Chapter 410
"Miss Liu." Li Xiaoyao looked at Liu Xue and smiled softly.

Liu Xue looked at him, "Let's go."

"Okay, I'll bring two more people with me." Li Xiaoyao didn't expect Liu Xue to agree so happily, which made him a little excited.

Li Xiaoyao immediately went to find Mo Chen and Ye Ze.

Mo Chen and Ye Ze lost to Su Xiaodou and Su Xiaowu before.

Li Xiaoyao took them with him this time, mainly because he wanted to slap Dongtian Fudi in the face.

When Mo Chen and Ye Ze saw Liu Xue, a strange look flashed in their eyes, they knew Liu Xue existed.

Although they stayed in the Fairyland School District and Liu Xue stayed in the Fairyland School District, this did not prevent them from knowing Liu Xue.

Liu Xue is a freshman in Heaven, but it is such a freshman who has defeated many fairy students in the fairyland school district.

In the Fairyland School District, Li Xiaoyao ranked first, and Liu Xue ranked second.

"Miss Liu's name is like thunder." Mo Chen said to Liu Xue.

Liu Xue glanced at him, but said nothing.

Mo Chen felt very uncomfortable when he received such light eyes. After all, he is also a talent below Li Xiaoyao.

But Liu Xue despised her.

"Okay, let's go." Li Xiaoyao flicked his sleeves, and a huge golden sword was suspended in front of him.

When Mo Chen saw this huge sword, his pupils froze, and he exclaimed in surprise, "Taoist tool, golden lightsaber!"

Ye Ze looked at Li Xiaoyao and enviously said, "The Jade Emperor actually gave you the golden light sword to the Holy Son. With this golden light sword, you can deal with the quasi-sage."

Li Xiaoyao smiled faintly, "It's just a broken Taoist weapon."

"Even if it is a broken Taoist artifact, it is still very precious. The fact that the Jade Emperor can gift you the golden light sword shows how much the Jade Emperor attaches great importance to the Holy Son." Ye Ze said.

Li Xiaoyao smiled faintly, he kept staring at Liu Xue from the corner of his eyes, he has a golden light sword, a Taoist tool, so Liu Xue would be interested in it.

However, he saw that Liu Xue's face was always calm.

He slowly suppressed his smile, looked at Liu Xue and said, "Miss Liu, please."

Liu Xue didn't say much, and stepped onto the giant sword.

This giant sword is so big that it can accommodate dozens of people without seeming crowded. Liu Xue stood at the front of the giant sword, with her hands behind her back, looking into the distance.

Li Xiaoyao, Mo Chen, and Ye Chen also stepped on the giant sword at this time, and with a wave of Li Xiaoyao's sleeve, the giant sword flew out of the sky like an off-string space.

In the blink of an eye, many stars and rivers have been passed by, and countless mountain ranges have passed through.

en route.

Li Xiaoyao stepped forward and walked to Liu Xue's side. He looked into the distance and said to Liu Xue, "The holy son of Dongtian Fudi is so bold that he dared to tie up the Supreme Lord, and even sent people to Tianting Academy to kill many students. This time When I go to Paradise of Paradise, I will let Holy Son of Paradise know that he is not as good as me in the same situation, and the overall strength of Paradise of Paradise is also weaker than that of Heaven."

Liu Xue ignored him. She has lived for so many years, and there are very few people who can have a common topic with her.

When encountering someone like Li Xiaoyao, she didn't even speak a single word lazily.

Li Xiaoyao continued, "Your Immortal Sacred Realm is very powerful. With your strength, it is enough to suppress the elders of Dongtian. If you defeat the elders of Dongtian, I will personally make a suggestion to the Jade Emperor and let the Jade Emperor seal you up." For the heavenly maiden."

Liu Xue still didn't make a sound.

Li Xiaoyao frowned slightly, Liu Xue always kept silent, what exactly did this mean?
Isn't it strange to be a goddess?
Are you not interested in him, the Son of Heaven, the future saint?

Li Xiaoyao thought about it, and after a short time of contact, he knew that Liu Xue was very arrogant in his bones, and he seemed to think that everyone in the world was just like that.

It was precisely this arrogance that despised the world that deeply attracted him, and also destroyed his inner desire to conquer.

To get Liu Xue to look at him more, he needs to prove it with actual actions.


Mo Chen and Ye Ze glanced at Li Xiaoyao and Liu Xue, Li Xiaoyao seemed to be interested in Liu Xue, and Liu Xue seemed to be a very realistic woman, she would not be a hawk if she didn't see a rabbit.

Perhaps, only after seeing Li Xiaoyao's strength will he change his attitude.

Mo Chen said at this time, "The Holy Son is unparalleled in strength. I don't think this Dongtian Holy Son is your opponent at all."

"Hehe, I guess within three moves, Su Tianling will lose to Shengzi." Ye Ze said.

Li Xiaoyao looked at Mo Chen and Ye Ze, and smiled faintly, thinking that it would be nice to have these two as a foil to him.

"The clothes worn by the Holy Son seem to be a little different." Mo Chen said at this moment, he looked at the clothes Li Xiaoyao was wearing.

A simple green robe does not look special, but if you feel it carefully, you can feel that this green robe is a bit unusual.

Li Xiaoyao glanced at his clothes, and said with a light smile to Mo Chen, "This clothes was given to me by the Jade Emperor, and it can withstand the blow of a quasi-sage."

"What." Mo Chen stared at Li Xiaoyao in shock and lost his voice. He envied, "The Jade Emperor even personally bestowed clothes that can withstand the blow of the quasi-sage. The Jade Emperor values ​​the Holy Son very, very much."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? The Holy Son is the future sage, and he will follow the mother of nature in the future. It is normal for the Jade Emperor to take care of the famous people around the mother of nature in the future." Ye Ze said.

"That's true." Mo Chen looked at Li Xiaoyao and said with a smile, "Son, don't forget me when you become a saint in the future."

"And me." Ye Ze said hastily.

Li Xiaoyao smiled lightly, "Don't worry, how could I forget you two."

Mo Chen and Ye Ze smiled.

Ye Ze rolled his eyes at this moment, he looked at Shengzi and said, "Shengzi, you are a fairy saint now, you should have a Taoist companion, right?"

"It should be." Li Xiaoyao glanced at Liu Xue.

Ye Ze had sharp eyes and knew that Li Xiaoyao was interested in Liu Xue. He said with a smile, "Looking at the whole heaven, I am afraid that only Miss Liu can be worthy of the Holy Son."

"Miss Liu, what do you think of the Holy Son?" Ye Ze looked at Liu Xue and asked.

Liu Xue kept looking ahead, not paying attention to anyone.

Seeing that Liu Xue didn't respond, Ye Ze smiled sarcastically.

Li Xiaoyao smiled lightly, and said to Ye Ze, "Let's put aside the matter of the Taoist couple first."

Ye Ze smiled and nodded.

Li Xiaoyao took a look at Liu Xue and thought, it's not easy to get this Liu Xue without oil and salt.

He is a majestic Son of Heaven, so I don't know how many women want to have something to do with him. Even if some women don't want to have something to do with him, if he hints, they will definitely be moved.

But Liu Xue, he has nothing to do for the time being.

Perhaps only by truly showing her own strength can Liu Xue look at her differently.

He looked into the distance, and the Son of the Heavenly Cave would be an opportunity for him to show himself.

After that, there has been silence on the way.

The giant sword flew for a day, crossed countless mountains, and finally arrived at the Tianfudi area of ​​[-] holes.

(End of this chapter)

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