The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 397 Heavenly Court Academy

Chapter 397 Heavenly Court Academy
Taixu laughed complacently, "No way, good luck."

"..." Lingmiao was depressed, how could her luck not be so good.

The old monkey king looked at Su Xiaomo deeply, he is another malleable talent.

He said to Su Xiaomo, Su Xiaodou, and Su Xiaowu earnestly, "You are very talented, maybe you can reach the Saint Realm. If you reach the Saint Realm, you will be able to follow the mother of nature."

Mention Mother Nature.

The old monkey king's eyes showed awe, admiration, and worship.

Su Xiaomo looked at the old monkey king and asked, "Who is the mother of nature? I often hear that she is very powerful, but I don't know who she is, what she looks like, and where she is now."

The old Monkey King smiled faintly, and said to Su Xiaomo, "The mother of nature is the ancestor of Tao, the ancestor of the great way, everything in the world is born of one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. The mother of nature is the strongest existence in the world."

Su Xiaomo raised his eyebrows and asked, "That is to say, beyond the Saint Realm, there is also the Dao Patriarch Realm?"

The old monkey king smiled and nodded, "There can be many saints, but there can only be one Dao ancestor, because the Dao has its source after all, and the mother of nature is the source. In the world, except for the mother of nature who is the Dao ancestor, no one else can reach the Dao ancestor state. , can only reach the saint level at most."

"That's right." Su Xiaomo's expression remained the same, but his mind became active.

All along, she and her relatives have been investigating the mother of nature, and now from the mouth of the old monkey king, she finally got something about the mother of nature.

Dao ancestor... There can only be one Dao ancestor in the world?
Su Xiaomo definitely doesn't believe it, because...she knows that there is still a father of nature in this world.

One male and one female, just make a pair.


Su Xiaodou and Su Xiaowu looked at each other thoughtfully.

The source of the avenue is Mother Nature?
Su Xiaodou looked at the old monkey king and said, "As far as I know, everything in the world is derived from yin and yang, just like, only when a man and a woman form a Taoist couple can a new life be born. If there are only women in this world and no men , I don’t think there will be new life born, but I think that if there is a mother of nature, there may be a father of nature, and a male and a female together can generate new life and a new avenue.”

The old monkey king suddenly looked into Su Xiaodou's eyes, stared at Su Xiaodou for a long time, and then reminded him in a deep voice with a sullen face, "There are some things, don't talk nonsense."

Su Xiaodou cupped her hands, "This junior is talking too much."

The old Monkey King's complexion improved a bit, and he said slowly to Su Xiaodou, "Don't talk about the mother of nature, otherwise, bad things may happen."

"The junior understands." Su Xiaodou said.

The old monkey king didn't say anything, but just pondered, what Su Xiaodou said made sense.

In the world, if there is only a mother, she will not be able to lay an egg.

Only when the male and female are together can a new life be born.

The old monkey king thought of Mother Nature's deadly enemy, the big devil, whose strength was almost the same as that of Mother Nature.

Could it be... that big devil is also Dao Patriarch?
The old monkey king thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it any more.

Taixu saw that the atmosphere was not good, she changed the topic, looked at the fairy mist in the distance, and said leisurely, "Going to the East Heavenly Court this time, there may be some troubles."

On the side, Lingmiao sneered and said, "We killed the students of East Heaven Court for a reason. The students of East Heaven Court played with the feelings of the female disciples of Dongtian Paradise, even broke up the young Taoist couples of Dongtian Paradise, and even used the enchanting pill to harm the female disciples. If East Heaven Court pursues it, We are not afraid."

Taixu nodded slightly.

Su Xiaomo frowned, his eyes filled with coldness, and said to Immortal Emperor Taixu, "As far as I know, after some female disciples were harmed, some students from the Eastern Heavenly Court have already returned to the Heavenly Court. Already!"

Taixu nodded, "Naturally, those students from the Eastern Heavenly Court, I will pick them out and slaughter them one by one."

"En." Su Xiaomo nodded and said nothing.

From Dongtian Fudi to East Heavenly Court, there is a distance of 8000 billion miles.

It took Su Xiaomo and others a full day to fly through the clouds and fog before reaching the area controlled by the East Heavenly Court.

The East Heavenly Court controls the area, which is divided into upper and lower realms.

Most of the lower realms are mortals, and there are also demons and ghosts in the mortal realm.

There are also land immortals and so on.

The upper realm is heaven.

There are countless immortals.

"It's almost here." The old Monkey King looked far away, where there was a tall Nantian Gate.

There is one of the entrances to the heaven.

When the students of East Heavenly Court saw the familiar Nantianmen, they were relieved, and they were truly safe when they got here.


The old monkey king took a step forward, brought Su Xiaowu and others with him, and appeared outside the Nantian Gate in an instant.

Outside the Nantian Gate, there are guards guarding it.

The guard couldn't help but froze when he saw the old Monkey King and the others, and he couldn't help frowning when he saw the hundreds of students in the East Heaven Court tied up with ropes.

"I have seen the Water Curtain Cave Master, the Taixu Cave Master, and the Lingmiao Cave Master." The guard cupped his hands.

Tai Xu looked at him and said coldly, "Take us to Tianting Academy!"

"Yes." The guard nodded, then waved to the immortal soldiers behind him.

Immediately, the immortal soldiers opened the Nantian Gate, and the huge Nantian Gate gradually opened.

"Please." said the guard.

The Old Monkey King and others walked into the Nantian Gate and went to Tianting College.

Tianting College is located in the south of Tianting, very close to the South Heaven Gate.

Tianting Academy, surrounded by fairy mist.

The college is majestic and majestic, just one glance is amazing.

The students of Tianting College are almost all descendants of the immortal class in Tianting.

"After so many years, there are more students in Tianting College." The old monkey king looked down at Tianting College.

In the middle of the prehistoric era.

There are laws in heaven.

Immortals cannot intermarry, and cannot have the love between men and women that ordinary people have.

available at the time.

The Jade Emperor's younger sister, Sanshengmu, became a Taoist couple with mortals. After being known by the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, she imprisoned Sanshengmu directly.

Fortunately, Liu Chenxiang, the son of the Three Holy Mothers, is very talented, and he worshiped Sun Wukong, the Buddha who fought and defeated at that time, as his teacher.

The middle of the prehistoric era is coming to an end.

Liu Chenxiang led many strong men to attack the Heavenly Court, and finally the Heavenly Court was defeated. Liu Chenxiang overthrew the commandments of the Heavenly Court at that time!
Since then.

Heaven allows intermarriage between immortals.

Since then, many fairies have burst out the feelings buried in their hearts, and finally... gave birth to many children.

The initial growth of these children will be spent in Tianting Academy.

"Go in!"

The old monkey king took a step forward and brought Taixu and others into Tianting Academy.

Arrived in Tianting Academy.

Many students saw young men and women tied up with ropes. They all knew these young men and women, and they were all college students.

Many students wondered, what is going on?
Their classmates were all tied up.


The three major cave masters of Cave Heaven and Paradise have all come.

(End of this chapter)

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