The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 434 Zhongsheng State

Chapter 434 Zhongsheng State

After Su Tianling left.

Then return to the blessed land of cave heaven.

en route.

Su Tianling only felt a little depressed in his heart.

If Liu Xue really became the mother of nature, then Liu Xue would not be Liu Xue.

Same body, but different soul.

Su Tianling shook his head lightly, and didn't continue to think about it.

After returning to Dongtian Paradise.

Su Tianling retreated to see if he could touch the realm above the saint. If he could, there was hope.


The southernmost region of the world.

There is an island that stretches for thousands of miles.

Although the island is not very big, it will never appear crowded to accommodate more than a billion people.

The surface of this island is shrouded in fairy mist, and there are mysterious runes, which form a large formation to protect the island.

Around this island, there is a boundless sea with no end in sight. The sea water is blue, which is the same color as the sky.

Thousands of miles north of this island, a new island was artificially opened up.

On the island, courtyards were built.

In one of the yards.

Su Xiaomo and Su Xiaowu sat on chairs, they sat facing each other drinking tea and chatting.

"Sister, we are already stationed here, the next step is to get close to the magic island? Kill all the people who come out of the magic island?" Su Xiaomo asked, looking at Su Xiaowu who was opposite.

"It's not clear what's going on in the magic island. It's best not to get too close to the magic island. We'll just stay here. If someone walks out of the magic island, we won't be too late to take action." Su Xiaowu said.

"Yeah." Su Xiaomo nodded, playing with the teacup, but didn't say anything.

Su Xiaowu didn't say anything else, she drank her tea quietly, but her expression was a little out of order, as if she had something on her mind.

Su Xiaomo was so bored, he glanced at Su Xiaowu, and found that Su Xiaowu was absent-minded, so he couldn't help asking, "Sister, what are you thinking about? Could it be..."

Su Xiaomo's eyes lit up, and he smiled at Su Xiaowu, "Is there a man you like?"

Su Xiaowu gave her a blank look, "Do you think I'm in the mood to think about this?"

"Then why do you look so desperate?" Su Xiaomo asked.

Su Xiaowu pondered for a while, looked at Su Xiaomo, and said, "I have some guesses, I don't know if it's true or not."

"What guess?" Su Xiaomo asked curiously.

Su Xiaowu looked at Su Xiaomo for a long time, then she said softly, "Xiao Mo, although you are only 13 years old, you should be close to the Immortal Emperor Realm, and you have to share the worries of the family."

"I know." Su Xiaomo played with the teacup, looked at Su Xiaowu and asked, "Your concern is related to grandparents, right?"

"Yes." Su Xiaowu nodded lightly, and said, "I have a guess, grandpa is a variable person, and may become the father of nature."

"I already knew this..." Su Xiaomo was speechless.

"Can you listen to me?" Su Xiaowu glared at her and continued, "When I was very young, I overheard Grandma Li and the others chatting about Mother Nature. They said, Nature It is very likely that my mother will always be by my grandfather's side in this life."

Su Xiaomo's expression changed slightly, his brows frowned, looked at Su Xiaowu and said, "You mean, grandma, second grandma, and little grandma may all be the mother of nature?"

"Yeah." Su Xiaowu nodded lightly, "Besides Grandma and the others, Grandma and the others also have a possibility, as long as the mother of nature is from the Su family, it will be troublesome."

Su Xiaomo's face is slightly sullen, and his heart is heavy, if this mother of nature is really from the Su family.

At that time, wouldn't someone from the Su family want to kill each other with grandpa?


Who should they help then?

I can't help anyone.

Thinking of this, Su Xiaomo got a headache, she looked at Su Xiaowu, "If this is the case, what should we do?"

Su Xiaowu shook her head lightly, if she knew what to do, she wouldn't be so entangled.

"Grandpa, grandma and the others should already know about this matter, let's wait and see what happens, and we'll talk about it when the time comes." Su Xiaowu said lightly.

"If that's the case, I won't help anyone, I'll persuade you to fight." Su Xiaomo said.

"Me too." Su Xiaowu looked at Su Xiaomo and said with a slight smile, "You are leaving the Immortal Emperor Realm very soon, you should go into seclusion during this period, and leave after you break through the Immortal Emperor Realm."

"I'll leave the matter of the Demon Island to you." Su Xiaomo said.

"En." Su Xiaowu nodded lightly, "Go to retreat, only those who have cultivated enough are qualified to persuade a fight, otherwise, they are not even qualified to persuade a fight."

"Yeah." Su Xiaomo nodded, immediately got up and walked into the room, and began to retreat.

Su Xiaowu looked into the room for a while, then looked away, her figure disappeared out of thin air, and she went to nowhere.

When she reappeared, the figure had already left the southern area, and she went to the most central area of ​​heaven and earth.

The most central area belongs to the land of no man, and everyone can go there.

There are many people here, monsters, ghosts, immortals, Buddhas, all kinds of existences, all stay in this place.

The central area is called "Zhongsheng State" by the world.

In Zhongsheng Prefecture, the forces are chaotic and mixed with fish and dragons.

It is possible to meet a random person, that is, an existence with advanced cultivation base, or it is possible to meet a random person, just a simple ordinary person.

Su Xiaowu stood in the void, looking down at the huge Zhongsheng State, "There are a lot of fish and dragons in Zhongsheng State, I don't know if there are people from the magic island."

Su Xiaowu's figure was standing in a city below.

This city was built by a powerful rogue cultivator who occupied the land as king himself.

in the city.

There are restaurants, inns, gambling houses, places of fireworks and snow moons, pills, weapon trading markets, and even human and slave trading markets.

Su Xiaowu randomly settled in a restaurant, and she stayed at a table in the hall on the first floor.

As soon as he sat down, he attracted the attention of many people nearby.

A woman as beautiful as a fairy in a painting came here alone, which made many people's minds alive.

"This girl looks a little tender. She doesn't have that kind of graceful aura, nor does she have the aura of being a mother or wife, and she doesn't look like a person with a Taoist partner. She should have come out to practice alone."

There was a table of guests not far away, one of them looked at Su Xiaowu and commented.

"This girl looks a bit difficult to mess with." A burly middle-aged man wearing a red scarf raised his eyebrows and said.

"Whether it's good or not, you have to try it to know." A man at the same table smiled lightly. He looked at Su Xiaowu in the distance and said to his companion, "A woman who came to Zhongsheng Prefecture to practice alone is quite courageous. of."

"Xiao Feng, do we want to..." The burly man looked at the young man who was talking, and said in a low voice, "This girl is very good, she should be very chaste, she stays alone in Zhongsheng State, she will be ruined sooner or later, it is better to let brother Let's have a good time."

(End of this chapter)

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