The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 432 Can I use one step to tell the story?

Chapter 432 Can I take a step to speak?
"Let Su Tianling come in." Liu Xue looked at the man and said lightly.

"Yes." The man turned and left immediately.

The eyes of all the immortals in the hall looked back one after another, wanting to see the true face of the Son of Heaven.

After a while.

Everyone saw a young man in white, walking slowly, as if he was visiting his own back garden.

Taishang Laojun looked at Su Tianling, his face was not very good-looking, it was the first time he was tied up after living for so many years!

Let him completely lose his old face.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother also looked at Su Tianling. In their impression, Su Tianling acted arrogantly, regardless of the consequences, with a sharp style, just like a young boy who is not afraid of tigers when he is born.

But now seeing Su Tianling with their own eyes, they found that Su Tianling did not have the vigor of a young man.

It seems to have a carefree and casual feeling.

This made the two of them frown slightly. Ordinary casual people can't bear the slightest suppression. Perhaps only by suppressing Su Tianling can Su Tianling rebound.

Su Tianling walked slowly, admiring the scenery of Lingxiao Palace while walking. In ancient times, he also lived in this heavenly court for quite a long time.

At that time, the Heavenly Court was under Xia Qingran's control.

He withdrew his gaze, glanced at the immortals in the hall, and then didn't look any further.

He walked into the main hall and looked at Liu Xue who was sitting on the main seat. Is Liu Xue already the Lord of the Heavenly Court now?

"Su Tianling, what is your purpose in coming to Heaven?" Taishang Laojun looked at him and said in a cold voice, "If you are here to show off your might, I'm sorry, but the saintesses in the court are no worse than you now! If you are here to win the saints Yes, I advise you not to dream."

Su Tianling looked at Taishang Laojun at this time, blinked his eyes, "Isn't this Taishang Laojun, I remember that day in Dongtian Paradise, you seemed to be beaten by me."

"You! You!" Taishang Laojun blushed angrily and glared at the past. Su Tianling did it on purpose!Deliberately set off his scars!
The immortals frowned, and stared at Su Tianling with a hint of anger in their eyes. They made the Taishang Laojun embarrassing as soon as they came, and they were clearly here to find fault.

on the main seat.

Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling and asked, "What are you doing here in Heaven?"

Su Tianling smiled faintly, looked at Liu Xue and said, "It's nothing, I just wanted to ask you if you would like to become a saint in the blessed land of the cave. If you and I join forces, it will definitely be a strong alliance."

Before Liu Xue opened his mouth, the Taishang Laojun snorted coldly and said to Su Tianling, "There is only one quasi-saint in the Paradise of the Paradise, and there are nine quasi-sages in the Heavenly Court who are dispatched by the Holy Maiden. Do you think the Holy Maiden will enter the Paradise of the Paradise? What's more, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers!"

"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers?" Su Tianling looked at Taishang Laojun and smiled faintly, "Have you forgotten the last sentence, although one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, what if there is one male and one female?"

Taishang Laojun's face darkened and he was speechless!

The immortals snorted coldly, they still wanted to marry Liu Xue, and they didn't even look at their own conditions.

Three marriages!And three wives died!

Who is willing to marry, who dares to marry?

If I get married, I am afraid that I will become the fourth to die.

on the main seat.

Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling and said lightly, "I will not enter the Paradise of Paradise."

Su Tianling smiled faintly, looked at Liu Xue and said, "It was just a joke, I came here to ask you a question."

"Say." Liu Xue.

"In ancient times, the Heavenly Court, the Paradise of the Paradise, and the Daleiyin Temple all belonged to the forces under the command of the Mother of Nature. Not long ago, I ordered all the peak immortal emperors of the Paradise of the Paradise, including a quasi-sage, to station them on the southern magic island. Nearby, prevent people from going out in the Demon Island." Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue, and said lightly, "People who deal with the variables in the Demon Island should not only contribute their efforts, but the Heavenly Court should also contribute their efforts?"

Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling and was puzzled, why should she be stationed near the magic island at this time?
All the immortals in the hall frowned, and the Paradise of Heaven had already stationed near the southern magic island!

Taishang Laojun looked at Su Tianling, "The mother of nature has not yet awakened. Even if we are stationed near the magic island, it will not affect anything. The final victory or defeat will be determined by the ultimate battle! Now we are stationed near the magic island. What's the point?"

"Hehe." Su Tianling looked at Taishang Laojun, "After the people from the Devil Island come out, can you guarantee that they will not harm the world? Since you can't guarantee that, if the people from the Devil Island harm the human beings, do you care about it or not? , the world is not benevolent, treats everything as a dog, the sage is not benevolent, and treats the common people as ants? In your eyes, a group of ants will die when they die. Is that what you mean?"

Taishang Laojun's face darkened, he really knows how to buckle his hat!
At this time, Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue and said, "Everyone knows that the memories of many people in the ancient times were erased, but one thing is for sure, the strong men who awakened in the ancient times must have fought against the variable. There must be death among the people, but according to the information I got, there are nearly 3000 people in the magic island, which means that the people who died in the ancient times are likely to be resurrected in the ancient times."

When Liu Xue heard this, her heart froze.

In ancient times, those people who were variable knew her, and also knew that her husband was a variable.

Su Tianling has revealed to her that all the variable people who died in ancient times have been resurrected!

If those variable persons announce the relationship between her and Su Tianling to the public, and then announce Su Tianling's identity as a variable to the public.

This is extremely dangerous for her, for Su Tianling, and for the entire Su family.

Liu Xue's face was slightly serious, she swept towards the immortals in the hall, and said lightly, "Su Tianling is right, there is too little news about the people who have changed in the magic island, we have to prevent problems before they happen, and we have to be stationed near the magic island to learn more. Information from Dormando Island!"

All the immortals looked at Liu Xue one by one, and were fooled by a few words?

Liu Xue looked at the immortals, "From now on, all the peak immortal emperors and even quasi-sages in the Heavenly Court will all be stationed near the magic island. If someone walks out of the magic island, they will be killed without further ado!"



All the immortals in the heaven bowed their hands.

Liu Xue has spoken, so what can they do?Only obey the will.

Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue, smiled lightly and said, "Miss Liu, can I take a step to talk?"

Liu Xue looked at the immortals, "Retire!"

All the immortals glanced at each other, then looked at Su Tianling, taking a step to speak?What does Su Tianling want to say to Liu Xue?
All the immortals left the hall one after another with doubts.

But after a while, only Liu Xue and Su Tianling were left in the huge Lingxiao Palace.

"Go to my residence and talk." Liu Xue said.

"En." Su Tianling nodded lightly, and followed Liu Xue to the No.30 Third Heaven, and came to a courtyard.

Liu Xue brewed a pot of tea, and the two of them sat down. Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling with a dignified voice, "The variable person who died in ancient times is really resurrected?"

"It should be resurrected." Su Tianling.

Ps: Calvin, I don’t know what to write later, stop updating for a day

(End of this chapter)

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