Chapter 510
Such a pomp.

It was during the previous war that the giants gathered together.

And this time they got together because Su Tianling's two sons were getting married.

"Congratulations." Dong Yao, Duan Wuji, Monkey King, and other saints all congratulated Su Tianling.

Su Tianling smiled and nodded, while greeting.

During the period, Su Tianling took a look at the saints present. This time the saints were all present. After the wedding, he should talk about the boundary wall.

When Su Ye and Su Xuan brought their two beautiful wives onto the stage at the same time, many people looked at them.

until the wedding is over.

Everyone began to eat and drink formally while chatting.

Su Tianling mainly sat at the table with Dong Yao and other saints. He put down his wine glass, looked at Dong Yao and others, and said, "After eating, I have something to tell you."

Dong Yao put down her wine glass, looked at Su Tianling, and asked curiously, "What is it about?"

"It's about the whole world." Su Tianling looked a little serious.

Dong Yao and the others froze for a moment, and even Su Tianling was a little awed, so one can imagine this incident.

All of a sudden, Dong Yao, Duan Wuji and other saints' hearts froze slightly.

After eating and drinking well, many guests left.

Su Tianling brought Dong Yao and other saints to the meeting hall. He sat on the main seat, looked at the crowd with a serious face, and said lightly, "Two years ago, the boundary wall between the world and the earth fluctuated, and this fluctuation has continued until today. I guess, there are other worlds outside the prehistoric world!"

The eyes of Dong Yao and the others froze, there are other worlds outside the prehistoric world!
If so!Must be ready!

Seeing that they were very serious, Su Tianling said with relief, "Although there are other worlds outside the prehistoric world, don't be too nervous. The defense ability of this boundary wall is the same as my own defense ability, and the power outside the boundary wall I have been attacking the prehistoric world, but the prehistoric world has not been damaged, which shows that the power outside the boundary wall definitely does not have more power than me."

Dong Yao and the others felt more at ease. If the power outside the boundary wall was extremely terrifying, then the boundary wall that bombarded the prehistoric world would surely be easily smashed.

Since the prehistoric world has not been damaged so far, it means that the power outside the boundary wall has not surpassed Su Tianling in strength.

As long as you don't surpass Su Tianling, you don't need to worry too much, but you still have to be cautious.

Su Tianling looked at them and said calmly, "I called you here mainly to talk about the boundary wall. Apart from this, I plan to open a gap in the boundary wall three years later, and then look at the outside world. .”

Dong Yao and the others nodded lightly. Since Su Tianling has plans, he must be prepared. They only need to take action when they need them.

"That's all." Su Tianling laughed.

Everyone continued to chat, and after chatting for a while, they left.

In the chamber, there are still a few people left.

Su Tianling looked at Li Ran, Ye Qingxuan, and Hua Qingcheng, "It's just that you three haven't comprehended the origin of nature. Start with Li Ran, then go to Qingxuan, then Qingcheng, etc. After comprehending it, I will open the gap in the boundary wall of the Great Desolation and welcome the outside world."

The three of Li Ran had no objections.

After that, Li Ran went to study first.

Su Tianling wandered around Su's house casually, and it was nearly two years before the three of Li Ran understood the origin of nature.

The remaining two years may be the most peaceful time.

"Su Tianling."

Su Tianling, who was wandering around, heard the voice and couldn't help but look over. There were several people in front of him.

Ying Xiaolian, Taixu Waner, Lingmiao.

Su Tianling walked over with a smile, "Not bad, they are all quasi-saints."

Ying Xiaolian came over, looked at Su Tianling, and said angrily, "Disciple, haven't you come here to honor your teacher these past few years?"

Su Tianling smiled and said, "I've been busy with my sons and daughters for the past few years, and now that my two sons are married, I just want to take this opportunity to chat with you about home affairs."

Ying Xiaolian rolled his eyes at him, trusting you.

Taixu Wan'er looked at Su Tianling and said with a smile, "My holy son, have you been happy these few years?"

"It's okay." Su Tianling looked at her with a smile, and teased, "My son is married. By the way, when will the Cave Lord get married? My holy son, I might as well have two glasses of wedding wine."

Taixu Wan'er rolled his eyes at him, "This cave master has never thought of getting married!"

"Then you can marry one." Su Tianling.

"Marry?" Taixu Wan'er said angrily, "You can live quite well by yourself."

"Really..." Su Tianling put his hand on his chin, and looked at Taixu Wan'er and Lingmiao meaningfully, "How did I hear that you seem to be having an affair with Lingmiao?"

Taixu Wan'er blushed slightly when she heard the words, and glared at him, "Who said that? See if I don't beat him to death!"

Lingmiao also hastily denied, "How could I like women? I like men!"

"An explanation is a cover up." Su Tianling was full of disbelief.

"Really not!" Ling Miao!
Su Tianling patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Why are you so nervous?"

The head is full of black lines.

"By the way, why didn't that girl Ruoxue come?" Su Tianling asked suspiciously.

He had notified Lin Ruoxue before, asking Lin Ruoxue to attend the wedding of his two sons.

"She..." Taixu Wan'er chuckled lightly, "She was worried that Gu Xiao would feel embarrassed, so she didn't follow."

"Gu Xiao? What do you mean?" Su Tianling blinked.

"Ruoxue and Gu Xiao fell in love, you know..." Taixu Wan'er didn't continue.

Su Tianling was stunned. When he was in Taixu Cave, everyone knew that Lin Ruoxue liked him.

Unexpectedly, Ruoxue and Gu Xiao fell in love.

That kid Gu Xiao, at first he regarded him as a rival in love, but now that he thinks about it, he still finds it quite interesting.

"When did Ruoxue and Gu Xiao get married?" Su Tianling asked curiously.

"I don't know about that yet." Taixu Wan'er said with a smile, "Although they haven't married yet, the two have crossed the line."

"Ahem, okay." Su Tianling sighed, "Young people nowadays, do things they shouldn't do before they get married."

Taixu Wan'er is speechless!

Ying Xiaolian coughed in embarrassment at the moment, she was also interested in Su Tianling before, but... because of Su Xiaomo's appearance, she completely cut off her thoughts.

Su Tianling and Ying Xiaolian chatted a lot, and then went back to rest.

In the next few days, Ying Xiaolian and the others stayed here for a few days, and they stayed here for a full ten days before leaving.

After all the guests of the Su family have left.

Su Tianling was not idle either, and began to delve into the world beyond the boundary wall.

Various deduction was carried out to deal with what might happen.


The boundary wall is still fluctuating, and Su Tianling is also quietly looking at the position of the boundary wall that is fluctuating.


The fluctuation of the boundary wall suddenly became larger, and the sound produced by the vibration was like thunder, extremely loud and breathtaking.

(End of this chapter)

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