The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 561 Lead the way!

Chapter 561 Lead the way!

All the elders looked at Lin Yuan and called them here. Is there a big deal?

What's the big deal?
Can't even guess.

Lin Yuan raised her hand at this moment, and the six portraits were suspended in the air, facing all the elders.

When the elders saw the six portraits, they looked at each other. The women in the portraits were magnificent and unparalleled.

When He Liang saw these six portraits, he understood instantly. He knew that Su Tianling was looking for the woman in the portraits.

Lin Yuan glanced at everyone, "Use the power of the whole sect to search for all the forces below Xuanhuang's power. You must search carefully. If you are slack, you will be severely punished!"


"Yes!" Everyone said in unison, searching for the woman in this portrait, as long as it is under the influence of Xuanhuang, they can search without hindrance.

"Immediately arrange for the disciples of the sect to search! Including you, all put down what you are doing and search!" Lin Yuan said, "If you find one of them, you will be rewarded with a high-grade Xuan-level exercise!"



"Yes!" All the elders responded in unison, and they were also surprised in their hearts, rewarding the Xuan-level high-grade exercises?
The exercises of this level are all used by the suzerain!
And these elders, all use mysterious middle-grade exercises!

The suzerain rewarded him with a mysterious top-grade exercise, what does that mean!
illustrate!The six women in this portrait are very important to the Sovereign!

All the elders exited the hall one after another, prepared to make arrangements, and then went to look for the woman in the portrait.

He Liang didn't leave. He looked at Lin Yuan in front of him and asked, "Sect Master, did you accept Su Tianling as your disciple?"

Lin Yuan looked at He Liang, "He is Emperor Xuan, how could he be my disciple?"

"What? He is Xuanhuang? How is it possible?" He Liang was shocked and lost his voice, unbelievable, how could Su Tianling be Xuanhuang?
If it is Emperor Xuan, why bother to become his disciple?

Seeing his expression, Lin Yuan knew that He Liang didn't know about Su Tianling's realm.

She said, "The Dongsheng Kingdom that Su Tianling mentioned is also a fiction."

He Liang was startled, it was all fake?He looked a bit solemn, looked at Lin Yuan, and asked hastily, "Sect Master, is Su Tianling okay?"

"From the current point of view, he will not do anything harmful to the sect. He wants to find someone, the woman in the portrait." Lin Yuan said.

He Liang breathed a sigh of relief, and he cupped his hands to Lin Yuan, "Sovereign, this is due to the negligence of your subordinates."

Lin Yuan waved her hand, "You step back first, this sect will handle this matter."

He Liang nodded and left.

Lin Yuan didn't say anything, just frowned slightly, thoughtfully, from now on, Su Tianling didn't intend to do anything harmful to the sect, but Su Tianling's ability to isolate her eyes and ears showed that Su Tianling was the Xuanhuang. , she also needs to be vigilant.

She looked into the distance, Su Tianling asked for a large amount of profound stones, would he use these profound stones for cultivation?

Although in the later stage, more profound stones are also needed, but in the Xuanhuang realm, one needs comprehension, the comprehension of each small realm, and even sublimation!

It can be said that the comprehension of realm is more important than Xuanshi.

She looked at it for a while, then looked away.

She has ordered the elders of the sect to search, and she also needs to search. The scope of her main search is all the Xuanhuang forces in this area.


Su Tianling was still absorbing profound energy crazily, and now he needed more profound energy to break through. The profound energy in the profound stone was being swallowed rapidly, and it was also rapidly turning into a blurred profound stone.

A mysterious stone with profound energy has a crystal clear appearance, while a mysterious stone without profound energy is a waste stone, turbid and without brilliance.

Time passed slowly, and Su Tianling's realm was improving little by little.

Although the exercises he created were terrifying, it was still very difficult to consume all the millions of profound stones in one day.

It will take a few days to consume all these profound stones.

Su Tianling was immersed in cultivation, and it took seven days to practice this time before all the profound stones were consumed.

And the realm has also reached the peak of Xuanzong, only one step away from breaking through Xuanzong.

Ten Realms of Xuanqi Continent:
Xuantu, Xuanzhe, Xuanshi, Xuanjiang, Xuanwang,

Xuanhuang, Xuanzong, Xuanzun, Xuansheng, Xuandi.

Now Xuanhuang, who is in the sixth realm, can break through to Xuanzong in the seventh realm if he finds some more profound stones!

Now at the peak of Xuanhuang, in this realm, he can already sweep all the forces in the lower-rank region.

Su Tianling opened his eyes and spread his spiritual consciousness, covering a radius of a hundred miles.

In today's Qinglang Sect, most people are gone.

He knew that all members of the Qinglang Sect had gone out to find the wife in the portrait he had given to Lin Yuan.

Su Tianling got up, pushed open the door, and came to the yard. He wanted to wait until Lin Yuan came back to report the news.

At the level of Lin Yuanxuan Emperor Realm, he can go to any force in the lower-rank region.

Su Tianling built a pot of tea and drank it slowly.

While entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness, I looked at the relatives in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Seeing that the relatives were all well, I felt a little relieved.

"Can you get all the people in the Sea of ​​Consciousness out?" Su Tianling thought about it this way, and began to try, but found that although he could easily kill the people in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but if he wanted to get the people in the Sea of ​​Consciousness to this world, he couldn't. is difficult.

"Maybe, if the realm is higher, it will be fine."

Su Tianling thought to himself, using lightning to form words, to report Su Xiaoyao and the others are safe.

I chatted with my parents and my father-in-law for a while, and then with my children.

Only withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness.

He lay on the Taishi chair, closed his eyes, and rested.

Lie down for three days.

Sensing someone approaching, Su Tianling couldn't help opening his eyes, and looked towards the courtyard door, only to see Lin Yuan, who was dressed in black plain clothes, walking in.

Lin Yuan's face was a little cold, as if something had happened.

"What's wrong?" Su Tianling asked with a frown.

"The owner of Changsheng Valley won't let me investigate." Lin Yuan sat opposite Su Tianling, frowning slightly, and said to Su Tianling, "Eternal Life Valley is also an imperial power, and the owner of the valley has never dealt with me."

"I'll go to the Longevity Valley myself." Su Tianling said, Lin Yuan couldn't check it, so he went to check it!

With his peak Xuanhuang strength, who can stop him in this low-grade region?

Even Xuanzong, he can still fight.

"Except for the Longevity Valley, how are the other forces doing?" Su Tianling asked.

Lin Yuan shook her head, looked at Su Tianling and said, "I have asked Xuanhuang of various forces, and most of them have never seen the woman in the portrait. Although I asked to check, each force has forbidden areas. entered."

Su Tianling nodded lightly, and he said to Lin Yuan, "Take me to all the Xuanhuang forces, I want to check them one by one!"

Lin Yuan frowned and reminded, "If you force yourself, it may cause a war, and every sect has a protective formation, even the peak Xuanhuang, it is enough to eat a pot."

"No problem." Su Tianling stood up, looked at Lin Yuan, "Lead the way."

(End of this chapter)

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