Chapter 499 Marry her!
"..." Su Luo was speechless!

Xia Qingran looked at Su Luo, "We'll stay here for two days, and you'll go back with us after two days, so in these two days, you should deal with your own affairs as soon as possible."

"Isn't it three years? It's only been a year and a half?" Su Luo couldn't help but said, leaving in two days, she still wanted to stay for a while.

Xia Qingran said lightly, "As long as you have someone you like, no matter whether you succeed or not, you have to go back with us. You only have two days."

"Okay..." Su Luo was thoughtful, only two days left...

Mother set a deadline for her, and the matter between her and Xiao Chen had to be resolved within two days.

how should I solve this…

If it doesn't work, let's solve it with fists...


The next morning.

Su Tianling and the others were staying in the yard, eating breakfast.

Outside the yard, there was a knock on the door.

"Sister Luo...I...I'm here..."

The person who spoke was Xiao Chen. He was standing in front of the courtyard at the moment, feeling very uneasy. For more than a year, he had come to Su Luo every morning, looking for Su Luo, mainly to let Su Luo beat him up.

If he doesn't take the initiative to find Su Luo, the consequences will be very serious!

Su Tianling and the others who were having breakfast couldn't help but look at each other when they heard Xiao Chen's voice.

Su Luo coughed in embarrassment, she looked at Xia Qingran and the others, "Do you want to avoid it?"

"Don't avoid it." Xia Qingran.

At this moment, Su Tianling looked towards the courtyard gate in the distance, and said lightly, "Come in."

Xiao Chen, who was standing outside the courtyard gate, couldn't help but change his face when he heard Su Tianling's voice.

How is this a man's voice?
Through the sensuality of the voice, he could tell that the owner of the voice was very young, probably about his age.

When I thought of Su Luo's residence, there was actually a man about his age, and I felt uncomfortable for a while.

I don't know why, it's just uncomfortable.

Xiao Chen's expression was a bit uneasy, he pushed open the courtyard door, and then stepped in, he really wanted to see who the man in Su Luo's courtyard was!

You know, this is his palace, and he is the emperor of the Great Xiao Kingdom!
He walked over quickly, his vision gradually became clear, and he saw several people in the distance!

The man is handsome and the woman is effervescent.

What's the situation...

Why did there suddenly appear so many people in Su Luo's residence?

Su Tianling and the others also looked at Xiao Chen, as if they were sizing up, wanting to see how Su Luo's favorite was.

The appearance is not bad.

They don't care about martial arts talent or anything, anyway, no matter how good the martial arts talent is, it's not as good as them.

As for the background, background, etc., they don't care, as long as they are in this world, no one's background can surpass them.

All they care about is character, even if the other party is a useless person, they don't mind, as long as their children like it, it doesn't matter.

Behavior must be taken care of.

Xiao Chen stopped not far from a few people, he was a little dazed, he glanced at Su Tianling and the others, except for Gu Xiaoxi, everyone else had a very special temperament, which gave him an invisible pressure.

It's as if everyone is better than him.

But even if he is stronger than him, he is the emperor of the Great Xiao Kingdom after all, and the aura of the host country still needs to be displayed.

He looked at Su Tianling and the others, and asked cautiously, "Who are they?"

Su Tianling looked at him and said lightly, "Su Luo is my daughter."

"Ahem." Xiao Chen's head was a little messed up, Su Luo's father...

Xia Qingran looked at Xiao Chen, "The Sister Luo you are talking about is my daughter."

"Hello, Uncle, Auntie..." Xiao Chen.

Xia Qingran looked at Xiao Chen coldly, "I heard that you accidentally kissed my daughter?"

After the words fell, there was a faint coercion that enveloped Xiao Chen.

Feeling this coercion, Xiao Chen's face instantly turned pale, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

Although this coercion was not strong, it gave him a feeling of divine punishment.

It's like, this is Tianwei.

Xiao Chen hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Uncle... Aunt... I kissed him by accident, really... really accidentally."

Xia Qingran looked at him coldly, "I kissed him by accident!"

Xiao Chen wanted to cry, but looked at Xia Qingran, "What does Auntie want?"

"Marry her!" Xia Qingran said.

"Mother..." Su Luo couldn't help but look at Xia Qingran.

"Shut up." Xia Qingran glared at her. She was embarrassed to say that if she insisted on using violence, she, a mother, could only solve it.

"Ah..." Xiao Chen froze for a moment, looking at Xia Qingran in disbelief, asking him to marry Su Luo...

"What? Don't marry?" Xia Qingran raised her eyebrows, her eyes were no longer friendly, as if as long as Xiao Chen disagreed, she would give Xiao Chen a little pain.

"Marry...marry...marry..." Xiao Chen said hastily.

Xia Qingran nodded in satisfaction, and then put away her coercion.

"Hmph! Who said you're going to marry him?" Su Luo turned his head away and said coldly.

After hearing this, Xia Qingran couldn't help but glared at her, "You're the only one who talks too much!"

Su Xuan stood up at this moment, walked towards Xiao Chen with a smile, and stretched out his hand at the same time, "My name is Su Xuan, and the Sister Luo you are talking about is my own sister. Since you want to marry my sister, then you will be my brother-in-law from now on. Please introduce me first." Let us get to know each other."

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and shook Su Xuan's hand, he was a little confused.

Are you going to marry a wife?
feel so fast...

Seeing that several people were looking at him, Xiao Chen couldn't help coughing, and then introduced himself, "My surname is Xiao, and my name is Chen. The youngest emperor of the Xiao Kingdom."

Su Tianling and the others nodded lightly. They had figured out Xiao Chen's situation yesterday.

Su Tianling glanced at Xiao Chen, he controlled the law of love, and could feel that Xiao Chen had a touch of affection for Su Luo.

This feeling, maybe it was brought out by Su Luo every day.

But he always felt that Xiao Chen was much younger and not mature enough. It would feel a little inappropriate to marry Su Luo now.

He looked at Su Luo and said lightly, "You will go back with us tomorrow."

Su Luo looked at Su Tianling, and said in a secret voice, "Xiao Chen is going back with us too?"

Su Tianling shook his head, "He will continue to be the emperor here, and when he matures, it won't be too late to marry you."

Su Luo rolled his eyes, "I want to stay here..."

"After a while, your brother and Xiaoxi will get married." Su Tianling.

"Then I'll come here after my younger brother gets married to Xiaoxi." Su Luo.

"..." Su Tianling looked at her, "You have been walking with him before you got married?"

"..." Su Luo's pretty face couldn't help but blush.

Su Tianling rolled her eyes and blushed?
He looked at Xiao Chen at this moment, "You and Xiao Luo go out for a walk first, and Xiao Luo will go back with us early tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded, looking at Su Luo, Su Tianling just said that Su Luo would leave early tomorrow morning.

Knowing that Su Luo is going to leave, he felt uncomfortable. Although Su Luo beat him every day for more than a year, he felt that Su Luo was very good in the day-to-day contact. For more than a year, the emperors of other countries wanted to annex Da Xiao The country, or Su Luo shot, suppressed those emperors.

(End of this chapter)

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