Chapter 451 Mu Zhiqiu

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Yu Zhou is the son of a first-class city lord, and Hua Qianxue is Yu Zhou's Taoist companion.

The husband and wife were extremely famous in the Immortal Monarch Realm.

After the old man wrote the names of Su Tianling and Li Yao on the banner, he turned his head to look at the crowd, and said with a faint smile, "The quotas for the eight cities have all been posted on the banner, and tomorrow morning, people from the Mozun Realm will Mu Zhiqiu, the leader of the list, personally presides over the contest of the king list battle."

"Mu Zhiqiu!"

"It turns out that he is here to host the Monarch Ranking Battle."

Everyone started discussing one by one, but they didn't expect it to be Mu Zhiqiu.

Mu Zhiqiu is the number one in the Demon Venerable Realm, and the strongest existence in the Demon Venerable Realm. It is indeed much better for him to preside over this king list battle!

in the crowd.

When Su Tianling heard Mu Zhiqiu's name, he couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face. He knew that Mu Zhiqiu was the number one in the Demon Venerable Realm, and when he won the top of the king list, he would fight with Mu Zhiqiu.

"Let's go, first find a place to live and rest." Su Tianling said.

Bei Tangxing looked at Su Tianling and said, "We live in the City Lord's Mansion in a first-class city."

"That's fine." Su Tianling nodded with a smile.

After a while, Lord Bei Tang took Su Tianling and the others to the City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion in a first-class city is very large, and it can accommodate tens of thousands of people without being crowded.

In the hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Nearly 20 people were already seated.

When Bei Tangjun brought Su Tianling and the others to the hall, all the people present looked over.

First, he glanced at Beitanghao brothers and sisters, then looked away, and looked at Su Tianling and Li Yao. They already knew that the people in the eighth-class city who were going to participate in the king list battle were these two people.

"Brother Beitang, please." On the main seat in the hall, a middle-aged man in a Chinese robe made a faint voice.

Bei Tangjun smiled and cupped his hands, sat down first, and asked Su Tianling and others to sit down too.

The man in the Chinese robe on the main seat glanced at everyone and said, "In this battle for the king's list, one of these sixteen people will be selected for the top spot. Who do you think will be the top spot?"

The city masters looked at each other, who would know?
What if it was said who became the top of the list, but it didn't become the top of the list?

Wouldn't that be a severe slap in the face?

The man in the Chinese robe saw that everyone was silent, so he smiled and said, "It seems that the battle for the king's list is a bit hanging."

He looked at the younger generation sitting there, and said with a smile, "You all go out first, and the younger generation can communicate with each other."

Everyone nodded slightly, and the younger generation present left one after another.

Su Tianling and the others also left the hall and came to a pavilion in the City Lord's Mansion.

The pavilion is very large.

There were more than a dozen stone tables, and a young man in white looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "Tomorrow is the king's list battle. Before that, how about playing some tunes and chatting?"

"it is good."

"Yes." Everyone nodded.

Playing the tune can also roughly test the strength of the opponent.

Su Tianling leaned on the wooden pillar, he had no interest in these things, what's the point of playing the piano with a group of immortals?
"Play it, I'll take a stroll around the City Lord's Mansion first." Su Tianling glanced at the crowd, then got up to leave.

"I'll go with you." Dong Yao also got up at this time.

"Then let's go." Su Tianling smiled lightly, and left first, Dong Yao followed.

Everyone frowned slightly, looking at the back of Su Tianling and the two of them leaving, these two didn't stay?
A young man smiled faintly at the crowd and said, "These two people have never heard of it, so they left because they thought they would lose."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Brother and sister Bei Tanghao frowned slightly, but they didn't say anything. The two got up and left.

The young man in white who proposed to play the tune, he glanced at the direction where Su Tianling and the others left. Is this not giving him face?

"Since they won't stay, let's play the music ourselves." Yu Zhou said out loud.

"Okay." Everyone nodded.

Su Tianling and Dongyao were strolling casually in the City Lord's Mansion. On the way, Dongyao frowned slightly, and transmitted a secret voice to Su Tianling, "I found that there is a saint's avenue rune on the westernmost side of the city."

"There must be a saint on this magic island." Su Tianling responded.

Dong Yao nodded lightly, "I don't know how many saints there are on this magic island."

"It doesn't matter how many saints he has." Su Tianling said indifferently. Originally, he came to this magic island to know how many saints there are.

But when he realized that he was the father of nature, and Liu Xue was probably the mother of nature.

How many saints there are in Demon Island is no longer so important.

If Liuxue is the mother of nature, the only saints she can lead are Duan Wuji, Monkey King, and Dong Yao.

And he, Xia Qingran and Su Xiaoke, will definitely help him.

As for Hua Qingcheng, Li Ran, and Ye Qingxuan, he doesn't know who they will help, but they will definitely not target one person.

At most it's persuasion.

In general, he is not in vain in the ultimate battle.

Dong Yao frowned slightly, she looked at Su Tianling, Su Tianling didn't seem to care how many saints there were in the magic island.

Dong Yao said in a low voice, "If the ultimate battle starts, I hope you can help us, as long as we work together, we will be able to eradicate the big devil, and after eradicating the big devil, you can live a happy life with your wife gone."

Su Tianling smiled, nodded and said, "I will."

Dong Yao nodded lightly, and felt relieved. She was worried that Su Tianling would help Modao, so it would be better to help her now.

Su Tianling smiled and continued to walk slowly.


The next morning.

City center area.

Watch stands have been set up.

The observation seats are located in the south and the north respectively, and the observation seats in the south are all the city lords of the cities.

In the observation seats in the north, all the people who are sitting are Tianjiao who want to participate in the battle of kings.

And in the surrounding area, there are people from the city, who came here to watch the king's list battle.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for someone to come.

After waiting for a while, a figure appeared in the void. This figure was straight, with his hands behind his back, his eyes looked down, and then landed in the west direction. He set up a viewing seat and sat down.

Everyone saw this figure.

Everyone was shocked.

"Mu Zhiqiu, it's Mu Zhiqiu."

"Mu Zhiqiu!"

Everyone looked at him. Three years ago, Mu Zhiqiu participated in the honor list competition. In that battle, he was extremely domineering. It seemed that everyone was reduced to a foil. In the previous battle, Mu Zhiqiu was the one who attracted the most attention.

After Mu Zhiqiu won the first place in the honor list competition, his mind was clear and he attacked the Demon Saint Realm in one fell swoop.

Su Tianling glanced at the man, this man is a middle-stage demon saint.

Mu Zhiqiu was sitting on the west side. He looked towards the observation seats to the north, and said lightly, "Everyone can only lose once. If you lose, you won't have the chance to play again. Each of you also has a chance to challenge each other."

(End of this chapter)

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