Chapter 515: Unity of Laws
Wu Haofeng looked at Taixu Wan'er, seeming very unwilling!It's hard to accept this fact.

But that's the way it is, he lost.

"Miss Taixu, you should be the strongest in the prehistoric world." Wu Haofeng asked.

Taixu Wan'er ignored him and retreated to the rear.

Seeing that Taixu Wan'er ignored him, Wu Haofeng couldn't help but exert a little force on the hand holding the hilt of the sword.

The red-robed woman who came with Zuoqiu Mingjing, she couldn't help but take another look at Tai Xu Wan'er.

She has seen Wu Haofeng's sparring with Taixu Wan'er. This Taixu Wan'er is very strong, and... it gives her a feeling that she hasn't used her full strength.

The red-robed woman walked out, she looked at Su Tianling with beautiful eyes, "Song Huizi, please enlighten me."

Su Tianling glanced at her and said calmly, "I am the strongest in the same realm in the prehistoric world. If you are not the strongest in the same realm in the East Victory Realm, then you don't have to fight me."

Song Huizi stared at Su Tianling, is this the strongest one in the same realm in the prehistoric world?
In this way, she can test out the strength level of the prehistoric world by fighting Su Tianling.

Zuoqiu Mingjing looked at Su Tianling unexpectedly, and then said, "Song Huizi is the strongest existence in the same realm of Dongsheng Realm."

Su Tianling didn't say much, and took a few steps forward.

Since Song Huizi is the strongest existence in the same realm, he can suppress the realm and fight Song Huizi, and he can test out the cultivation level of Dongsheng Realm.

Song Huizi's hair was flying, and the breath all over her body was like magma, and it spread in all directions in an instant. Where the breath passed, there were bursts of sonic booms in the space.

Her figure disappeared instantly, and after disappearing, many cherry blossoms appeared around her!The cherry blossoms are spinning in the air, which is extraordinarily beautiful.

At this moment, the spinning cherry blossoms seemed to have spirituality, and the lace overflowed with sharp energy, as sharp as a blade.

There were tens of thousands of cherry blossom petals, and they stabbed directly at Su Tianling.

Su Tianling looked calm, the petal's attack was just an illusion, the real attack was the disappearing Song Huizi.

Su Tianling turned into a whirlpool!The whirlpool has six ports.

Front, back, left, right, up and down, there are vortices.

The vortex swirled crazily, swallowing everything around it.

When many petals approached, the suction power of the vortex directly swallowed the petals into the vortex!

Seeing this, Song Huizi, who was hiding in the dark, fixed her eyes. She wanted to take advantage of Su Tianling's attack on the petals, but she took the opportunity to sneak attack.

Unexpectedly, the vortex condensed by Su Tianling has the ability to devour!
Not only did it swallow all her petals, but these vortexes were also devouring other directions. If she approached Su Tianling at this moment, she would definitely be sucked in by the vortex.

At this time, the rotation speed of the vortex suddenly increased countless times, and at the same time, the sweeping range of the vortex suction directly expanded to a radius of ten thousand miles.

The sea water in the distance formed a water column and was sucked by the vortex.

Huizi Matsuyuki, who was hiding in the dark, changed her face and hurriedly backed away.

But the speed of the vortex sucking and sweeping was too fast, and it affected her in just an instant.

Chi la!Bang bang bang!
Song Huizi raised her hand, and the violent force kept blasting towards the whirlpool, trying to break it up.

But this vortex is like a bottomless pit, the force she blasts out is like a stone thrown into the vast sea, without any waves being stirred up!
"I admit defeat!" Song Huizi shouted in fear.

As soon as the words fell, Song Huizi had been swallowed by the suction force of the whirlpool!
"Huizi!" Wu Haofeng's expression changed, and he stared at Su Tianling coldly.

"Enough." Zuoqiu Mingjing's face was not very good-looking, he raised his hand and slapped Su Tianling.

Seeing this, the Taishang Laojun waved his whisk, the Tao followed the law naturally, and the power of the law of the Tao intercepted Zuoqiu Mingjing's palm.

He looked at Zuoqiu Mingjing, and said lightly, "The juniors are discussing each other, and we, the elders, don't interfere."

Zuoqiu Mingjing frowned, looked at Taishang Laojun and said in a deep voice, "Song Huizi has surrendered."

"I know." Taishang Laojun.

"Knowing that you are still blocking?" Zuoqiu Mingjing frowned.

Taishang Laojun hugged Fuchen and said nothing.

In the vortex, Song Huizi suffered crazy and endless attacks. The vortex was like countless knives and swords, stabbing at her from all directions. In just a moment, countless scars appeared on her body.

The vortex disappeared, and Song Huizi's figure flew upside down and fell into the sea.

Soon, Song Huizi broke out of the sea. At this moment, she was covered with scars, her long hair was messy, and in many places, her hair was cut short.

Overall it looks very embarrassing.

Song Huizi looked at Su Tianling coldly, and said in a cold voice, "Your Excellency is so ruthless!"

"Cruel?" Su Tianling glanced at her, and then looked at Zuoqiu Mingjing, "A few years ago, the prehistoric world was attacked by Yamata no Orochi. A few days ago, Yamata no Orochi was captured. I learned that the mastermind behind the attack on the prehistoric world is Amaterasu, the ruler of the East Victory Realm."

Song Huizi and Wu Haofeng's expressions changed slightly, and they looked at Su Tianling and the others warily.

Zuoqiu Mingjing looked calm, looked at Su Tianling, and said calmly, "The Yamata no Orochi is a fierce beast in the Dongsheng Realm. It caused troubles in the Dongsheng Realm and was imprisoned by the Ninja God in the Dongsheng Realm. Therefore, the Yamata no Orochi hates Dongsheng. It tells you that Dongshengjie is the mastermind behind the scenes, and its purpose is self-evident, it wants Dongshengjie to start a war with the prehistoric world."

"The power of Yamata no Orochi can't cause any turbulence to the boundary wall of the prehistoric world. At that time, the force suffered by the boundary wall was very strong, stronger than your own strength. At that time, Amaterasu God should take action himself." Su Tianling said faintly road.

Zuoqiu Mingjing stared at Su Tianling, his voice was cold, "This is all your guesswork! There is no evidence! There is no evidence for what you say!"

"Hehe." Su Tianling smiled and said, "Then you should confront Yamata no Orochi face to face."

Zuoqiu Mingjing's face was ice-cold, and his body overflowed with terrifying coercion. The coercion was pressing towards Su Tianling, "What if we don't go!"

"I can't help you." With a flick of Su Tianling's fingers, a bolt of thunder flashed out, instantly piercing through Zuoqiu Mingjing's body.

Zuoqiu Mingjing trembled all over, spitting out blood!The spirit of the whole person was instantly sluggish.

Su Tianling glanced at Taishang Laojun, "Take them away."

A door appeared on the boundary wall, and Su Tianling entered the door first.

Taishang Laojun waved his fly whisk and swept Zuoqiu Mingjing and the three of them.


in the prison.

Su Tianling imprisoned Zuoqiu Mingjing and the others in the prison, next door to Yamata no Orochi.

Seeing that Zuoqiu Mingjing was also imprisoned, Yamata no Orochi sneered, stared coldly at Zuoqiu Mingjing, and said with a sarcasm, "The second strongest person under the Amaterasu God in Dongsheng Realm is now also a prisoner!"

Zuoqiu Mingjing looked at Yamata no Orochi, wishing he could tear Yamata no Orochi to pieces!
Su Tianling sat down, faced them, and said calmly, "Let's start confronting them."

Zuoqiu Mingjing was silent, Yamata no Orochi was not dead, he talked too much, he looked very pale and weak.

He didn't argue anymore, but looked at Su Tianling coldly, and reminded in a cold voice, "Amaterasu God is the master of Dongsheng Realm, and his strength is very strong! If you kill us! Amaterasu God will definitely not let go you!"

Su Tianling glanced at him, and said lightly, "So, Amaterasu coerced Yamata no Orochi to attack the boundary wall of the prehistoric world, and attacking the boundary wall of the prehistoric world is considered an invasion. Since it is an invasion, each of you is a part of the prehistoric world." Enemies, none of them can live!"

Zuoqiu Mingjing's pupils contracted, he stared at Su Tianling, and said in a deep voice, "I told you, if you dare to kill us! Amaterasu God will not spare you!"

"East Victory Realm is too small." Su Tianling shook his head lightly, "If my predictions are correct, the capacity of Eastern Victory Realm can only accommodate at most one Dominant Realm, while the Primordial World is very large and can accommodate more Dominator Realm , just relying on Amaterasu, can't turn the big waves."

Zuoqiu Mingjing stared at Su Tianling, could it be that there is more than one master in the prehistoric world?
Is this the natural advantage of the big world?
Bang bang bang!
Divine light emerged from the prison, and three divine swords pierced through the bodies of Zuoqiu Mingjing and the three of them. One sword pierced through the flesh, and the other smashed the soul!
Seeing this, Yamata no Orochi in the next cell leaned against the corner in fright, his eyes full of fear.

"Lord, don't... don't kill me, I am... I was coerced by Amaterasu." Yamata no Orochi hurriedly begged for mercy.

Su Tianling glanced at it lightly, "Your nature is evil, whether you are coerced or not, you will die."


The remaining six snake heads of Yamata no Orochi exploded in an instant!

Unexpected fire burst out in the prison, burning the scum of Yamata no Orochi and Sato Hefu, and it burned into nothingness in a blink of an eye.

Su Tianling got up at this moment, and stretched long, "It's time to go to Dongsheng Realm."

After all, Su Tianling walked out of the prison.

Dongsheng Realm bombarded the boundary wall of the prehistoric world, which was regarded as an invasion!
That being the case, the Dongsheng Realm will be handed over.

Su Tianling came to the courtyard, he looked at Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan, "You two will go to Dongsheng Realm with me."

Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan nodded lightly. They had been paying attention to the previous events. Dongsheng Realm bombarded the prehistoric world first, so they took Dongsheng Realm and killed Tianzhaoshen.

The three masters of the prehistoric world went to Dongsheng, and Amaterasu had only a dead end.

"I want to go too." Su Xiaoke said emotionally. She hadn't seen what the outside world was like. Although she had a preliminary understanding that the outside world was worse than the prehistoric world, she was more curious about the novel world.

Su Tianling looked at her, shook his head and said, "You just stay here, and I will take you out next time."

Su Xiaoke, "..."

"Go next time." Liu Xue looked at her and said.

"Hmm..." Su Xiaoke nodded in a depressed mood.

"Let's go." Su Tianling looked at Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan.

Li Ran nodded to Ye Qingxuan, and then walked out of the prehistoric world with Su Tianling.

Outside the prehistoric world.

There is a boundless sea.

In some places, there is no end in sight.

At the end of what can be seen, the easternmost direction is Dongsheng Realm, and there are also worlds to the south and west. As for the name of that world, it is temporarily unknown.

But those worlds are very small, much smaller than the prehistoric world.

Generally speaking, the capacity of a small world is relatively low, and it can accommodate even fewer top experts.

Like the prehistoric world, there are already seven masters who can control the three thousand laws. Judging from the tolerance of the prehistoric world, it can accommodate three more masters.

In other words, the prehistoric world can accommodate ten masters in total.

As for Dongsheng Realm, such a small site can accommodate a master.

Other small worlds can only accommodate at most one master.

Other worlds can only accommodate one master, and the number of masters is much less than that of the prehistoric world.

If there is a real war, the prehistoric world will be a giant, and if you move your feet casually, it will be enough for other worlds to eat two pots.

The three of them hovered above the sea and swept towards the direction of the East Ocean Realm.

en route.

Li Ran looked at Su Tianling and asked curiously, "Why did you take me and Qingxuan to Dongsheng Realm this time?"

Ye Qingxuan was on the right, looking at Su Tianling with doubts. Just now, Su Xiaoke wanted to go to Dongsheng Realm, but was rejected by Su Tianling, and she didn't understand.

Su Tianling smiled and said, "Going to Dongsheng Realm is killing people. Be careful about the unknown world."

Li Ran was puzzled, "Is there any relationship between this?"

"It doesn't seem to matter, right? Xiao Ke is going to Dongsheng Realm, why don't you agree?" Ye Qingxuan asked the doubts in her heart.

Su Tianling glanced at the two of them, "Because you two are not my daughter-in-law."

"???" Li Ran.

"???" Ye Qingxuan raised her eyebrows and said, "Does this have anything to do with whether she is your wife or not?"

"Yes." Su Tianling explained, "How could I let my daughter-in-law go to a world I don't understand, what if there is danger? If they make any mistakes, I will feel very uncomfortable."

"Damn!" Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan clenched their fists and hammered Su Tianling.

The co-author did not take Su Xiaoke and the others to Dongsheng Realm because he was afraid that Su Xiaoke and the others would be in danger! ! !
"When I get back, I will fight you one-on-one!" Li Ran!
"The two of us work together, we can fight each other and we can't do anything to anyone." Ye Qingxuan clenched her fists, and the fists made a crisp and crunching sound.

"Okay." Li Ran agreed.

Su Tianling smiled and said, "Then I'll wait."


An arc-shaped circle of light gradually appeared in the eyes of the three of them. The light of this circle of light was not strong, it was very weak, and it was not dazzling.

Su Tianling looked at this place, "This is Dongsheng Realm."

Li Ran raised her eyebrows and said, "This Dongsheng Realm is too small. In such a small place, there must be very few living things. There are very few living things, and the possibility of Tianjiao appearing is even smaller."

Su Tianling nodded lightly, "There are indeed many restrictions with a small number of people, but they should not be underestimated."

Li Ran nodded, "Should I go straight in? Or what?"

"Go right in, we're here to kill people, not to negotiate," Ye Qingxuan said.

"Let's do it." After Su Tianling's words fell, he raised his hand, and many laws were condensed in an instant, and all the powers of the laws that attacked were all condensed into a beam of light!
His fingers shone with dazzling light, which contained many laws of power.

At the same time, Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan also condensed the power of laws, and the laws of the three condensed again, forming a beam of light.

If this beam of light hits the boundary wall of the East Victory Realm, the boundary wall of the East Victory Realm won't be able to admit it at all!
One blow can blast a big hole!

"Go!" At this moment, Su Tianling condensed the light beam of the three into one, and pointed it directly at the boundary wall of Dongsheng Realm. The terrifying beam, like the light of destruction, directly penetrated the void and blasted fiercely at the boundary wall of Dongsheng Realm .

(End of this chapter)

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