The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 459 Temporary Calm

Chapter 459 Temporary Calm
Dong Yao looked at Su Tianling suspiciously, chat?What are you talking about?
She didn't say anything, the matter has come to this point, it is very difficult for her to leave the secret place and the magic island safely.


Five people stayed in a palace hall, sitting in front of a rectangular table.

You Chi, Kuang Chen, and Dong Taiyi sat on one side.

Su Tianling and Dong Yao sat on the opposite side of the three of them.

You Chi and the others frowned slightly, and Su Tianling and Dong Yao sat together, which already showed that Su Tianling would subconsciously help Dong Yao!
If Su Tianling and Dong Yao join forces, the three of them would probably be extremely difficult or impossible if they wanted to kill Dong Yao.

After all, Dong Yao was a saint in the prehistoric period.

At its heyday.

Mother Nature has nine saints under her command.

However, in the final battle, six saints under the command of Mother Nature died in battle.

Dong Yao's ability to survive the final battle was not based on luck, but on her absolute strength.

You Chi guessed that if Dong Yao was at full strength, he might be able to fight back against the two saints.

"Speak!" You Chi said coldly, but he really wanted to know what Su Tianling wanted to do.

Su Tianling looked at You Chi and the other three, and asked, "Do you know why the big devil went to war with Mother Nature?"

"I don't know." You Chi looked at Su Tianling, "I just said that I don't need to know the grievances between them. All I need to know is that Mother Nature and the forces under her command are going to kill us. That's enough."

Dong Yao looked at You Chi, her voice was cold, "If you give up fighting against Mother Nature, no one will kill you!"

"Heh!" You Chi sneered, "Give up? If we give up, wouldn't it be the same as being captured without a fight? From the ancient times to the ancient times, Heavenly Court and Dongtian Paradise have been chasing and killing us. Is this account just a matter of letting go?"

Beside You Chi, Kuang Chen looked at Su Tianling, and said in a cold voice, "I advise you not to help Dong Yao, you helped her, but in the end, she will still kill you, after Mother Nature and Father Nature wake up , there will definitely be a big battle, now we join hands to kill her, and we can save some effort in the final battle."

Dong Taiyi stroked his white beard, looked at Su Tianling, and asked in a faint voice, "You've been trying to persuade the fight, why are you trying to persuade? Why are you helping Dongyao?"

Dong Taiyi stayed on Dong Yao's body for a while, looked at Su Tianling raised his eyebrows slightly, and guessed, "Could it be that you like Dong Yao?"

When Kuang Chen and You Chi heard this, they couldn't help frowning, no wonder Su Tianling always helped Dong Yao, it turned out that he fell in love with Dong Yao.

You Chi stared into Su Tianling's eyes and reminded, "You can like anyone, but you can't like the saints under the command of Mother Nature!"

"Don't put your life on the line just because of female sex." Kuang Chen said to Su Tianling.

Su Tianling glanced at You Chi and the other three, what is going on here.

He persuaded the fight mainly because he felt that he was the father of nature and his wife was the mother of nature.

To be honest, this is a family affair between his husband and wife.

Now that so many people have been pulled, they are caught in a situation.

Coupled with the contact with Dong Yao for a period of time, he didn't want to see Dong Yao killed just like that.

Anyway, Dong Yao once served for his wife.

Su Tianling stood up at this moment, looked at the three of You Chi, and said, "The ultimate battle is caused by the matter between the mother of nature and the father of nature. All things will be discussed after they wake up. You are going to kill them now." Dong Yao, I disagree."

You Chi and the others frowned, staring at Su Tianling, and said coldly, "You will regret it if you help her!"

"It's up to me whether I regret it or not." Su Tianling said to them, then turned to look at Dong Yao, and said, "Go, I'll hold them back."

Dong Yao looked at Su Tianling with doubts in her eyes, but Su Tianling actually helped her!

"After passing this village, there will be no such shop. This kind of opportunity is once in a thousand years. When we meet next time, it will be difficult for you to kill me!" Dong Yao looked at Su Tianling and said.

"Are you sick in the head?" Su Tianling looked into her eyes, "If you want to die so much, I'll give you a ride."

Dong Yao's figure flashed, directly tore apart the entrance and exit of the secret realm, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

You Chi and the others did not pursue Dong Yao, but only looked at Su Tianling. They knew that if Su Tianling insisted on intervening in this matter, they would not be able to kill Dong Yao at all. Since they couldn't, they would be lazy.

You Chi looked at Su Tianling and said in a deep voice, "Sooner or later, Dong Yao will swing the butcher knife at you!"

"Whatever." Su Tianling looked at You Chi and said, "It's not time to do anything now, let's wait until the Father of Nature and Mother of Nature wake up, not to mention, letting Dong Yao go will not affect anything, except that I am a saint , and so do my wives."

The three of You Chi stared at each other, Su Tianling's wife is also a saint?No wonder Su Tianling didn't care about Dong Yao's threat!
You Chi looked at Su Tianling and asked, "Xia Qingran and Su Xiaoke are also saints?"

Su Tianling nodded lightly, "It's not just them, Ye Qingxuan, Hua Qingcheng, Li Ran are all saints too."

The hearts of You Chi and the others became more concentrated, Ye Qingxuan and the others were actually saints too!
If this is the case, there are three forces now, and the Su family is the most powerful.

You Chi, Kuang Chen, and Dong Taiyi stood up at this moment, and a faintly discernible terrifying force spread from their bodies, covering their whole body. The three of them stared at Su Tianling's eyes and said in a deep voice, "Tell us, you Who is the Su family helping!"

Su Tianling glanced at the three of them, but didn't care, "Wait until the mother of nature and the father of nature wake up. My current position is neutral. If you want to join forces to kill me now, first weigh whether you can bear me. wives and their wrath."

The three of You Chi frowned and looked at each other. They really wanted to trap Su Tianling.

Su Tianling was obviously of the same kind as them, but they had the same standpoint as them. They were afraid that after Su Tianling left, they would join hands with Dong Yao and others.

But looking at the current situation, if they really joined forces to kill Su Tianling, if Xia Qingran and the other five saints came to kill him, they would not be able to resist at all.

The three of You Chi restrained their breath, and sat down depressed.

Dong Yao ran away.

He couldn't do anything to Su Tianling.

Feel very aggrieved.

Su Tianling looked at You Chi and the other three, and said lightly, "You can rest assured that I will not be your enemy."

You Chi and the others looked at Su Tianling and said nothing.

Su Tianling didn't say anything else, turned and left.

The purpose of his trip has been achieved.

Know the specific situation of the magic island.

The three saints are not to be feared.

Now let the two sides calm down temporarily, just wait for the father of nature and the mother of nature to wake up.

According to what Dong Yao said before, Mother Nature is about to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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