The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 430 Stationed on the Demon Island

Chapter 430 Stationed on the Demon Island
Su Xiaowu said speechlessly, "I don't want to marry yet, not to mention, I don't like anyone either."

"Go out and walk more, maybe you can meet someone you like." Su Tianling said with a smile, "By the way, if you meet someone like your brother, remember to be reserved, and it's best to beat him up."

"..." Su Xiaowu was speechless.

Su Xiaomo looked up at Su Tianling and asked, "Why do you have to get married when you grow up?"

Su Tianling thought for a while, and said to her, "Everything in the sky and the earth turns into yin and yang. If there is a sky, there must be an earth. If there is only a sky, but if there is no earth, there will be something lacking. Men represent yang and women represent yin. The same cannot be lacking."

"What will happen if it's missing?" Su Xiaomo asked doubtfully.

"If it is missing, the creatures in this world will not be able to reproduce, and will eventually be extinct." Su Tianling.

"That shouldn't be necessary, right? I think there are many people who are unmarried or married." Su Xiaomo said.

Su Tianling raised his hand and tapped her on the head lightly, "You're still young, it's normal for you not to be interested in men, you'll understand in a few years."

Su Xiaomo pouted, "I don't believe it."

"..." Su Tianling looked into the distance and explained lazily.

Su Xiaowu smiled slightly, and said to Su Xiaomo, "You will know in two years at most."

"..." Su Xiaomo.

Several people chatted all the way, and after half a day, they arrived at Taixu Cave.

Now the situation in the blessed land of the cave is very good, the ethos of each cave is very upright, both the disciples and the elders are diligent in practicing.

After Su Tianling returned to Taixu Cave, he found the old monkey king.

In the palace, Su Tianling sat on the big dragon chair. He looked at the old monkey king standing there and said, "I asked Liu Chenxiang about the mother of nature, and he knew very little about the mother of nature. , he told me that if you want to know more about Mother Nature, you can only go to Dong Yao, one of today's saints."

The old monkey king frowned slightly, a little confused, "I don't know where Dongyao is, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find her."

Su Tianling nodded slightly, he naturally knew this.

Although the world in the present and ancient times is divided into four major forces.

But apart from the four major forces, the most central area is the most open and boundless.

The central area is much larger than the East Heaven Court, West Heaven Buddhist Gate, Nanmo Variable, and Dongtian Paradise combined!

Dongyao, although he wanted to find Dongyao, it would be very abrupt to go to Dongyao rashly.

Su Tianling thought for a while, he was already the Holy Son of the Cave Heaven, and the saints of the past and present would look for him sooner or later.

Su Tianling looked at the old Monkey King and asked, "There are three saints in the past and present, why didn't these three saints join forces to deal with the variables?"

The old Monkey King replied, "The variable people almost never show up, and they all stay in the magic island in the south. Island, today's saints can't do anything about them."

Su Tianling frowned slightly, is the Demon Island so terrifying?Even saints are helpless?

"Do you know the current state of the variable person?" Su Tianling asked.

"I don't know that." The old monkey king shook his head lightly, and said to Su Tianling, "The variable people almost never go out of the magic island, and it is difficult to know their realm."

"I heard from Liu Chenxiang that there are millions of people in the magic island. Except for those who are unpredictable, will other people leave the magic island?" Su Tianling asked.

"There are quite a few of them, but Heavenly Court and Dongtian Paradise generally don't attack people from these Demon Islands." The old monkey king said.

Su Tianling nodded lightly. He shook the wine glass. He is a variable identity, which cannot be known for the time being.

The people in the Demon Island are all descendants of the variable people.

If these people in the Demon Island knew about his variable and leaked his true identity, then things would be troublesome.

Su Tianling looked at the old Monkey King with a slightly serious expression, "Sooner or later, the people in the Demon Island will fight against Heavenly Court and the Paradise of the Paradise. From now on, all the peak immortal emperors in the Paradise of the Paradise will be dispatched to the vicinity of the Demon Island, and the people in the Demon Island must not be allowed to leave the Demon Island." The island is a disaster for the world!"

"In addition, all those who have left the Demon Island will be killed without talking nonsense!" Su Tianling said.

The old Monkey King frowned slightly, looked at Su Tianling and said, "I don't know the realm of the variable people in the Demon Island for the time being. If there are many quasi-sages in these variables, I am afraid that the peak immortal emperors in the cave will be wiped out."

"I know it well." Su Tianling looked at him, "Just do what I tell you."

The old monkey king nodded and said nothing more.

Although he knew it was dangerous, the future fate of Dongtian Paradise was already tied to Su Tianling.

He could only listen to Su Tianling.

The old monkey king turned around and left at this moment, and went to make arrangements.

At this time, Su Tianling sent a voice transmission to Su Xiaowu in Taixu Cave, asking Su Xiaowu to personally sit near the magic island. If anyone in the magic island knew about Su's family affairs, they would immediately silence them.

Su Tianling shook the wine glass lightly. He is a variable, and so are the people in the Demon Island. Logically speaking, those people in the Demon Island are in the same camp as him.


Su Tianling never thinks that he is the same kind as those people, whether it is the big devil or the mother of nature, he will be wary.

Before things are clear, he only considers his own interests.

Now he is different from before.

He has a family, and what he does must be considered for the whole family.


The old monkey king summoned all the peak immortal emperors in the Paradise of the Paradise. Standing on a high rock, he glanced at the more than 100 peak immortal emperors not far below. With a serious face, he said to everyone, "The Holy Son has orders , the biggest enemy of Dongtian Paradise is the people from the magic island in the south, from now on, I will lead everyone to sit near the magic island and prevent the people from the magic island from getting out of the magic island!"

All the immortal emperors present frowned slightly, they knew too little about the variable people of Demon Island.

It's too dangerous to just be stationed near the Demon Island without even knowing what state the people of the present and ancient variables are in.

A fairy emperor looked at the old monkey king and asked, "What if the magic island changes, what should we do if there is a quasi-sage? Although we believe in the Holy Son, we want to know how to deal with emergencies."

The old monkey king looked at the man and said, "I am a quasi-sage. If there are really quasi-sages in the Demon Island, even if I sacrifice myself, I will do my best to save you from danger."

Taixu Wan'er and Lingmiao walked out at this time, Taixu Wan'er looked at the crowd and said, "I have three incomplete Taoist artifacts, and with the Water Curtain Cave Master, there are four quasi-sages in the Paradise of Paradise. matter, Lingmiao, Water Curtain Cave Master, and I will keep you safe first."

The Immortal Emperor looked at Taixu Wan'er, "I said this not because I'm afraid of death, but because I don't want to fight unprepared battles."

(End of this chapter)

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