The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 51 What Are You?Give me a waste!

Chapter 51 What Are You?Give me a waste!
"Where did Liu Xue and my sister go?"

Su Tianling asked.

"You don't know?" The student was surprised. Su Tianling acted like he didn't know about such a big thing.

But after thinking about it, the students feel that it is also a matter of course.

A year ago, Su Tianling killed Dongyan and disappeared after abolishing the princes. At that time, Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke searched for Su Tianling for a long time but failed to find him.

Later, when the ruins of Xihuang were opened, everyone went to the ruins, and Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke also went to the ruins.

"They went to the ruins of the West Wilderness."

said the student.

Su Tianling nodded lightly, Xihuang...

Like Dongsheng country and some nearby countries, they are collectively called Xihuang, which belong to barren and remote areas in this world.

"Did anything particularly important happen this year?" Su Tianling asked. He had been in seclusion for a year and needed to know if any major events had happened this year.

"Yes, the eldest prince Dongliu entered the ruins and was favored by a power in the ninth-class region. Now he is cultivating in the ninth-class region. Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke are also favored by the power in the ninth-class region. They are currently practicing there. "

said the student.

"By the way, Qiu Jianyu died last month." The student said again.

Su Tianling frowned and said, "Dead? How did you die?"

At the beginning, he gave Qiu Jianyu a Demon Emperor Sword. With Qiu Jianyu's strength as a military general, manipulating the Demon Emperor Sword can temporarily exert the power of a peak martial king. In this Western Wasteland, who can kill Qiu Jianyu?
"This..." The student seemed to have thought of something, with a frightened expression on his face, he looked left and right, for fear of being heard.

"Say!" Su Tianling's face darkened.

The student panicked and said in a low voice: "It's the Xiao family in the ninth-class region. The eldest prince was chosen by the Xiao family for his talent and entered the Xiao family to cultivate. He came all the way here and killed Qiu Jianyu, and even took away her Demon Emperor Saber."

When Su Tianling heard this, a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Although he and Qiu Jianyu were not related, but Qiu Jianyu was just a miserable woman after all. The Demon King Sword he bestowed was taken away by someone else!
He will take back this Demon Emperor Knife with his own hands.

The students felt that the aura around Su Tianling was very cold, so they ran away in fright, not daring to stay here any longer.

After a while.

Two figures came from not far away, and when they saw Su Tianling, they paused.

"Su Tianling!" The speaker was a young man, who was obviously shocked when he saw that Su Tianling was here.

Su Tianling, who had been missing for a year, reappeared!
Hearing this, Su Tianling looked at the two people ahead, the man was Ye Xiao from the War Spear Palace, and the woman was the Concubine Yao from the Ice Palace.

Both are the strongest students of the two halls, but a year ago, they were beaten very badly by Liu Xue.

Concubine Yao looked at Su Tianling, a icy chill flashed in the depths of her eyes, she whispered to Ye Xiao: "You hold him back, I'll go find the Second Palace Master!"

"Yeah." Ye Xiao nodded lightly.

The concubine left.

Ye Xiao looked at Su Tianling, his eyes became fierce, and he said coldly: "I didn't expect you to dare to appear in the academy. You killed the second prince and abolished all the princes. The king is looking for you everywhere now!"

"And then." Su Tianling looked at him calmly, as if looking at a clown. He heard what Yaofei said to Ye Xiao just now, and wanted to hold him back?Then go to Lei Zhentian?

That being the case, he is waiting here today!

After finishing taking care of the affairs here, he should also go to Liu Xue and his sister.

"Then?" Ye Xiao sneered after hearing the words: "Of course I killed you. You don't think that with Qiu Jianyu protecting you, you can run wild in Dongsheng Kingdom? Yes, with Qiu Jianyu around , you can indeed walk sideways in Dongsheng Country, but... Qiu Jianyu died a month ago! I want to see who else can protect you!"

"I don't know when I will die, but I know that you will die soon!" Su Tianling smiled playfully.

When Ye Xiao heard this, his face changed drastically.

Although he had improved his level this year, Su Tianling could easily abolish all the princes, especially the second prince Dongyan, who was a general, but he was still easily killed by Su Tianling.

Wouldn't it be easy for Su Tianling to kill him?

Suddenly, Ye Xiao's knees gave way, and he knelt directly on the ground. He felt a force suppressing him severely, preventing him from moving.

"Su Tianling! If you dare to kill me! You will definitely die!" Ye Xiao shouted coldly.

"It's as if if I don't kill you, I won't die? In Beiming Academy, in Dongsheng Kingdom, what are you? Do you think that a person like Lei Zhentian would care about your life? Scrap it for me. !"

The last sound, like a thunderclap, made Ye Xiao tremble all over, and he clearly felt that his martial spirit was completely crippled!

The whole body, up and down, is useless!

Ye Xiao lay on the ground, spitting blood from the corner of his mouth...

His face was ashen at the moment, he never expected that Su Tianling would dare to abolish him at this time!
Shouldn't you be thinking about how to escape?

Without Qiu Jianyu's protection, what is Su Tianling?
Even with the King of Martial Weapons, it is already very impressive for a martial artist to manipulate the King of Martial Weapons to display the strength of a half-step King of Martial Arts.

How can such a strength compete with the second palace lord Lei Zhentian?

And how to fight against the ruler of Dongsheng Kingdom?

At this time.

There is a horrible breath spreading from a distance!

Come on, it's an old man!
"Su Tianling!" The old man is Lei Zhentian, the second lord of Beiming Academy. Lei Zhentian glanced at Ye Xiao who was paralyzed on the ground, and his face became extremely gloomy. He looked at Su Tianling coldly, and said coldly: " Today is your death day, no one can protect you!"

a year ago.

He was still in the academy, and when he learned that the princes had been deposed and died, he was particularly shocked. Su Tianling dared to abolish the princes!

It's like eating the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard, and I'm tired of living.

When he learned that Qiu Jianyu held the Demon King Sword, which could display the strength of the peak Martial King, and also listened to Su Tianling's words, Lei Zhentian was stunned at that time. He didn't understand why Qiu Jianyu held the Demon King Sword at all. A weapon that only a Martial Emperor can refine!
What's even more confusing is that Su Tianling actually knew Qiu Jianyu, and they seemed to have a close relationship.

Fortunately, Qiu Jianyu died a month ago!
No one can protect Su Tianling now!
"Really? As far as I know, my sister was favored by the forces in the ninth-class region. If you know that I died in Dongsheng Kingdom, are you not afraid that my sister will come to seek revenge?" Su Tianling said leisurely.

"Oh! Your sister is here to avenge? I'm afraid you don't know one thing. The eldest prince Dongliu is favored by a family in the ninth-class region. Even if your sister comes to seek revenge, Dongsheng Kingdom is not afraid!" Lei Zhentian sneered, looking at Su Tianling was like looking at a dead person.

(End of this chapter)

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