The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 534 Li Yuan, You Are Not Suitable For Yun Xiao

Chapter 534 Li Yuan, You Are Not Suitable For Yun Xiao

Yun Xiao and the others felt the power of this law, and their hearts tightened. The weakest disciple of Taixu Dongtian had practiced powerful spells, but they had never practiced them.

Just by perception, this force is very strong, even if the four of them work together, it will be difficult to resist.

Boom boom boom!

Without any hesitation, the four of them swept the strongest force and directly collided with Xingyue Zhan composed of Taixu stars.

The power of Xingyue Zhan was extremely terrifying, easily crushing four attacks, leaving a star mark on the chests of Yun Xiao and the others!
"You lost." The young man looked at Yun Xiao and the others with a smile. Although he was the weakest disciple in the same realm as Taixu Dongtian, he was a disciple of Taixu Dongtian after all. Looking at the many small forces in the upper realm, he is strong.

It's just that in a place like Taixu Dongtian, it looks inconspicuous.

Yun Xiao and the others looked at the young man, without saying a word, they just cupped their hands. In the first battle in the heaven world, they lost so thoroughly.

Although the loss was unjust, he had just broken through the imaginary fairyland, his realm was not yet stable, and he hadn't practiced any celestial magic.

What they are facing is a veteran disciple, and it is a strong man who has suppressed the realm, not the real imaginary fairyland.

Seeing that they were silent, the young man couldn't help laughing and said, "It's normal for you to lose to me. Don't be too sad. After all, your realm is not stable, and you haven't practiced Taixu Jue. It's normal to lose. The Cave Master will accept it." As disciples, you must have something to look at."

"Thank you, senior brother." Yun Xiao and the others cupped their hands again and said to the young man. This senior brother is not bad, and he even comforted them.

The young man smiled, turned and returned to his seat.

Ying Xiaolian glanced at all the disciples present, and said lightly, "The new disciples have just entered the cave, and the old disciples have free time, so please give me some pointers."

"Yes, Elder." Thousands of disciples responded one after another.

Ying Xiaolian nodded, she looked at Yunxiao, and said slightly seriously, "Remember, you are the [-]st disciple since Taixu Dongtian was created."

"Student, remember." Yun Xiao cupped his hands.

Ying Xiaolian looked away and looked at Xiao Chen, "Remember, you are the [-]nd disciple since the creation of Taixu Dongtian."

"Disciple, remember." Xiao Chen cupped his hands.

Ying Xiaolian looked at Jiang Yi again, "You are the [-]rd disciple."

"Student, remember." Jiang Yi cupped his hands.

Ying Xiaolian looked at Yu Nian, "You are the [-]th disciple."

Yu Nian bowed his hand, "Disciple, remember."

"Disband." After Ying Xiaolian finished speaking, she drifted away.

Many of the disciples present walked towards Yun Xiao and the others, and asked curiously, "Junior Brother, how did you get the attention of the Cave Master and Elder Ying?"

"As soon as we ascended to the heaven, the Cave Master and Elder Ying passed the Feisheng Gate, and they said that meeting each other was fate, so they accepted us as disciples." Yu Nian smiled, and he cupped his hands to all the disciples, "Senior brothers and sisters, please pay more attention in the future." Take care of your disciples."

"I will take care of you. We are one family after entering Taixu Cave." A disciple said with a smile.

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister, I don't think there are three thousand disciples in Taixu Dongtian, right?" Xiao Chen asked at this time, he only saw a thousand disciples just now.

A brother explained, "Some died in battle, and some were promoted to become elders. Overall, 1000 people were killed in battle, and now there are still [-] elders and [-] disciples."

Xiao Chen felt strange, and asked in confusion, "One thousand and four disciples, one thousand and four elders? Why are there so many elders?"

"One elder teaches one disciple, one-on-one." A brother explained with a smile.

Xiao Chen blinked, that's fine.

A senior brother smiled at Xiao Chen and the others, "You are really lucky to be able to enter the Taixu Cave, and you have become disciples of the Taixu Cave. You can walk sideways in the entire heaven, and no one dares to provoke you easily."

The four of Xiao Chen looked at each other. As far as they knew, the Taixu Cave Heaven was just one of the [-] Cave Heavens in the north. Can this also walk across the entire heaven?
Seeing that they didn't seem to believe it, the senior brother said, "Don't you believe me, I tell you that Taixu Dongtian is a [-]-hole God's Heart Cave, that is to say, Taixu Dongtian has the highest status, because Taixu Dongtian was born once. A Son who is now Lord of all heaven and earth."

Xiao Chen was surprised, "So powerful?"

"Is the surname Su? That holy son?" Yun Xiao asked.

"How do you know?" The senior brother was surprised, "The lower realm doesn't seem to know about the Holy Son, right?"

"I've heard of it." Yun Xiao smiled, confirming that the holy son's surname was Su, and he was the master of heaven and earth, so he must be a member of the Su family.

The senior didn't think much, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect the lower realm to know about it, I thought the news from the lower realm was behind."


Heavenly Court, No.30 Three Heavens.

The fairy mist is misty, and on the fairy bridge, there are a few women standing, looking at the fish swimming under the bridge.

"What are you doing here?"

A voice sounded.

Su Liyuan, Su Luo, and Su Yue turned around and looked at Su Tianling, "It's nothing, just look at the fish."

"Looking at the fish is still in a daze." Su Tianling smiled, glanced at them, and said lightly, "It's been 30 years since you were in the lower realm last time, what do you think of them now?"

The three of Su Liyuan looked at each other, how can I say this.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Su Tianling shook his head lightly, walked to the bridge, looked at the fish swimming under the bridge, and said, "Let's talk about you first, Li Yuan, you stayed with Yun Xiao for more than a year in the lower realm, but At that time, Yun Xiao was the only one, you, a person who lived [-] million years, may appreciate someone, but it is impossible to like a man and a woman."

Su Liyuan nodded lightly, "It's impossible, but the men I was able to contact before were all relatives, men who were not relatives, and there was no intersection, nothing to talk about, last time you imprisoned my cultivation base and threw me in the lower realm, The one I get in touch with the most is Yun Xiao, and I treat Yun Xiao like a younger brother."

"What about now?" Su Tianling asked without worrying.

"It's still my younger brother." Su Liyuan didn't hesitate, "But, I always feel that I'm a little different from my younger brother."

Su Tianling nodded slightly. He glanced at Su Liyuan, then at Yu'er under the bridge, and said, "You and Yunxiao are not suitable, at least not now, and I won't know in the future."

Su Liyuan nodded lightly, "I know, but I want to wait for a while and go out for a walk."

"Yeah." Su Tianling nodded lightly. He glanced at Su Luo and said with a smile, "Luo Luo, you and Xiao Chen seemed to have expressed their intentions when they were in the lower realm, right? Think about it now, do you think you Is it suitable for Xiao Chen?"

Su Luo thought for a while and said, "It feels okay. He was immature at that time. Now it has been 30 years, and he should be mature. I think if we are together, we have a common language."

(End of this chapter)

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