The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 395 Red Chess Piece

Chapter 395 Red Chess Piece
"What do you know?" Su Tianling looked at her with a smile.

"I learned that the students of East Heaven Court have harmed the female disciples of Dongtian Paradise! They even played with the feelings of some female disciples!" Su Xiaomo's face turned red and he clenched his fists, wanting to kill all of them.

Su Tianling smiled and said, "Aren't those people dead or useless?"

"I'm still not relieved, none of these things are good, I want to kill them." Su Xiaomo gritted his teeth and said, it's just a waste, it's hard to get rid of the hatred in his heart.

"It's up to you." Su Tianling fondled her head and said with a smile.

"Okay." After Su Xiaomo heard this, there was a gleam of coldness in his eyes.

"By the way, Grandpa, you are now the Holy Son, what will you do next?" Su Xiaomo asked.

She knew that Su Tianling came to this world just to slowly get to a higher position, while investigating the mother of nature.

Now her grandfather is already the Holy Son, already at the top level of the entire [-] caves.

"Accumulate merits, draw from the bottom of the pot, and eliminate enemies." Su Tianling said lightly.

"Accumulate merit? Take the bottom out? Eliminate the enemy?" Su Xiaomo frowned, looking at Su Tianling puzzled.

Su Tianling explained, "Accumulating merit is to make all people admire me, and if they respect me, their merit will increase."

Su Xiaomo was even more confused, "You are already a saint, and a saint who aspires to the top by the way of taboo, don't you need to accumulate merit?"

Su Xiaomo was very puzzled. There are many ways to win the title of saint, the most powerful one is to win the title of saint with strength.

There is another way to accumulate merit, do good deeds, and be admired by all living beings. After accumulating merit to a certain extent, one can naturally aspire to become a saint.

But the premise is that one must be qualified to win the title of saint, and then one can win the title of saint by accumulating merit.

Looking around the world, there are very few people with this qualification.

But her grandfather has long been a saint, and a saint who won the championship with strength and taboo.

There is no need to do anything extra to accumulate merit.

Su Tianling smiled lightly and said, "The main purpose of accumulating merit is to convince the people of Dongtian Paradise to me. Dongtian Paradise is the mother of nature. I want to remove the forces under the command of the mother of nature, and then remove some people who threaten me. , and wait for the ultimate battle, you can also relax."

Su Xiaomo nodded suddenly, that's why.

"Okay, you can go and do your work. Grandpa is old and needs to rest." Su Tianling said with a smile.

Su Xiaomo rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Grandpa is obviously very young and a saint, how could he be old."

Su Tianling shook his head lightly, "It's because I'm old, I see through everything, I'm not like young people who are full of vigor and vitality."

Su Xiaomo blinked her eyes, she suddenly thought of some old people who had lived for a long time.

Those who have lived for a long time, have experienced too many things, and are very strong themselves, live a very ordinary life, and it is difficult to produce ups and downs in normal times.

"Okay, go and do your work." Su Tianling said to Su Xiaomo.

"Grandpa...I'm a little worried about you." Su Xiaomo grabbed Su Tianling's arm and shook it gently.

"What are you worried about?" Su Tianling looked at her.

"I want to see grandpa when he was young. I heard from grandma that when grandpa was young, he would kill people at every turn. Now grandpa rarely speaks." Su Xiaomo.

"..." Su Tianling gave her a blank look, "When grandpa was young, he liked beautiful women more. Do you want to find some more grandmas for you?"

"..." Su Xiaomo retreated in defeat, "You should continue to be like this."

Su Tianling smiled, "Go play with you."

"Then I'm leaving. I'll kill those students in East Heaven." Su Xiaomo turned around, his eyes flashed coldly, and his figure disappeared out of thin air.

Su Tianling smiled faintly, looked at the direction Su Xiaomo was leaving, and said with emotion, "It's good to be young."

After all, Su Tianling shook his head lightly. People live for a long time, and there is no survival crisis. It is normal for people to become like this.

Nowadays, there are few things that can make him emotionally ups and downs.

Only when you touch his reverse scale, you will be furious if you think about it.

Of course.

Once you touch Ni Lin, something really big must have happened!

Su Tianling withdrew his gaze, and with a flick of his sleeve, a chessboard appeared in front of his eyes.

On the chessboard, there are two major forces.

One is the world where Father Nature resides.

One is the world where Mother Nature resides.

In the world of the mother of nature, there are East Heavenly Court, Western Heaven Buddhist Gate, Southern Demon Variable, and North Cave Heavenly Blessed Land.

He is in a blessed place.

On the chessboard, there is a red chess piece, which is marked in the East Heavenly Court location area.

On this red chess piece, the word "Liu Xue" is engraved.

Su Xiaomo had secretly contacted Liu Xue before, and Su Tianling saw it.

During the period, Liu Xue told Su Xiaomo that she was going to the East Heavenly Court.

Su Tianling knew that Liu Xue went to the East Heavenly Court because she wanted to become an important figure in the Heavenly Court.

He wanted to play a major role in the ultimate battle.


The mother of nature and the father of nature died together, and arranged a situation of cause and effect.

Mother Nature is mainly targeting him.

His wife, the people around him, there will be one who is Mother Nature.

Now, among his wives, there are Ye Qingxuan, Hua Qingcheng, and Li Ran.

Only Liu Xue left the world of the father of nature and came to the East Heavenly Court forces in the world of the mother of nature.

It also means.

Driven by cause and effect, Liu Xue came to the East Heavenly Court.

so far.

Liu Xue is most likely Mother Nature.

Su Tianling looked at the red pieces on the chessboard and fell silent for a while.

After so many years, the relationship between him and Liu Xue has long been so deep that they cannot be separated.

If one day, Liu Xue suddenly becomes the mother of nature.

How should he be?
Su Tianling was silent for a long time, and muttered to himself, "If Xiaoxue is the mother of nature, am I not the father of nature? If so, what kind of enmity is there between the mother of nature and the father of nature? Cause the other party to die?"

Su Tianling shook his head slightly, intending to wait for the old monkey king to come back, and then personally ask about the grievances between Mother Nature and Father Nature.

If this grievance can be resolved, that would be even better.

Coupled with the relationship between him and Liu Xue, even if Liu Xue is really the mother of nature, she will not miss her old love.

After all, is there anything between a husband and wife that can't be resolved by sitting down and discussing it?

Su Tianling retracted the chessboard and was about to close his eyes and rest.

when he was about to rest.

A young woman in simple white clothes walked into the palace, she looked at Su Tianling, "Grandpa."

Su Tianling looked at her and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Su Xiaowu walked up to Su Tianling and said, "I want to go to the East Heavenly Court."

(End of this chapter)

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