Chapter 428 Dong Yao
Su Xiaodou's figure instantly appeared in the void, he looked straight at Liu Chenxiang, "Father-in-law, let's do it."

Liu Chenxiang didn't talk nonsense.

As soon as the figure moved, fists and feet were added together, with a speed like a hot wheel, and thousands of moves were already blasted out in just a few breaths.

Su Xiaodou didn't fight back, and just endured thousands of punches. At this moment, his face was extremely pale, and his entire robe was stained with blood.

He barely opened his eyes, looked at Liu Chenxiang for a while, then closed his eyes, and his body fell straight down.

Liu Yun'er burst into tears, and immediately caught Su Xiaodou, seeing Su Xiaodou covered in blood, her heart ached.

Liu Chenxiang's figure fell below at this time, he waved his sleeves at Su Xiaodou who had passed out, and a healing light flashed over, "Yun'er, take him to rest, his injury is not serious."

Liu Yun'er didn't say anything, and left with Su Xiaodou.

At this moment, Liu Chenxiang and Xiaoyu looked at each other, and the anger in their hearts dissipated.

"Sit down." Liu Chenxiang looked at Su Tianling.

Su Tianling sat down.

Su Xiaowu and Su Xiaomo went to check on Su Xiaodou's situation.

Xiaoyu poured a cup of tea for Su Tianling, looked at Su Tianling and said, "Seeing that your grandson has suffered such a serious injury, you seem to have no trouble at all."

Su Tianling picked up the teacup, shook it lightly, and smiled at Xiaoyu, "That's what he should bear, not to mention, what's the point of getting hurt?"

Xiaoyu and Liu Chenxiang looked at each other, what they said was beautiful.

From the looks of it, Su Tianling's family at least had no problem with their character, and the two couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Liu Chenxiang looked at Su Tianling, and said lightly, "You said you want to ask about Mother Nature, what aspect of her do you want to know?"

"I heard that she has grievances with the big devil. I want to know what kind of grievances she has with the big devil. Besides, I also want to know her behavior style." Su Tianling said.

"I don't know what grievances she has with the big devil." Liu Chenxiang shook her head lightly, "In the late prehistoric period, only saints had the most contact with the mother of nature, and mother of nature is a woman. If she confides her heart , she can only say to the female saint."

"Female saint." Su Tianling nodded slightly, and now there is only one female saint left in this world.

Dao name, "Dong Yao."

If he wanted to know the grievances between the mother of nature and the big devil, Dong Yao might be the only breakthrough.

"Her name of this female saint is: Dongyao." Liu Chenxiang took a sip of tea slowly, and said lightly, "As for the style of the mother of nature, I personally think that she does things vigorously and without delay. The bottom line cannot be touched."

Su Tianling nodded slightly, looked at Liu Chenxiang and asked, "Then do you know where the Saint Dongyao is?"

"I haven't contacted you for a long time, and I don't know where it is." Liu Chenxiang shook his head slightly, and he looked at Su Tianling, "You seem to care a lot about Mother Nature."

Su Tianling smiled lightly, "After all, after I become a saint, I have to follow the mother of nature, know some things about her in advance, and I can have a bottom line in my heart. After all, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, so I have to make preparations."

"That's true." Liu Chenxiang nodded lightly. He shook his teacup for a long while, looked at Su Tianling, and said lightly, "If I'm right, you've hidden your realm. Your real realm should be quasi saint."

"I can't hide this from you, he is indeed a quasi-sage." Su Tianling said lightly, without denying it.

Although he concealed his real realm, Liu Chenxiang couldn't see his real realm.

However, some things cannot be faked.

How could a peak immortal, facing a quasi-sage, be calm and composed?

Liu Chenxiang and Xiaoyu's eyes jumped, Su Tianling turned out to be a quasi-saint!
Look at the sky and the earth.

There are many immortal emperors, and they almost all know these immortal emperors.

But in memory, there is no Su family.

If Su Tianling was a quasi-sage accomplished in ancient times, he could only be an immortal emperor in the prehistoric era.

"Your background seems a little unclear." Liu Chenxiang put down his teacup and looked at Su Tianling.

"I used to just stay in the small secret realm and not care about world affairs." Su Tianling said quietly.

"En." Liu Chenxiang didn't ask further, he looked at Su Tianling and said, "Choose a day and let Xiao Yun'er marry your grandson."

"Marriage is inevitable." Su Tianling put down his teacup and looked at Liu Chenxiang, "But, I am in a blessed place, and I have concealed my relationship with Su Xiaodou and Su Xiaowu. For the time being, I don't want people to know about my relationship with them." relation."

Liu Chenxiang frowned slightly, concealing the relationship?

He didn't ask why he concealed the relationship, he only cared about when his daughter could get married, so that he could settle one of his worries.

"Let's talk about the time." Liu Chenxiang looked at Su Tianling.

"Within one year at the latest." Su Tianling.

"Then I'll wait." Liu Chenxiang said, a year is not long.



Su Xiaodou's injury has improved a lot. The saint's blood is flowing in his body, and his recovery ability is extremely strong. In addition, Liu Chenxiang specially treated his injury, so his injury has improved a little faster.

"Xiaodou." Liu Yun'er stayed by the couch, wiping off Su Xiaodou's sweat with a towel.

"It's okay." Su Xiaodou lay there, and smiled slightly at Liu Yun'er, "After passing the test of your parents, your parents will not make things difficult for me in the future."

"Well, but my heart hurts." Liu Yun'er said with red eyes, and mist still appeared in her eye sockets.

"When my injury recovers, I will be compensated." Su Xiaodou said with a smile.

"How to compensate?" Liu Yun'er asked in confusion.

"You understand." Su Xiaodou looked at Liu Yun'er meaningfully.

"You! Scoundrel!" Liu Yun'er blushed, and punched him twice with her small fist.


Su Xiaowu shook her head speechlessly, unable to watch it anymore.

"Xiao Mo, let's go." Su Xiaowu pulled Su Xiaomo out of the room.

Su Xiaomo blinked.



Su Tianling was still chatting with Liu Chenxiang, and when they talked about family, the two chatted happily.

Liu Chenxiang looked at Su Tianling, and asked with a smile, "When will you bring your wife to visit Liujia Village?"

"My two wives are far away, and one wife is staying in the Heavenly Court." Su Tianling looked at him, "I guess we will have to wait for a while, anyway, when Xiaodou and Xiao Yun'er get married, they will all be there. "

Liu Chenxiang looked at Su Tianling in surprise, "You married three wives?"

"Yes." Su Tianling.

"..." Liu Chenxiang was speechless.

Xiaoyu poured a cup of tea for Su Tianling at this moment, looked at him and said, "I always think it's better for a man to be single-minded. Marrying more than one wife is not true love to me."

Su Tianling looked at her, and said with a smile, "You will only understand after you have experienced it."

"I really want to meet your wives." Xiaoyu said with a smile, "By the way, what are your three wives?"

(End of this chapter)

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