Chapter 422
Liu Xue shook her head lightly, "I want a saint to be my master!"

"Saint." The Jade Emperor frowned slightly. It is not so easy to invite a saint.

It can even be said that it is very, very difficult.

In this world, there are only three saints now.

Sun Wukong, Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas in the Western Paradise.

There is also Dongyao saint who sees the dragon and sees the end.

There is also Duan Wuji who comes and goes without a trace.

These three saints...

One, I don't know where they are.

Second, even if you know where they are, you can't invite them at all.

Before the end of the Great Desolation, what instructions did Mother Nature give to these three saints, and these three saints have their own things to do.

How can I have time to recruit disciples?

All the immortals in the main hall looked at each other, they didn't expect Liu Xue to have such a high opinion, she would ask a saint to be her teacher as soon as she opened her mouth, even a quasi-sage would be ignored.

However, Liu Xue is also qualified to raise such harsh conditions.


Saints are hard to find...

The queen mother is crowned with a phoenix crown, and she is extremely noble, like a queen who is the mother of the world. She looked at Liu Xue and said lightly, "Your condition, it is difficult for the heavens to meet, because the saints are nowhere to be found, and they don't even know that they are here. Well, perhaps, they are secretly monitoring the entire world, or they are busy with their own affairs, although the heavenly court cannot find them for the time being, as soon as there is news, the heavenly court will do its best to contact the saint."

The Jade Emperor spoke at the right time, "Besides, the Heavenly Court will make you a saint, and the power you control and the status you have are the same as the Queen Mother, what do you think?"

Liu Xue looked calm, and glanced at the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, "The Holy Son of Dongtian has a detached status, above anyone else, but I want to be on an equal footing with you. In comparison, I think the conditions of Dongtian Paradise are more attractive." .”

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were startled, and they frowned slightly, asking them to obey Liu Xue's order?

how can that be!

All the immortals in the hall also felt that Liu Xue had gone too far.

Wanting to surpass the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, the appetite is too great.

Taishang Laojun looked deeply at Liu Xue, Liu Xue had a big appetite, after weighing the pros and cons, he spoke to the Jade Emperor in secret, and said, "Your Majesty, there is no doubt about Liu Xue's aptitude, she has a high probability of winning the championship in the future A saint, once she aspires to become a saint, she will leave the heavenly court and follow the mother of nature. It would be better to make Liu Xue perfect, and treat it as a personal favor. After Liu Xue wins the title of saint, it will be of no avail to our heavenly court. One harm."

After the Jade Emperor heard this, he thought, sooner or later Liu Xue will aspire to become a sage, and sooner or later he will leave the Heavenly Court. At this time, it is the best policy to build a good relationship with Liu Xue.

Besides, if Liu Xue was allowed to join Dongtian Paradise, how could he face Dongtian Paradise in his huge Heavenly Court?

"I promise you." After thinking about it, the Jade Emperor made up his mind.

All the immortals in the hall changed their faces when they heard the words, and the Jade Emperor agreed.

"Jade Emperor, you." The Queen Mother's complexion changed, she looked at Jade Emperor puzzled.

The Jade Emperor explained to the Queen Mother through voice transmission.

After hearing this, the Queen Mother sighed softly in her heart.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked at each other, stepped down from the throne, and stood in the center of the hall.

Without saying a word, Liu Xue stepped up the steps and walked slowly until she reached the place where the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were sitting. With a wave of her sleeves, she replaced the chair with a brand new big red chair.

She sat down and faced the crowd.

"See the saint."

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother lowered their heads and cupped their hands in front of them.

Seeing this scene, all the immortals had mixed feelings in their hearts. The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, who is so high above, unexpectedly...

The immortals admired the Jade Emperor very much, and the Jade Emperor did not hesitate to abdicate for the sake of the overall situation.

It seems that the catastrophe of heaven and earth in the prehistoric period touched the Jade Emperor deeply.

Liu Xue glanced at the crowd lightly, and her eyes finally fixed on Li Xiaoyao, "Li Xiaoyao cheated in the martial arts, disgraced the heavenly court, and sentenced to death."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoyao's face turned pale with fright, Liu Xue had just ascended the throne as a saint, and she let him die!

All the immortals in the main hall were silent, and Li Xiaoyao's actions were really shameful.

Secondly, Liu Xue was already the lord of the Heavenly Court, they couldn't refute it at all.

At this time, the Jade Emperor looked at Li Xiaoyao, his face was not disturbed, and with just one glance, he directly turned Li Xiaoyao into ashes.

Liu Xue has no expression on her face, she cheated in Li Xiaoyao's martial arts and hurt her granddaughter, she has always kept this account in mind.

Now that Li Xiaoyao is dead, the story has changed.

Liu Xue looked at the Jade Emperor and said calmly, "Tianting Academy, from teachers to students, is almost a pile of mud. I order that all students and teachers who have committed crimes, harmed the world, and bullied the weak will be executed! "

The hearts of all the immortals in the hall trembled. The students of the Heavenly Court Academy are all descendants of the Great Immortal of the Heavenly Court. How could they be willing to directly execute the students of the academy and the immortals of the Heavenly Court?
Liu Xue looked at Chang'e, "It's up to you to handle this matter. If your heart softens, you will be punished with the crime of covering up!"

Chang'e bowed slightly to Liu Xue and nodded, "Xiaoxian understands."

Liu Xue waved her hand to everyone, "Retire without incident, after three days, I want to see a satisfactory result!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xue turned and left.

All the immortals in the hall looked at each other in dismay. Liu Xue had just ascended the throne as a saint, and she immediately wanted to clean up the scourge of the heavenly court without leaving any room for it!

Taishang Laojun looked at the crowd, and said lightly, "The saint is also for the good of Tianting, Tianting Academy is really too chaotic."

The immortals nodded lightly.

Because the students of Tianting College bullied the Dongtian disciples, and even played with the feelings of the Dongtian female disciples.

All of them started because of Tianting Academy.

Cleaning up some students now can also solve the problem fundamentally.

Liu Xue came to No.30 Three Heavens, and she built a yard by herself and lived here.

She stayed in the yard, sitting on a chair and drinking tea.

Su Tianling is already the Holy Son of the Cave Heaven.

She is already a saint of heaven.

Now I am waiting for the saints who have access to this world to find out the grievances between the mother of nature and the father of nature from the mouths of these saints.

She is in no hurry.

Anxiety will only lead to bad things.

Her gaze pierced through many obstacles, and she looked to a far away area, which was the direction of the Paradise and Paradise.

At first.

Su Tianling has been keeping it from her, not telling her about variables and Mother Nature.

After her investigation, she deduced that among Su Xiaoke and herself, one of them would be the mother of nature.

Now, Su Tianling definitely doesn't want to face Mother Nature, or in other words, he wants to face Mother Nature only when he is fully prepared.

Liu Xue was drinking tea, no matter how fragrant the tea was, she was in no mood to taste it.

She wondered if she would one day become Mother Nature, and if she became Mother Nature, she would not be her.

She put down her teacup and glanced at the huge heaven. What she can do now is to weaken the strength of heaven.

Kill as many as you can.

(End of this chapter)

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