The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 488 Beyond the Boundary Wall

Chapter 488 Beyond the Boundary Wall
After Su Tianling and the others returned to the yard.

Su Tianling lay back on the chair, and he said to Xia Qingran and the others, "Let's include the chaotic world into the prehistoric world."

Xia Qingran nodded lightly, and she looked at Su Tianling, "I will give you the origin of the wilderness."

Su Tianling looked at her.

Xia Qingran said to him, "You are the head of the family, and you control the strongest power."

Su Tianling nodded slightly, but said nothing.

Xia Qingran pointed at Su Tianling, and gave Su Tianling all the origin of the prehistoric that he had.

After Su Tianling controlled all the origins of the Great Desolation, he looked at Xia Qingran and the others and said, "I will retreat in a month's time."

Xia Qingran and the others nodded lightly.

Although Su Tianling has mastered the complete primordial source, Su Tianling still needs to comprehend the source of life.

Enlightenment takes time, usually half a year.

Before comprehending enlightenment, you must first be gentle with them.

A month later.

Su Tianling began to retreat, and first comprehended half of the primordial origin that Liu Xue once controlled.

After comprehending for half a year, Su Tianling opened his eyes, and he has thoroughly comprehended the primordial origin of life.

At this time, his gaze was looking at the boundary wall of the Primordial World, and he should have included the remaining [-]% of the Chaotic World into the Primordial World.

Su Tianling's figure directly tore through the boundary wall and came into the muddy and chaotic world.

The world of Chaos is now empty.

All the demon gods died, and those who were imprisoned were imprisoned.

There is no need to stay in this chaotic world now.

He looked at the turbid void for a long time, as if he wanted to see the chaotic world for the last time.

At this time, his eyes became darker, and he slowly raised his hand. When he raised his hand, there was a terrifying force of law, which disturbed the entire chaotic world, and the void began to burst, and there were continuous explosions of shock after shock.


In the chaotic world, every time there is an explosion, a space directly collapses. After the collapse, the primordial source begins to occupy, and the collapsed space is piled up with the source of the prehistoric world.

As time passed, after about a moment, the originally muddy space was no longer muddy, but became clear.

Mountains, rivers, trees, light... and other laws, all filled this chaotic world.

At this moment, Su Tianling took a look at the boundary wall, and he directly broke the boundary wall, completely integrating the prehistoric world and the original chaotic world into one, becoming the prehistoric world at its peak state.

When the remaining [-]% of the chaotic world has also turned into a prehistoric world.

Su Tianling clearly felt that his strength seemed to have become stronger.

The prehistoric origin he controlled seems to have become more profound, requiring him to continue to comprehend.

"It seems that we have to continue to retreat." Su Tianling muttered to himself.

As soon as the voice fell, Su Tianling frowned, looking at the boundary wall, he heard a loud rumbling noise, which seemed to come from outside the prehistoric world.

Su Tianling's eyes were fixed. Is there any other world besides the prehistoric world?

He looked at the boundary wall, and there was a section of the boundary wall that continuously produced vibration patterns, as if a very powerful force was bombarding it.

However, the boundary wall is extremely strong. That powerful force can only shake the boundary wall at most, but cannot break it.

At least, in the short term, it is impossible to blast the boundary wall.

Su Tianling looked there, feeling vigilant in his heart. He has lived for so many years, and he firmly believes in one sentence.

That is the endless way!
The position he is in now is what the world thinks is the pinnacle, but is this really the pinnacle?
Su Tianling shook his head lightly. He used to think that he was at the peak many times, but when he came into contact with a higher level, he found that what he thought was the peak was just a starting point.

He looked at the position of the boundary wall where the tremor pattern was generated, and after looking at it for a while, he muttered to himself, "The most important thing now is to comprehend the origin first."

After all, Su Tianling immediately returned to the Heavenly Court, and after talking to Liu Xue about the situation, he began to retreat.

Liu Xue and the others listened to Su Tianling's speculation that there might be other worlds outside the prehistoric world.

This made Liu Xue and the others condense slightly, they thought that the prehistoric world was the pinnacle.

After all, what can be stronger than the Three Thousand Laws in the world?

Liu Xue, who once controlled half of the primordial source, couldn't help feeling puzzled at this moment. In her cognition, if she could control the Three Thousand Laws, she would be the strongest existence in the world.

But now...

There was a shock outside the prehistoric world.

This shows that there may be other worlds outside the prehistoric world.

As for whether the outside world is equal to the prehistoric world or better than the prehistoric world, she doesn't know.


Su Tianling was immersed in comprehending the primordial origin, and after incorporating the chaotic world into the prehistoric world, he found that the origin became a little more profound, and it took him time to comprehend all the sudden extra mysteries.

As time goes by.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

On this day, Su Tianling slowly opened his eyes. Three months later, he thoroughly understood the origin of the peak state.

He could feel that the Three Thousand Laws had reached its peak, and he could use any law at will.

He looked at the boundary wall, where there was still vibration, although the boundary wall was still intact.

However, the boundary wall seems to have changed a little...

Seeing this, Su Tianling looked at the past calmly, no matter what the outside world was like.

He only needs to strengthen himself and those around him.

With a flash of his figure, he found Liu Xue and the others.

Liu Xue and the others were still drinking tea and chatting.

Seeing Su Tianling appearing suddenly, they couldn't help getting up one by one, and asked, "Are you ready for enlightenment?"

Su Tianling nodded lightly. He looked at Liu Xue and the others and said, "Next, I will pass on the origin of the wilderness to one of you first, and then you will immediately comprehend and master the three thousand laws of the peak state as soon as possible!"

"Okay." Liu Xue and the others nodded. If they can strengthen themselves, they naturally want to strengthen themselves.

Only by strengthening yourself can you not become a burden, and you can fight side by side with those you care about.

Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue and said, "I'll give you the origin of the wilderness first, and then give Qingran the origin of the wilderness after you have completed your enlightenment."

Liu Xue nodded lightly.

After Su Tianling passed on the origin of the wilderness to Liu Xue, Liu Xue immediately went to retreat.


Xia Qingran took Su Tianling's arm, looked at the boundary wall where the vibration occurred, her eyes were a little lost, "I thought I could live a good life, but I didn't expect..."

Su Tianling looked at her, and said softly, "There is no way to do this, no matter what happens in the future, as long as our family stays together."

"Yeah." Xia Qingran showed a faint smile, no matter what the road ahead is, it's good for the family to stay together.

Su Xiaoke was also holding Su Tianling's arm at this time, and she also said depressedly, "At first I wanted to live a little life, but now... it seems that something is going to happen again."

(End of this chapter)

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