The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 461 This is my fiance

Chapter 461 This is my fiance
Nothing to do for the time being.

Su Tianling wandered casually in the Taixu Cave, and when he met the disciples of the elders of the Cave, he would nod with a smile, chat a few words, and give pointers to the immortals by the way.

Today's Taixu Cave Heaven, and even the rest of the Paradise Paradise, are living comfortably, without any disputes, everyone can practice with peace of mind, what should be done.

Overall, very good.

on the farther void.

There are three figures hidden, and the three figures have been secretly watching Taixu Dongtian and paying attention to Su Tianling.

Seeing that Su Tianling was kind to everyone and looked very easy-going, the three of them couldn't help but glance at each other.

If Su Tianling is not a variable person, maybe he can become friends with them.

But Su Tianling is a variable person, and it is difficult to become friends even if he has a different standpoint.

At this time.

A figure leaning on crutches appeared in front of the three of them, and he said respectfully, "I have seen Monkey King, Yao Sheng, and Wuji Sheng."

These three hidden figures are Dong Yao, Monkey King, and Duan Wuji.

Sun Wukong looked at the old Monkey King who was leaning on crutches and asked, "How about this Su Tianling?"

The old monkey king looked at Sun Wukong and said truthfully, "Since he ascended the throne as the Holy Son of Dongtian, he has started to rectify Dongtian Paradise, cleaned up many black apples, and even went to heaven to seek justice for the disciples of Dongtian Paradise. He is kind and kind. Not good power, not good, he is very good."

Monkey King, Dong Yao and Duan Wuji looked at each other.

That being said, this Su Tianling is indeed not a bad person.

The old Monkey King looked at Monkey King and asked, "Monkey Lord, why do you want to investigate Su Tianling all of a sudden?"

Monkey King looked at him, "Do you know that Su Tianling is a saint?"

"What!" The old Monkey King stared in shock, unable to believe, "How could he be a saint? I remember when he was in Taixu Cave Heaven in the first year, he looked very ordinary. At that time, he was just a fairy. .

Sun Wukong shook his head slightly, "He is not a fairy, but a saint."

Dong Yao looked at the old Monkey King, "He is not only a saint, but also a man of variables!"

"What!" The old monkey king was shocked again, his eyes revealed disbelief, he was already extremely surprised when he said that Su Tianling was a saint, and now he said that Su Tianling was still a variable, which made him unbelievable.

Duan Wuji looked at the old monkey king, and said lightly, "Dong Yao and Su Tianling stayed in the magic island for a while, and he is sure that he is the variable, and he himself admitted it."

"This..." The old monkey king didn't know what to say. Up to this moment, he was still in the dark circle. It was hard to imagine that Su Tianling, who was working for the welfare of Dongtianfudi and seeking justice for the disciples of Dongtianfudi, turned out to be a variable person.

Seeing the appearance of the old monkey king, Monkey King was speechless. He waved his hands and said, "Okay, you go back first. Su Tianling is a saint's business, so don't spread it for now."

"Okay." The old monkey king nodded, turned and left, and he was always in the trap on the way.

If Su Tianling is a saint of the Demon Island, then he is lurking in the Paradise of the Paradise and working for the welfare of the Paradise of the Paradise. What does that mean?
After the old monkey king left.

Sun Wukong looked at Dong Yao and Duan Wuji and said, "Let's go to Chen Xiang first. He holds the Pangu ax in his hand. If the saints are in the ultimate battle, he will also be an indispensable main force."

Dong Yao and Duan Wuji nodded lightly.

Today's situation is complicated.

Not only do they have to be wary of the three saints on the Demon Island, they also need to be wary of Su Tianling, and even a few saints on Su Tianling's side.

Now they can only find some existences with saint-level combat power.

And this Liu Chenxiang is one of them.

Although Liu Chenxiang is only a quasi-sage, but he has mastered the Pangu axe of the great god Pangu. The Pangu ax and Liu Chenxiang have long been integrated into one body. If Liu Chenxiang controls the Pangu axe, he can also chop out the combat power of a saint.

Liujia Village.

Liujia Village seems very comfortable, what should the villagers do.

A family in Liujia Village.

Laughing and laughing, it sounds like it's been a good time.

Liu Chenxiang and Xiaoyu's husband and wife saw that their daughter and Su Xiaodou had a good life during this period of time, and they finally felt relieved.

The only regret is that her daughter and Su Xiaodou are not married yet.

"Huh?" Liu Chenxiang raised his eyebrows suddenly, he looked up to the sky, and saw three familiar figures coming down.

"Master." Seeing Monkey King, Liu Chenxiang got up and called out.

After Sun Wukong and the others fell down, he looked at Liu Chenxiang and Xiaoyu, and said with a smile, "You young couple are living a good life, I heard you laughing all the way here."

Liu Chenxiang scratched her head and said with a smile, "Recently, Xiao Yuner has a man she likes, so Xiaoyu and I are naturally happy."

"Oh? Little Yuner already has a man he likes, it looks like he's grown up." Sun Wukong said with a smile, "Quickly ask Little Yuner to show that guy to my grandson."

"I've already asked them to come over." Liu Chenxiang said with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, two figures walked in the courtyard gate.

Seeing Monkey King, Liu Yun'er trotted over, holding Monkey King's arm, and said, "Grandpa Monkey, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came here? Yun'er has to treat you well."

Sun Wukong slapped his forehead, looked at Liu Yuner and said, "Xiao Yuner, you have a sweetheart, and your brain is not working, if Grandpa Monkey told you in advance, then I have to go back and come to you again? "

"Ah..." Liu Yun'er blushed, as if it was true.

"By the way." Liu Yuner hurriedly changed the topic, she pulled Su Xiaodou, and smiled at Monkey King, "This is Su Xiaodou, my fiance."

Sun Wukong looked at Su Xiaodou, he raised his eyebrows slightly, why does Su Xiaodou have the aura of Su Tianling?He should have been in contact with Su Tianling during this period of time, and he asked, "Do you have anything to do with Su Tianling?"

Su Xiaodou looked at Monkey King, and from the first time he saw Monkey King, he knew that Monkey King was one of the saints in this world.

As for the men and women who came here with Monkey King, he guessed they were also saints.

saint!He must pay attention.

Before Su Xiaodou could speak, Liu Yuner laughed and said, "That's Xiaodou's grandfather."

"..." Sun Wukong.

"..." Dong Yao.

"..." Duan Wuji.

Sun Wukong and the others frowned, all looking at Su Xiaodou, this guy is Su Tianling's grandson?

When Su Xiaodou saw the strange gazes of the three Sun Wukongs, his heart became active. Why did the three Sun Wukongs react this way when they knew that he was Su Tianling's grandson?
Su Xiaodou looked at the three of Monkey King, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "I've seen Grandpa Monkey, Sage Yao, and Sage Wuji."

Su Xiaodou learned from Liu Yun'er that apart from Monkey King, Duan Wuji and Dong Yao are the only saints today.

He guessed that this man and one woman were Duan Wuji and Dong Yao.

Monkey King and the three looked at each other. Su Xiaodou and Liu Yuner turned out to be Taoist couples. Is there such a coincidence in the world?
(End of this chapter)

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