The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 46 Destiny Wuhun Liu Xiang

Chapter 46 Destiny Wuhun Liu Xiang
The meal is not finished yet.

I saw Bai Ruobing leading a purple-robed man here. This purple-robed man's face had thick foundation makeup, which gave people a very weird feeling. Normally, only women would wear rouge and gouache.

"That's it." Bai Ruobing glanced at Su Tianling and the others, then said to the purple-robed man.

The purple-robed man said in a very sharp voice: "Second prince Dongyan will hold a banquet at noon tomorrow, please enter the palace to have the banquet!"

This voice is obviously the voice of the eunuch, only the voice of the eunuch can be so sharp.

"Understood." Liu Xue frowned slightly, the second prince invited them to a banquet?I hope it's not a Hongmen Banquet!

Before leaving, the eunuch looked at Su Xiaoke meaningfully and said, "The second prince appreciates you very much, and I hope you can seize the opportunity."

The eunuch turned to leave.

Bai Ruobing frowned, she looked at Su Xiaoke, and said in a deep voice: "As far as I know, the second prince has defeated all the princes, and now the second prince is holding a banquet, probably to publicly announce his marriage to you."

"These princes are all self-righteous, as if everything belongs to them, and they can do whatever they want!" Su Xiaoke's face was covered with frost. marry her!
They never asked her wishes, whether she wanted to marry or not!
"It's okay, if anyone dares to do something outrageous, I'll shoot him to death on the spot." Su Tianling said leisurely.

Liu Xue frowned and reminded: "There are strong people in the imperial palace, don't be reckless, just play by ear."

Su Tianling shrugged, disapproving.

Bai Ruobing didn't say anything, turned around and left.


Vertical sun!

Taihang Hall of the Imperial Palace.

The second prince, Dong Yan, held a grand banquet. He invited Qin Zhan, the god of war, and Liu Xiang, the prime minister of the dynasty, as well as many officials.

Not only these people, but also many princes from Dongsheng Kingdom also arrived.

Dong Yan sat in the main seat, he looked at the princes, and said lightly: "Today is the day of engagement between me, Dong Yan, and Su Xiaoke. I would like to express my gratitude to the princes for coming here."

The third prince Dongli sat not far away, he drank the wine, looked at Dongyan and said sarcastically: "As far as I know, Su Xiaoke doesn't seem to agree to be engaged to you!"

Dongyan looked at Dongli, showed a confident smile, and said, "Third Brother, I am different from you. You have pursued Liu Xue for a whole year, but there is no progress. Do you know why?"

"All ears!" Dong Li said coldly.

"Hehe." Dong Yan smiled, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a domineering air gushing out from between his brows, and he said sharply: "We are the princes of Dongsheng Kingdom, we can say anything about the entire Dongsheng Kingdom, People, including people, belong to our royal family. If you like Liu Xue, you should not pursue her, but use all means to get her! Don’t forget, behind you is the entire Dongsheng Kingdom. Since Liu Xue is Dongsheng People from the country, that is my royal family, you can do whatever you want with her!"

When Dong Li heard this, his eyes flickered with a cold light. Although he didn't like Dong Yan very much, Dong Yan's words were not wrong.

In the entire Dongsheng Kingdom, everything belongs to his boss!
Including Liu Xue!

As a citizen of Dongsheng Kingdom, he is an imposing prince, if he wants to get Liu Xue, does he still need to care about Liu Xue's wishes?It should be like finding something out of a bag, taking what should belong to you.

The princes took it for granted when they heard the words.

"Second brother is right. All the beauties in Dongsheng Country belong to our boss. As long as we want, we can hold them in our hands!"

One of the princes spoke.

Dong Yan smiled, looked at the sky outside, and said calmly: "It's almost noon, and my fiancée is almost here."

At this time.

Two figures walked in.

One of them was dressed in golden armor, and his whole body was like a rainbow. Even if he didn't speak, there was still a sense of majesty spreading. His face was very cold, and his eyes were also very cold.

This person is Qin Zhan, the general of Dongsheng Kingdom.

Because he learned that Qiu Jianyu was stealing men behind his back, and that even Qin Ze was not his own son, this made him even more furious. He actually raised other men's sons for so many years!
He has high expectations for Qin Ze. Ever since Qin Ze awakened the talented Sword Martial Soul, he has carefully cultivated it!

However, he never expected that the child he had spent so much time cultivating was not his!

Just thinking about it now makes me very annoyed, I wish I could kill Qin Ze, I wish I could kill Qiu Jianyu.

However, Qiu Jianyu couldn't kill him yet.

He vowed not to give up until he tortured the wild man Qiu Jianyu stole!
Beside Qin Ze was an old man who looked quite old, dressed in a gray robe, with white hair, and slightly bowed figure, as if he had reached the end of his life and would not live long.

However, when the princes saw the old man in gray robe, they became very respectful one by one.

This gray-robed old man is the current prime minister, known as Liu Xiang!

Liu Xiang's cultivation base is not high, but he has a very rare destiny martial soul.

This kind of martial soul can measure human life and the fate of a country. It can be said that many kings will have such a destiny martial soul by their side, so as to measure the secrets of heaven and help the emperor to better govern the country.

"General Qin, Xiang Liu, take your seat quickly."

The second prince Dongyan hurriedly got up and said.

Qin Zhan and Liu Xiangqing nodded, and then sat down.

The seat was very near the front, above any prince except Dong Yan.

Dong Yan looked at Liu Xiang and said slowly: "The main reason for inviting Liu Xiang here this time is to ask you to help calculate Su Xiaoke's destiny."

"I know." Liu Xiang glanced at Dong Yan with his old eyes, and he couldn't help but freeze when he saw the dead air lingering on Dong Yan's forehead.


For those who are haunted by the spirit of death on their foreheads, there are almost more dangers than fortunes!

Most of them died.

How can there be death in the forehead of the dignified Second Prince Dong Yan?

Who dares to kill Dongyan?

Liu Xiang didn't dare to say, if he said that Dong Yan was going to die now, he might say that he was misleading people. If Dong Yan really died in the end, people who knew him would admire him even more, and those who didn't know him would think he was crow's mouth.

Liu Xiang felt that it was better not to say anything.

The princes looked at Liu Xiang eagerly. They also wanted Liu Xiang to see their own fate, but...Liu Xiang didn't want to see it, which made them helpless.

Liu Xiang once said that he doesn't care about the fate of the king, nor the fate of the prince, and he doesn't get involved in royal affairs.

Because of this, Liu Xiang only looks at the fate of others!
"Thank you Liu Xiang." Dong Yan said with a smile, he also guessed Su Xiaoke's fate in his heart, Su Xiaoke himself is a six-star martial soul talent, such a talent, the fate must be extraordinary.

He invited Liu Xiang to come here mainly to see what kind of destiny Su Xiaoke really is.

Dong Yan looked at Qin Zhan, who had an ugly face, and felt ridiculous in his heart. The majestic god of war in Dongsheng Kingdom, the concubine's room actually stole the wild man. It's really embarrassing, not only embarrassing, but also the entire royal family.

(End of this chapter)

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