The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 528 Maybe forever buried in my heart

Chapter 528 Maybe forever buried in my heart

Dong Yao and the others left.

Su Tianling was the only one left in the yard.

Dongyao and the others abolished their cultivation and lowered themselves to the level of saints. He knew why Dongyao and the others did this.

To avoid suspicion.

He didn't say anything about it.

Now that the chaotic world is under control, and there will be no more wars, the saint realm is enough.

Now those who can still control the law of chaos are his relatives, parents, father-in-law, mother-in-law, and his wife, Li Ran.

"It should be fine."

Although I have some doubts about the fact that all the masters stand side by side on the top of the great road, but judging from the current situation, there is nothing wrong with it.

At this time.

Su Liyuan, Su Yue, and Su Luo walked in together.

"Father." All three looked at Su Tianling.

Su Tianling looked at them and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It has been many years since I left the lower realm last time." Su Liyuan reminded.

Suddenly, Su Tianling knew what the three daughters wanted to do.

Before, he sent his children to the lower realm to touch Yan Yuan, and it has been many years since that year.

Su Tianling looked at them, nodded lightly and said, "After the busy days, I will arrange to hold a contest to recruit husbands, and the strongest in the same realm will marry you."

"Ah?" Su Yue said in surprise, "The strongest in the same realm? Then how could he beat it?"

Su Luo and Su Liyuan frowned slightly, the strongest in the same realm...

Then they don't play at all.

"This is just a pretense, mainly to see their reaction." Su Tianling chuckled lightly.

After hearing this, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

If it was really a martial arts competition in the same realm, the three of them were all from the lower realms, and they would not be able to wrestle with the geniuses of the same realm in the upper realm.

"You all go back, there are other things to be busy these days." Su Tianling said.

The three of Su Liyuan nodded and prepared to retreat.

"That's right." Su Tianling said just as they turned around, "Don't report the news, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious."

"Understood." Su Yue blinked and smiled.

"Don't laugh so happily, as far as I know, that monk is not interested in you." Su Tianling looked at Su Yue.

"..." The smile on Su Yue's face disappeared instantly, she snorted softly, and left with her hands behind her back.

After all three left.

Su Tianling called Liu Xue and the others through voice transmission in a secret language.

Soon, Liu Xue and the others arrived here.

"What's wrong?" The three sat down and looked at Su Tianling.

"It's nothing, let's discuss about Li Yuan and the others." Su Tianling smiled lightly.

The three of Liu Xue immediately remembered that their daughter had stayed in the lower realm for a while, and it seemed to be interesting.

The most obvious one is that Su Luo and an emperor from the lower realm have made a clear promise.

Su Liyuan and Yun Xiao were not so obvious.

Su Yue and the monk in the ruined temple, let alone the monk, were afraid of Su Yue.

"What do you want to do?" Liu Xue asked.

"Contest to recruit a son-in-law." Su Tianling smiled lightly, and told them some details.

After hearing this, the three of them agreed, "Okay, but we have to wait until Dong Yao and Duan Wuji's marriage is over."

"Yeah." Su Tianling nodded with a chuckle.

"Finally, it's over, and there's nothing to do in the future, just play every day." Su Xiaoke seemed a little lazy, without any crisis, feeling relaxed.

"Yeah." Liu Xue and Xia Qingran smiled. After living for so many years, they were already tired of fighting and killing.

Plain life, more yearning.

It's just that something feels missing.

After thinking about it, I realized that the passion is gone.

I think back then, I was full of passion and had energy in everything I did.

Now... much more flat...

At this time.

Li Ran, Ye Qingxuan, and Hua Qingcheng came to the yard, found a chair, and sat down directly.

"What are you talking about? You didn't call us." Li Ran crossed her arms and glanced at Su Tianling and the others.

"I just discussed about Li Yuan and the others." Liu Xue briefly explained the matter of recruiting a son-in-law in the previous competition.

Li Ran nodded repeatedly, "It's time for Li Yuan and the others to start a family."

"It's time to start a family. After all, I've lived so long. If I don't start a family again, I'll be gossiped about." Su Tianling said with a smile.

Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan heard Su Tianling's implication, and they couldn't help but glared viciously. Are they talking about them?

"I see who dares to gossip about us!" Li Ran snorted coldly.

"Whoever dares to speak up will be beaten." Ye Qingxuan snorted coldly, staring at Su Tianling unkindly, obviously thinking that Su Tianling would gossip.

Su Tianling smiled softly, "Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't gossip about you."

"I didn't say it was the best!" Li Ran snorted, and then took Ye Qingxuan's arm, leaning her head directly against her head, very intimate.

Su Tianling was speechless, he looked at Hua Qingcheng, "Qingcheng, you are different from Li Ran and Qing Xuan, they both have a problem with their orientation, your orientation is normal, and you should have a suitable partner."

Hua Qingcheng shook her head lightly, looked at Su Tianling with a smile, "This is fine now."

"What's so good?" Su Tianling said speechlessly, "Stay alone every day, messing around with Li Ran and the others, don't you feel bored?"

Hua Qingcheng didn't say anything, just shook her head with a smile.

"You're really lenient, you don't mind your daughter, you even care about Qingcheng." Li Ran said angrily.

"That's right, just take care of yourself." Ye Qingxuan continued.

"Okay, let's leave it alone." Su Tianling shook his head speechless, he looked at Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke, "You two go cook, we will have a meal later."

"Well, then I'll cook." Liu Xue nodded lightly, and walked to the kitchen with Su Xiaoke.

Su Tianling smiled, lying back on the Taishi chair, enjoying the peaceful time, this feeling of lightness and no pressure is really refreshing.

"Qingran, squeeze my shoulders." Su Tianling closed his eyes, feeling that something was wrong, so he said.

Xia Qingran didn't say anything, moved the chair behind Su Tianling, and squeezed his shoulders.

"Xiao Xuanxuan, give me a shoulder squeeze." Seeing Su Tianling enjoying himself, Li Ran couldn't help wanting to enjoy it too.

"Okay, okay, pinch for you, and pinch for me later." Ye Qingxuan moved the chair behind Li Ran, and squeezed Li Ran's shoulders.

"Comfortable." Li Ran murmured comfortably.

Hua Qingcheng watched this scene quietly, envious in her heart, Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan are special partners, they comfort each other, they can talk about everything, and communicate at a spiritual level.

Su Tianling, Xia Qingran, Liu Xue, and Su Xiaoke are husband and wife, and they can talk about everything and have heart-to-heart conversations.

And she... was alone.

Although they can play with Liran and the others, they are also very good sisters, sisters who can give their backs to each other.

But... But they can't have a deep heart-to-heart talk.

It's not that she can't open her heart, but she doesn't want to open her heart, and she dare not open her heart. Some things are always buried in her heart.

Perhaps, never will be known.

(End of this chapter)

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