The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 550 Square Center

Chapter 550 Square Center
"It must be broken, otherwise how could it be a five-star test now?" He Liang was very angry. Yang Xin was obviously a genius with a five-star water attribute, but because the test spirit stone was broken, she was tested as a three-star water attribute talent.

In vain has stayed in this outer door for so many years!

If Yang Xin had been cultivated vigorously from the very beginning, Yang Xin's level would definitely be higher than it is now!

The five-star water attribute talent, in a sense, even surpassed Su Tianling's four-star talent with both wind and fire attributes.

The higher the star talent, the easier it is to understand the attributes, which means that the future achievements may be higher.

"You, follow the old man to enter the core." He Liang looked at Yang Xin and said, "Elder Lingyue is a water attribute talent, and the old man recommended you to join her school."

"Thank you Elder He." Yang Xin smiled and was very happy to be able to enter the core.

In addition to being guided by the core elders, he can also get more generous training resources every month, and he can continue to stay with Su Tianling.

She has taken care of Su Tianling for three years, and she is faintly used to having Su Tianling by her side, if she is not around suddenly, she may feel a little uncomfortable.

"Elder He, I want to wait for tomorrow's outer disciple competition before entering the core, okay?" Yang Xin looked at He Liang.

"Of course." He Liang smiled, this little request must be met.

Mu Wanqiu on the side blinked his eyes. It was Su Tianling and Yang Xin again. They were really pleasantly surprised.

"You guys are busy first, the old man and Elder Mu will go back first, and tomorrow, the old man and Elder Mu will come to watch the competition of the outer disciples." He Liang said with a smile.

Yang Xin saluted and sent He Liang and Elder Mu off respectfully.

Yang Xin hurriedly closed the courtyard door, turned around and smiled at Su Tianling, "I'm going to enter the core too."

Su Tianling smiled lightly, and said to Yang Xin, "Entering the core will increase your status and cultivation resources, which is a good thing for a girl like you."

"Thanks to you, if I didn't have the exercises you gave me, my life would be the same." Yang Xin was very grateful.

"You have taken care of me for three years, so what's the point of giving you this exercise?" Su Tianling chuckled, and suddenly remembered something.

He immediately went to the table, took out the pen and ink, and wrote with a pen.

After a while.

Su Tianling handed Yang Xin a simplified version of the Wan Ling Jue just written, and reminded, "With the Wan Ling Jue, your speed of practice will be very abnormal in the eyes of others. If you are stared at Finally, in desperation, you can give this simplified version of the Wanlingjue to others, the simplified version of the Wanlingjue can only be cultivated to the Xuanwang level, and other aspects have also been weakened a lot."

"Okay." Yang Xin took the simplified version of the Wan Ling Jue, and she naturally understood the reason for the crime of being pregnant.

If someone discovers an abnormal practice breakthrough, you can also use this simplified version of the Wanling Jue to avoid disaster.

"You're really thoughtful." Yang Xin looked at Su Tianling and asked with a smile, "When you gave me the exercises before, weren't you afraid that I would tell others about the Wanling Jue?"

Su Tianling sat down, poured himself a cup of tea, and said with a faint smile, "You didn't tell me about my transformation from a stone tablet to a human being, and taking care of me who has been in a coma for three years is enough to prove that you are reliable. "

Yang Xin blinked her eyes. She sat down, resting her chin lightly with her right hand, and looked at Su Tianling curiously, "I think you are very mysterious, and I want to ask you something, but this is your secret, so it's not good to ask."

"Then don't ask." Su Tianling took a sip of tea, glanced at Yang Xin and said in a low voice, "Knowing too much is not good for you."

"En." Yang Xin nodded lightly, making up her mind that she would never ask again.

So the day passed.

At night, the two of them didn't go to practice, because He Liang and Mu Wanqiu had already confirmed their realm, if they broke through would be easy to be suspected.

Su Tianling doesn't want to be in the limelight right now, it's nothing interesting, just keep a low-key development.

Acting in a low-key manner can avoid many unnecessary things that will happen.

He thought about when to go to Liu Xue and the others.

With the current state, it is still too low.

If you want to go out alone, accidents are easy to happen.

It is relatively safer to stay in Qinglangzong for the time being.

The next morning.

In the center of the square in the outer door area, many people have gathered, and there are a total of 3000 outer door disciples.

And today is the day of the big competition for the outer disciples.

Dabi's No.1 can enter the inner door.

One can imagine how difficult it is to enter the inner door.

The Outer Sect Disciple Competition is held every month, which means that only twelve outer disciples can enter the inner sect in a year.

This is one of the ways to enter the inner gate, and there is another way, that is, to reach the realm of the profound master, to enter the inner gate directly without the need of a big contest.

The outer disciples in the square were discussing one by one.

"This time there are 13 people in the big competition who are already nine-star profound practitioners. Of these 13 people, who do you think has the most hope of entering the inner sect?"

"Yang Xin will definitely be able to enter the inner sect. She was tied with Xing Kai before."

"I can get results today, I don't know when I can enter the inner sect." A disciple sighed.

There is a big gap between the outer door and the inner door.

Outer disciples can only be allocated a relatively small amount of resources each month, while inner disciples are allocated a hundred times more resources than outer disciples.

Apart from the fact that almost all inner disciples are profound masters, profound masters need more training resources than profound practitioners.

There is also a heavier allocation of resources in the inner sect itself.

Su Tianling and Yang Xin also came to the square area at this time, although both of them are already profound masters and have been designated as core disciples by default.

However, the two wanted to see the competition of the outer disciples, and they also had their own ideas.

Yang Xin wants to be able to enter the core gracefully and win the respect of everyone, rather than relying on pure five-star water attribute talent to enter the core.

Su Tianling wanted to see the background of Qinglang Sect.

If you want to see the background of a sect, you can also see one or two from the strength of the disciples of the outer sect, such as the overall strength of the disciples and the strength of the top disciples.

When everyone saw Su Tianling and Yang Xin, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

Before Xing Kai broke into Yang Xin's residence and had a fight with Yang Xin, the result was a draw, which shows that Yang Xin has always hidden her strength and is a three-star master.

A three-star master can sweep away all outer disciples.

As for this Su Tianling...

Su Tianling is not yet a disciple of Qinglang Sect, but he is able to work in the sect because of Yang Xin. I don't know how strong Su Tianling is.

There is a row of viewing seats in the distance.

The elders of the outer sect were all there, there were more than 30 elders of the outer sect, and they couldn't help looking at Yang Xin.

They also knew about the fight between Yang Xin and Xing Kai.

It can be said that this outer sect competition is for Yang Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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