The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 470 The Crazy Dancing Nature

Chapter 470 The Crazy Dancing Nature
After the three of Li Ran were locked by the Dao lock, they were thrown into the space of the Dao by Liu Xue.

At this time, Liu Xue drank the wine in the glass. She looked into the distance and said to Dong Yao, "Let Su Tianling, Xia Qingran, and Su Xiaoke come to me."

Dong Yao heard Liu Xue's voice, she looked towards the entrance and exit of the magic island, and said, "Mother Dao, please come to the Heavenly Court together."

In the magic island.

The three of Su Tianling looked at each other.

How many people in Liran have made it clear?

Su Xiaoke patted Su Tianling on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Well, I'll just say there's no problem."

Xia Qingran frowned and reminded, "Don't be too happy, some things can't be solved with just a few words."

"Then say a few more words to solve it." Su Xiaoke said with a smile, "Let's go and talk to Sister Xue."

Su Tianling frowned slightly. He always felt that it was wrong to go to see Liu Xue together. He looked at Xia Qingran and said, "I'll go alone, you stay here."

"Be careful." Xia Qingran looked at him and reminded, "Don't provoke her."

"I know." Su Tianling nodded slightly, turned and walked out.

Standing outside the magic island, he glanced at Dong Yao and the others, then stepped into the void and walked towards the heavenly court.

Liu Xue didn't hide her aura, Su Tianling followed the location where Liu Xue exuded her aura.

He appeared in No.30 Three Heavens, looking at a courtyard not far away, his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly.

He couldn't feel the aura of Li Ran and the others, but only Liu Xue's aura!What about the three of Li Ran?
Su Tianling didn't think any more, and walked slowly towards the yard.

Walking to the courtyard door, he was silent for a while before pushing the door open.

In the eyes, it is a familiar woman in white who can no longer be familiar with.

Su Tianling remembered every part of her body clearly, without missing anything.

She can clearly remember how many hairs she has and how many eyelashes she has.

He looked at Liu Xue who was sitting quietly in the yard drinking fine wine. At this moment, Liu Xue gave him a strange feeling.

He closed the courtyard door, walked up to Liu Xue, and sat down.

Liu Xue drank the wine, as if she didn't see Su Tianling.

Su Tianling didn't make a sound first, took the jug by himself, and drank slowly.

It went on like this for about a moment.

Su Tianling put the jug on the table, looked at Liu Xue, "Let's chat."

After hearing this, Liu Xue put down her wine glass and looked at Su Tianling.

Su Tianling looked into her eyes, "I haven't recovered the memory of my previous life, I don't know what I did in my previous life, so let's not talk about my previous life, only this life."

Su Tianling pondered for a while and said, "I don't know what my previous life was like. I only know that I can't let you go in this life. I don't want to say anything else, and I don't know what to say."

"Then let you restore the memory of your previous life!" After Liu Xue finished speaking, a special rune invisible to the naked eye entered Su Tianling's mind.

Su Tianling felt that many, many memories suddenly appeared in his mind.

In just a few breaths, he received all the memories from his previous life.

After receiving these memories, he instantly understood many things.

The main reason why he didn't wake up his past life memory and didn't wake up his past life consciousness is that the other half of the source of nature under his control has been taken away by Liu Xue!

In this life, every time he has sex with Liu Xue, the source of nature he controls will be taken away by Liu Xue.

This life is very long, he and Liu Xue don't know how many times they have had sex as husband and wife, if they do some calculations, there are more than [-] million times.

This billion times of husband and wife affairs, the source of nature that he controls, has long been eaten up by Liu Xue.

Now he is just a saint.

As for Liu Xue, she has controlled the complete source of nature, and now Liu Xue is even stronger than in her previous life.

Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue, not knowing what to say, and there was nothing to say.

Liu Xue took away his source of nature, knew all his memories, and knew how he arranged the game in this life.

Liu Xue knew everything, and he didn't need to say anything more.

"You won." Su Tianling picked up the jug and poured himself a glass of wine slowly. After pouring a glass of wine, he picked up the wine glass and shook it lightly.

He looked at Liu Xue for a while, and then suddenly laughed.

Smiling, kept laughing, and laughed for a while, he looked into Liu Xue's eyes, shook his head and smiled, "I thought this life could let you let go, let you get along with me, Qingran, and Xiaoke, but I didn't expect ,I lost."

Su Tianling felt very helpless.

The game he has arranged in this life is to make Liu Xue his wife, and then marry Xia Qingran and Su Xiaoke in some ways that seem to be right for him.

He wanted to let Liu Xue accept Xia Qingran and Su Xiaoke through time.

But the ending was obvious, after Liu Xue woke up, she didn't accept it.

He also thought that if Liu Xue did not accept Xia Qingran and Su Xiaoke after waking up, he could also rely on his heirs in this life and use a few emotional cards to make Liu Xue compromise.

If Liu Xue still does not compromise, he can also rely on his own strength to protect himself, as well as Xia Qingran and Su Xiaoke.

But never expected.

Liu Xue will do whatever she can, marry him, and have sex with him. Every time she does sex with him, she will take away the source of nature that he controls.

These more than 1 million times of husband and wife affairs have completely squeezed out his natural origin, and there is nothing left.

Now he will never be able to recover the strength of his previous life.

Now, facing Liu Xue, he is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Liu Xue's expression was calm, she looked at Su Tianling calmly, "Do you know why you are reduced to what you are now?"

Su Tianling thought for a while, and couldn't help laughing, "Because I'm not as scheming as you are?"

"Wrong!" Liu Xue's eyes suddenly became sharp, she stared at his eyes, and said coldly, "Because you are scum! If you hadn't been contaminated with Xia Qingran and Su Xiaoke back then, you wouldn't have been reduced to the source of nature. I take it!"

After Liu Xue's words fell, the aura around her suddenly surged, when it surged.

The world has changed.

The wind and the clouds danced wildly.

The space in the void began to burst.

The stars hanging in the sky began to fall.

The boundless starry sky, many planets, began to collapse.


The wind is howling.

The clouds are dissipating.

The sun has set.

Darkness has come.

It's like the end is coming.

Huge world.

Countless people were so frightened by this earth-shattering scene that they hid at home, trembling.

Countless 10 people near the magic island all changed their expressions in surprise. Looking at the flurry of wind and clouds, the sky turned upside down, and the whole world seemed to be trembling, as if resonating with the mood of Mother Nature.

"The Taoist mother is angry." Dong Yao and other saints focused their eyes, and the mother of nature was angry, and nature would resonate with Liu Xue's mood.

On the contrary, if Liu Xue is in a good mood, everything in this world will glow with vigorous vitality.

With the current turmoil, it is obvious that Liu Xue is angry.

(End of this chapter)

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