Chapter 525 Despair!

In the domain gate, another beautiful figure walked in!
The same is the outbreak of terrifying coercion!

This is master!He is the fifth ruler of the Eastern Region!

"Five Masters!" The faces of the Lord of the Western Regions, Alice, and Keshana instantly turned pale.

There were four masters in the Eastern Territory just now. Although they were worried, they were not hopeless.

The three masters of the Western Region and the four masters of the Eastern Region, if they really want to fight to the death, the master of the Eastern Region will definitely be killed or injured.

Once there are casualties, how can we compete with the North and South domains?How to continue to compete for the position of the overlord of chaos?

But now...

The fifth ruler of the Eastern Region appeared.

Five against three!Even if they tried their best, it would be difficult to kill one!
Is it...

Is the Western Regions going to be annexed just like that?
The Lord of the Western Regions is unwilling!Alice is not reconciled!Kesana is not reconciled either!

They had already calculated it before, pretending that on the day of their wedding seven days later, they would smash the origin of the law of the Western Regions first, and let the three regions of the southeast, the north, and the south fight first!Once the southeast, north and south regions fight, there will be casualties!

They originally planned to wait until the three regions of southeast, north and south were the weakest, and then they would strike a fatal blow. At that time, they would be able to control the entire chaotic world and become the overlord of chaos.

But now...

The dream seems to be broken.

When the three of them were very unwilling, they saw another beautiful woman walked into the domain gate, very beautiful...

Beauty is not the point, the point is, this is another master!
Six masters!There are actually six rulers in the Eastern Territory!

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Western Regions roared loudly in his heart!

Six masters, one man and five women, did you marry five wives!
Are you not afraid that the five wives will be at odds and make small moves in secret?
In addition to roaring, it is more despair...

Six masters...

There are six masters in the Eastern Territory, and they can't have any other thoughts, even if they are unwilling!so what?
His three masters of the Western Region can't beat the six masters of the Eastern Region!

when they are desperate.

A figure walked into the domain gate.

Dominion is also dominion...

The three masters of the Western Regions don't know what to say at the moment, the seven masters...

Then, eight, nine...thirteen...eighteen...

The lords of the Western Regions, Alice and Keshana, have become numb.

When more masters of the Eastern Region appeared, they were no longer so shocked, only numb...

It gave them the feeling that the masters of the Eastern Region seemed endless.

"Is there any more?" The Lord of the Western Regions looked at Su Tianling in the void.

"It's gone." Su Tianling calmly looked at the three masters of the Western Regions, and said lightly, "I'll give you ten breaths to hand over the source of the laws of the Western Regions, otherwise! You'll all die."

The Lord of the Western Regions looked deeply at Su Tianling, "Can you not kill us?"

"There are still six breaths." Su Tianling said lightly, his expression was very calm, and his tone was also very calm, as if he said something casually.

But the Lord of the Western Regions, who is also in power, knows that Su Tianling is not joking. At this level, there is no need to frighten others through anger.

Su Tianling said that ten breaths are ten breaths, otherwise, he will die.

"Here you are." The Master of the Western Regions spread his hands, a purple crystal ball was suspended in his palm, and he threw it to Su Tianling from the air.

Su Tianling caught the purple crystal ball, glanced at it lightly, and then threw it into his belly, condensing with the origin of the law of the Eastern Region in his belly.

In just a few breaths, the origin of the laws of the Eastern and Western Regions completely condensed and became one.

Su Tianling clearly felt that his strength was stronger.

Not only he felt it, but Liu Xue and the others felt it too.

Su Tianling looked at the Lord of the Western Regions, Alice, and Keshana, with a faint smile on his face and said, "For the sake of your knowledge, I won't kill you."

The Western Region Lord and his wife, as well as Keshana, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as they didn't kill them.

Facing the eighteen masters of the Eastern Region, they could no longer raise the slightest desire to resist. In the face of absolute strength, resistance is just a struggle before death, and it is useless at all.

the next moment.

The masters of the Western Regions, as well as Keshana, changed their complexions. The laws of the Western Regions and the laws of the Eastern Regions were originally fused. The three thousand laws they originally controlled could no longer be controlled.

Great drop in strength!Comparable to the Saint Realm of the Eastern Territory.

However, in another moment, their realm fell again.

Fallen to the realm below the saint.

At this time, Su Tianling glanced at the vast Western Regions, and said to the countless creatures in the Western Regions, "The laws of the Western Regions have been revised, and the realm has been lowered by two levels."

People from the Western Regions all prostrated themselves on the ground, not daring to speak.

Su Tianling is a god to them now!

It is normal for God to manipulate the rules of this world.

As part of this world, they just obey the will.

"Hey... You really hit the spot."

At this moment, Li Ran looked at Su Tianling. Su Tianling said before that in the Western Regions, they may not need to fight. With this lineup alone, they can win without fighting.

The results were not unexpected.

Seeing their lineup, the three masters of the Western Regions didn't even have the desire to resist.

"Now annex the northern and southern domains?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"What's the hurry? When they arrive here in seven days, just serve it in one pot." Su Tianling smiled.

The laws of the eastern and western domains are condensed, and the power of control is even stronger. Even now, he alone can crush the masters of the northern and southern domains.

The fusion of the laws of the two super domains of the East and the West is not as simple as one plus one equals two. He can feel that the strength at this moment is much, many times stronger than before.

With his current strength, it is very easy to annex the northern and southern domains.

Now that the general trend has come, it is inevitable for them to dominate the chaotic world.

Even if the laws of the north and south domains are originally fused, they become as powerful as the laws of the fusion of the east and the west.

He has eighteen masters here.

What about the north and south domains?

Even if it's not four, even if it's eight, so what about ten.

Still no use.

"I'm just staying for the past few days, just to satisfy your curiosity." Su Tianling smiled lightly at this moment.

Liu Chenxiang and the others hadn't seen a blond and blue-eyed person from the Western Regions before, so it was time for them to take a good look.

"Then stay for a few days." Liu Chenxiang and the others smiled and nodded.

"Women in the Western Regions are also beautiful." Duan Wuji glanced at the top women in the Western Regions.

Tall, with curly long hair, the color of pupils is different from that of women in the Eastern Region. Even though he has lived for a long time and has seen too much, he can't help being curious.

"Women from the Western Regions are beautiful, or are women from the Eastern Regions beautiful?" Dong Yao said calmly at the side.

After hearing this, Duan Wuji couldn't help smiling, and said to Dong Yao, "Everyone has its own merits, but in my heart, you are the most beautiful."

"..." Dong Yao snorted softly, turned her head away, and looked into the distance.

Liu Xue and the others nearby showed weird expressions, and Duan Wuji and Dong Yao... had a scene.

Dong Yao used to be her confidant, Duan Wuji was her subordinate, now the two seem to be a little close...

Liu Xue smiled, and said suavely to Dong Yao, "It looks like I'm going to drink your wedding wine."

"Mistress." Dong Yao's face became unnatural.

Liu Xue raised her hand, shook her head and said with a smile, "Don't call me Mistress Mistress, it's very awkward, just call me by my name, or call me sister."

(End of this chapter)

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