The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 405 Blessings of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 405 Blessings of Heaven and Earth
The figure of Taishang Laojun trembled suddenly, he felt as if he was bearing the weight of heaven and earth on his back, and he couldn't breathe under the pressure.

He stared at Su Tianling, Su Tianling actually wanted to forcibly prevent him from arresting Du Shaofu, and hurt him again and again, this Su Tianling is not afraid to start a war with Heaven!

"Aren't you afraid of going to war with Heaven! Heaven has five quasi-sages! And Paradise of Paradise has only one saint! If there is a war, Paradise of Paradise will be destroyed!" Taishang Laojun said in a deep voice, explaining the stakes clear.

Su Tianling looked at him, and said lightly, "As long as I stay in Paradise of Paradise, I can use the source of the saint's way in Paradise of Paradise, no matter how many quasi-sages come to Paradise of Paradise, they still have to kneel."

"What's more." Su Tianling looked at him, and smiled faintly, "You are now the hostage of my Son, if Heaven really dares to go to war, I will be the first to cut off your head, I think Heaven should not Are you willing to lose a quasi-saint?"

Taishang Laojun turned pale, and Su Tianling took him as a hostage, which would indeed make Heavenly Court scruples.

He looked at Su Tianling, and felt that Su Tianling was crazy, because of a trivial matter, he made such a fuss.

Su Tianling ignored Taishang Laojun, he looked at the old Monkey King and said, "I have to trouble you to go to the Heavenly Court, and let the Heavenly Court release Gu Xiaodie from the prison, and then send it to me personally."

"Okay." The old monkey king nodded. He took a deep look at the Supreme Lord and Su Tianling. With the Supreme Lord as a hostage, Tianting would not dare to do anything.

He glanced at Su Tianling, this courage was simply frightening, looking at the others, who would dare to take the risk of being destroyed to start a war with the Heavenly Court?
"Wait." Su Tianling thought of something, and said to the old Monkey King, "It takes one day for you to go to Tianting, and it takes two days to go back and forth. You tell Tianting, if Gu Xiaodie doesn't come back within three days, I will first Killing an immortal emperor in the Heavenly Court, if the Heavenly Court delays for a day, I will kill one person until the Supreme Lord is killed."

"Okay." The old monkey king nodded, then turned and left.

"You!" Taishang Laojun looked at Su Tianling, this is simply persecuting the Heavenly Court! ! !

An inadvertent move could really lead to a war.

Su Tianling looked at Taishang Laojun, flicked his sleeves, and threw Taishang Laojun into the air, a cross appeared in midair, with chains on the cross, and Taishang Laojun was tied up.

The disciples and elders of Taixu Dongtian, as well as the Immortal Emperor, saw that the Taishang Laojun was tied to the cross in mid-air, their expressions changed drastically, and their hearts were shocked.


"How did Taishang Laojun be tied to a cross?"

Many disciples and elders were stunned. Could it be that the Taishang Laojun had a conflict with the Holy Son?
Seeing this scene, the expressions of the eight peak immortal emperors who came with Taishang Laojun changed greatly.

"Dongtian Fudi dare you!" One of the peak immortal emperors suddenly burst out with a terrifying aura.

Bang bang bang bang!

Suddenly, the eight immortal emperors in the heavenly court were also tied to the cross in mid-air one by one.


"What the hell is going on..."

All the disciples and elders were in a daze.

Immortal Emperor Taixu and Immortal Emperor Lingmiao looked at each other before heading to the palace.

inside the palace.

Du Shaofu's face flushed red with excitement, his fists clenched tightly, he felt his blood boiling.

For him, the Holy Son did not hesitate to offend the Heavenly Court, and tied up the Taishang Laojun, just to rescue the woman he liked from the prison.


Du Shaofu's eyes were red, tears were already wet, he looked at Su Tianling's straight figure, and suddenly knelt down on the ground.

"The grace of the Holy Son, Shaofu will never forget it!"

Du Shaofu kowtowed.

"This is my duty, it should be." Su Tianling smiled lightly, waved to Du Shaofu lightly, and Du Shaofu's body stood up directly.

"Responsibility... It should be..." After Du Shaofu heard this, his heart was shaken. Looking at the powerhouses in the world, how many of them would offend even more terrifying existences because of a trivial matter?absolutely not.

"Okay, you go down." Su Tianling said lightly.

Du Shaofu looked at Su Tianling deeply, and then resigned, no matter whether this is a duty or not, he will keep this kindness in his heart.

After a while.

Immortal Emperor Taixu and Lingmiao both arrived in the palace.

The two looked at Su Tianling, and asked puzzledly, "You tied up the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord is a quasi-saint. Binding him is equivalent to completely offending the Heavenly Court. You don't really want to start a war with the Heavenly Court, do you?"

Taixu and Lingmiao thought that although Su Tianling's attitude became stronger, he should grasp the scale, at least control it to the point where he would not start a full-scale war with the Heavenly Court.

At most, it's just a small-scale battle.

If it is a large-scale battle, the loss will be too heavy.

Su Tianling looked at the two of them, and said lightly, "The only way to make Heaven fear Paradise is to make Heaven feel hurt. If it's just a small-scale battle, Heaven will not see Paradise's determination."

"If it's really a full-scale war... what should I do..." Immortal Emperor Taixu.

"I control the Dao Source of Saints in Paradise Paradise, so what if there is an all-out war? In my territory, all the quasi-sages in Heaven have come, and they all have to kneel." Su Tianling said lightly.

Immortal Emperor Taixu and Immortal Emperor Lingmiao looked at each other, and they thought for a while. If the battlefield is in the Paradise of the Paradise, the Paradise of the Paradise has certain advantages.

In a real fight, it is not certain who will suffer heavy losses.

Immortal Emperor Taixu gave Su Tianling a blank look, but said nothing.

"Okay, I'm resting, I'm old, and I'm sleepy after a few words." Su Tianling said to Taixu and the other two, then leaned down and fell asleep on the dragon chair.

"Just know how to sleep." Immortal Emperor Taixu was speechless, he turned and left together with Lingmiao.



All the blessed lands came here one after another, and they were all asking why, what happened, the Taishang Laojun and the eight peak immortal emperors of the heaven were all tied up.

Du Shaofu is talking about this matter to many disciple elders at the moment.

Many disciples, elders, and even the cave masters of various caves trembled after hearing this.

For the disciples of the cave, the Holy Son did not hesitate to offend the Heavenly Court!
"The Holy Son is mighty."

"Dongtian Paradise has this Holy Son, and it is the blessing of Dongtian Paradise." A cave master looked towards a distant mountain, and his voice was full of excitement, "With this Holy Son, I seem to have seen that Dongtian Paradise will rise completely, and even One day in the future, it will be stronger than Heavenly Court, or even Western Heaven Buddhism!"

"I think so too." The other cave master said softly.

All the people present, counting as one, highly respected Su Tianling.

A holy son who can think about Dongtian disciples.

A holy son who will fight against heaven at a heavy price.

Such a holy son, they think is the blessing of the heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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