The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 558 The Chaos World in the Sea of ​​Consciousness Space

Chapter 558 The Chaos World in the Sea of ​​Consciousness Space
Su Tianling shied away, "I'm here mainly to do business, and I have other things to do. When I have free time, I'll come to you in person."

The pavilion master said with a smile, "Okay, this old man is here waiting for you, little brother."

Su Tianling cupped his hands to him, and then said to Xu Yao, "Senior Sister, let's go."

Xu Yao nodded, and left with Su Tianling.

Looking at the back of Su Tianling and Xuyao ​​leaving, the owner of Tianxia Pavilion couldn't help thinking, Tianxia Pavilion spreads all over the Xuanqi Continent, and he is one of the many branch pavilions of Tianxia Pavilion.

As the pavilion master of this area, a lot of information needs to be collected.

Of course, the main collection is the information of relatively important people.

This Xuyao ​​is the disciple of He Liang, the core elder of the Qinglang Sect. He knows this. Just now, Su Tianling called Xuyao ​​Senior Sister, which means that Su Tianling is probably He Liang's disciple.

And yesterday, He Liang also came to Tianxia Pavilion and asked for some regional information. He had never heard of Dongsheng Country or Qingling Town.

But today, Su Tianling came up with so many mysterious-level exercises, which really surprised him.

"This person needs to be investigated!" The Pavilion Master of Tianxia Pavilion said into the air.

"Yes." He only heard the voice, but could not see the owner of the voice.


Su Tianling and Xu Yao returned to Qinglangzong very quickly.

"Senior Sister, I'm going back to the cave first." Su Tianling looked at Xu Yao.

Xu Yao rolled his eyes at him, "Junior Brother, I accompanied you to the Tianxia Pavilion, and you wanted to leave me just after you came back? Can you pretend to be polite? For example, invite me to sit in your cave and drink tea?"

Su Tianling was ashamed, and took out a copy of Xuan-level high-grade kung fu method and handed it to Xu Yao, "Mysterious-level high-grade kung fu method is suitable for your talent, thank you senior sister for leading the way this time."

"I... I didn't mean that, I was joking." Xu Yao was speechless for a while, but her eyes were fixed on the kung fu handed over by Su Tianling, is this really a high-grade mysterious kung fu?
Mysterious-level high-grade exercises, I am afraid that only the suzerain has them, right?

"Even if you don't mean it, I'll give you this exercise." Su Tianling gave her the exercise, then turned around and said, "I'm going back to the cave."

"..." Xu Yao was speechless, and left now?

What made her even more speechless was how many people would want to obtain a mysterious top-grade exercise?Su Tianling gave it to her like this?

It's really rich and powerful, don't treat exercises as exercises! ! !
Su Tianling returned to the cave and started to practice immediately!
As far as he is concerned, it's okay to expose the fact that he possesses more exercises, but what can those people who are eyeing him do to him?
You know, there is no hindrance to his practice!
As long as there are profound stones, you can quickly break through!

Absorbing the profound energy of many high-grade profound stones, Su Tianling's aura is also slowly rising.

In the evening, Su Tianling had broken through to the eight-star Xuanwang, very close to Xuanhuang.

Su Tianling didn't intend to stop, and continued to practice!

He plans to break through to Xuanhuang Realm tonight!

Time passed slowly, and as time went by, Su Tianling's realm was gradually improving, until late at night, when he broke through to Nine Stars.

He opened his eyes and glanced at the large amount of mysterious stones in front of him, enough for him to break through to the Xuanhuang!

Continue to practice with eyes closed until early morning.

Su Tianling attacked Xuanhuang, Xuanhuang's realm has already undergone a qualitative change. In a sense, everyone under Xuanhuang is an ant.

Because at the Xuanhuang level, it is a double cleansing of the body and soul, and can open up the sea of ​​consciousness, using the sea of ​​consciousness as the space.

With a loud bang, a covered space in Su Tianling's mind was directly lifted away.

This space is the sea of ​​consciousness that Emperor Xuan should have.

Su Tianling immediately looked inside the space, and when he saw the familiar scenery and familiar people in the space, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

The chaotic world was actually hidden in his sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there are his parents and relatives!

Except for his children and parents who were there, some figures disappeared.

Liu Xue was gone.

Xia Qingran was gone.

Su Xiaoke also disappeared.

Li Ran was gone, Ye Qingxuan was gone, and Hua Qingcheng was gone.

Apart from them, the Lords of Chaos from the previous eight eras are also gone!
The Lords of Chaos from the previous eight eras have disappeared, which he can understand. After all, Ren Tianxing said before his death that they are the seeds of light. Since they are seeds, they will definitely be scattered in various places in the Xuanqi Continent and grow up individually.

Including Liu Xue and the others are also seeds of light, and they will be scattered in various places.

But why did Ye Qingxuan, Li Ran, and Hua Qingcheng also disappear?
The three of Ye Qingxuan are not the Lord of Chaos, nor are they the seeds of light. Logically speaking, they should all stay in his sea of ​​consciousness.

But...all of them are gone!
Su Tianling couldn't figure it out, and didn't think about it any more. He tried to communicate with his relatives in the sea of ​​knowledge, but found that he couldn't communicate at all.

However, he can control climate change, and he can also use thunder to kill some creatures in the sea of ​​consciousness at will.

"Isn't this just the way of heaven..." Su Tianling recalled that the way of heaven back then was also subject to various restrictions. Only when someone defied the sky, could he make a corresponding counterattack. However, compared with the way of heaven at that time, he had no restrictions. many.

Boom boom boom!

Su Tianling struck the sky with lightning, and the lightning formed a sentence!

"The chaotic world is my sea of ​​consciousness, and I stay in the new world—Su Tianling."

Know the sea.

Su Xiaoyao and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the lightning in the sky. The chaotic world was shaken before, and then Su Tianling and the others disappeared.

I have searched for a long time and there is no news.

Now knowing that his son is fine, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Su Tianling formed words with lightning again, and they communicated for a while before withdrawing from the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

I was sure that many people were safe and sound, and I was relieved.

Now, they are mainly looking for the Lords of Chaos from the first eight eras, as well as Liu Xue and the others.

Su Tianling searched the entire Qinglang Sect with his spiritual sense, and after checking it, he closed his eyes and continued to practice.

He is now a one-star Xuanhuang!
At this level, every time one breaks through a small realm, a large amount of profound stones are needed.

But here, there may not be so many profound stones for him to break through!
"The most important thing now is to find someone."

Su Tianling murmured that he was already the Xuanhuang, so he started to investigate from the smallest place, and after a thorough investigation, he went to higher-level areas.

But now relying on myself to check, it will be very difficult and the speed will be very slow.

The people from Tianxia Pavilion have been asked to check it before.

But that's not enough!
Let people in the whole region check it out!

Now we have to wait until the head of the Qinglang Sect returns.

Su Tianling closed his eyes and rested.


the next day.

He Liang called Su Tianling and said to Su Tianling, "The suzerain will come back this morning, and I will take you to see her as a teacher."

"Yes." Su Tianling nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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