai? Lu Shaoyou? In front of Su Tianling, your disciples are like fish at the mercy of others!"

Cave Master Taixuan and Cave Master Yuque stared coldly at Immortal Emperor Taixu with ugly expressions, and said coldly, "Taixu, we are just acting according to normal rules."

Immortal Emperor Taixu wanted to say something, but was stopped by Su Tianling. Su Tianling took a step forward and looked at Cave Master Taixuan and Cave Master Yuque, "My past, I can project my memory into the light curtain , to prove my innocence.”

The faces of the Taixuan Cave Master and the Yuque Cave Master changed slightly when they heard the words. Su Tianling wanted to project all his memories, which showed that Su Tianling had confidence in his heart.

Su Tianling didn't wait for them to respond. With a wave of his sleeve, all the memories in his mind were condensed in mid-air, forming a light curtain.

Everyone stared at the light curtain.

Inside this light curtain is the secret realm where Su Tianling lived when he was young. In that secret realm, Su Tianling married his wife and had a child. The child finally married a wife and gave birth to Su Xiaomo, Su Tianling's granddaughter.

The light curtain ends quickly.

Seeing this, Immortal Emperor Taixu breathed a sigh of relief. She looked coldly at Immortal Emperor Taixuan, Immortal Emperor Yuque, and Jiang Yan who had ugly faces, and said with a sneer, "Now what else do you have to say!"

The three of Immortal Emperor Taixuan were so sullen that they had nothing to say!

Jiang Yan whispered to Immortal Emperor Taixuan, "Do you want to use Su Xiaomo's matter to implicate Su Tianling?"

Immortal Emperor Taixuan shook his head, and responded in a secret word, "The matter has come to this, and there is no way to recover."

Jiang Yan was silent, unwilling to reconcile. She thought that between Lu Shaoyou and Li Shaobai, one of them would become a holy son. As long as she became a holy son, she would have a certain amount of credit. If one of Lu Shaoyou and Li Shaobai became a saint in the future, she would be able to Getting rich rewards comes with status!
But now, it's all gone.

Su Tianling looked at Jiang Yan and the three of them coldly, and then said to everyone present, "Although I still need to pass a test before I pass the last test, I need to tell everyone one thing!"

"what's up?"

"what's up?"

All eyes were on Su Tianling.

Immortal Emperor Taixu also looked at Su Tianling with some doubts.

The two immortal emperors Taixuan and Yuque, as well as Jiang Yan, also looked at Su Tianling. What did Su Tianling want to tell everyone?
the next moment.

The complexions of Jiang Yan and the others turned pale in an instant.

I saw Su Tianling raised his hand, and a light curtain appeared in midair.

In the light curtain, it clearly showed how Jiang Yan, Taixuan, and Yuque, the two immortal emperors, wanted to kick Su Tianling and the others out of the qualification to be the Holy Son for the sake of being the Holy Son.

When everyone saw this, their expressions were ugly, they stared sharply at Jiang Yan and the other three, and shouted coldly, "Jiang Yan! Tai Xuan! Yu Que! The three of you are so courageous that you dare to collude and try to kick away Dongtian Fudi's master." The strongest Holy Son who has been cultivated together!"

"Taixuan! Yuque! Both of you have experienced the battle of destruction at the end of the prehistoric period! Don't you know the importance of a saint!" An old man with white hair and childlike face pointed at the three of Taixuan angrily, "You know the importance of a saint! It's important, but you still do such things that damage the heaven and earth, are you still human!"

Immortal Emperor Taixuan, Immortal Emperor Yuque, and Jiang Yan, the faces of the three were so pale that there was no trace of blood.

They never thought that what they secretly planned would be announced to the public!

They looked at Su Tianling incomprehensibly. When they communicated in secret language, they arranged an array to isolate their ears. Even Immortal Emperor Peak couldn't hear what they were discussing at all.

But now!
Everything they discussed was made public!
Immortal Emperor Taixuan lowered his head and apologized to the crowd with a trembling voice, "I've been foolish, I hope you can forgive us this time."

Immortal Emperor Yuque also quickly said, "Although we were wrong about this matter, we also thought that the origins of Su Tianling and the others were unknown.

With a pale face, Jiang Yan lowered her head, and tremblingly said, "I was wrong, and I hope all seniors will forgive me this time."

Everyone snorted coldly, but seeing Immortal Emperor Yuque's sincere attitude, he said, "Fortunately, you didn't succeed, otherwise the paradise of heaven and earth will be delayed by you two!"

Immortal Emperor Taixuan breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, as long as they could be forgiven, they would not have to be judged.

On the tower, Su Tianling looked at everyone indifferently, so he wanted to expose this matter?

Su Tianling looked at Immortal Emperor Taixu beside him, and said, "Immortal Emperor Taixuan, Immortal Yuque, and Jiang Yan broke the rules for the final selection of the Holy Son, what should this crime be?"

Immortal Emperor Taixu looked into Su Tianling's eyes, she could tell that Su Tianling was unwilling to let the three Taixuan Cave Masters go.

And she didn't want to let the three Taixuan Cave Masters go!

Immortal Emperor Taixu's eyes turned cold, and an icy chill spread all over his body, staring at the three masters of Taixuan Cave, "Breaking the rules of the final selection of the Holy Son, this crime deserves death!"

(End of this chapter)

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