The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 564 3 years ago

Chapter 564 Three years ago

Now he has basically consumed all the profound stones of the emperor-level forces, and there is still 23 days left, so there is nothing to do.

Better to search for it yourself.

Su Tianling's figure turned into a stream of light, soaring into the sky, standing [-] meters above the sky, a ripple burst out from under his feet, the ripple was like the surface of water, and was thrown into a big rock, and the ripple spread in all directions.

With just a few breaths of effort, the ripples spread over a thousand miles in radius. Within this thousand miles, people below the Zongjing couldn't detect him at all.

Su Tianling searched carefully, and the powerful spirituality penetrated a thousand meters deep underground, searching for traces of Liu Xue and the others in a carpet manner, including, to see if there was any remaining breath.

According to records, the entire lower-rank area is very large. With his two-star Xuanzong realm, it would take at least ten days to search the entire lower-rank area.

Su Tianling searched carefully, one by one.

And the emperor-level forces in the lower-rank region are also frantically searching, not only looking for people, but also offering rewards to those who provide effective information, and placing generous rewards.

Ten days passed.

Su Tianling frowned, and searched all over the low-level area, but there was no sign of Liu Xue and the others.

There are two possibilities, one is that Liu Xue and the others never appeared in the lower-rank area, and the second possibility is that Liu Xue and the others wiped out the remaining aura before leaving the lower-rank area.

Either way, there is not the slightest clue.

Feeling disappointed, he looked back at Qinglangzong.

See if the Qinglang Sect has found anything.

Back at Qinglangzong, I saw that the nine Xuanhuang emperors of the imperial level were all there, not only were they all there, but they seemed to be arguing.

When they saw Su Tianling's figure, they said one by one first, "I have news, I have news."

"I saw it first!" Sect Master Jian Yun glared at them.

"I saw it first! What are you robbing?" The Master of the Flying Knife Sect counterattacked and glared at Sect Master Jianyun.

"It's obvious that Tianxia Pavilion got the news first!" The owner of Tianxia Pavilion raised his white eyebrows and stared angrily.

Su Tianling didn't care about their quarrel, he only heard that there was news, and any news meant there were clues!

"Shut up!" Su Tianling's voice was like thunder, shaking people's eardrums. Even the Nine Great Xuanhuangs who were present were uncomfortable with the shocking eardrums, and their souls were also shaken.

They looked at Su Tianling one by one, and were taken aback in their hearts. Just one sound could make them feel uncomfortable?

Even in the same Xuanhuang realm, it is difficult to do it, right?

Su Tianling glanced at them, "It doesn't matter who gets the news first, as long as you tell them everything, I will give each of you a local-level low-grade kung fu method and a local-level low-grade profound skill!"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, this Su Tianling is really rich, how many treasures are there in his pocket?
Is there a higher-level kung fu than the earth-level low-rank kung fu?Or, a higher-level profound skill than the earth-level low-rank profound skill?

Everyone didn't fight any more, since everyone can get the exercises, naturally there is no need to fight any more.

Su Tianling looked at Lin Yuan ahead, "Tell me, what clues do you have?"

Lin Yuan took out a portrait, unfolded the portrait, and said to Su Tianling, "We found that in a village far away, a villager had seen this woman, and the villager said that she had seen this woman fighting with a demon king. "

"Hua Qingcheng." Su Tianling looked at the portrait, Hua Qingcheng appeared in the lower-rank region.

"When did the villagers see it?" Su Tianling asked.

"Two and a half years ago, nearly three years ago." Lin Yuan said.

"So long ago?" Su Tianling frowned. He had been in a coma for three years, but it took nearly three years for Hua Qingcheng to appear and reach the Xuanwang Realm.

Could it be that Hua Qingcheng and the others are not in a coma?Is he alone in a coma?
If he was the only one in a coma, why was he the only one in a coma?

After thinking for a while, there is a chaotic world in his sea of ​​consciousness. Is it because there is a chaotic world in his sea of ​​consciousness that he has been in a coma for three years?
If that's the case, wouldn't Hua Qingcheng and the others' current cultivation level leave him hundreds of blocks behind?

"Did the villagers see where Hua Qingcheng went?" Su Tianling asked.

"No." Lin Yuan shook her head, "The villager said that the fight between her and the demon king was too volatile, and he was just watching from a distance."

Su Tianling nodded lightly, based on Hua Qingcheng's understanding of martial arts, all he needed was a large amount of profound stones.

It has been several years now, and Hua Qingcheng's cultivation is likely to reach Xuansheng, or even Xuandi.

"Have you inquired carefully about the entire lower-rank region?" Su Tianling asked.

"I've asked about everything." Lin Yuan looked at Su Tianling, her voice was very confident, "The entire low-level region has been searched very carefully, and every place will gather people from every place, and then unfold the portraits Show them."

Su Tianling nodded, and he also checked the entire lower-rank area, but what he mainly checked was whether there were any figures of Liu Xue and the others, or the aura left behind.

Did not ask others.

At this time, Su Tianling took out some exercises and profound skills from the storage ring, and gave them to everyone.

Immediately, the figure disappeared out of thin air, came to the core area, and found Yang Xin.

Yang Xin took care of him for three years, and before leaving, she needed to talk to her.


Yang Xin stayed with him for a long time. Now Xuanhuang in the lower-rank region knows that he possesses earth-level exercises and earth-level profound skills, and Yang Xin has been with him for so long, she will definitely think that she gave Yang Xin a hand. Xin some exercises and profound skills.


It may be guessed that Yang Xin possesses middle-grade or even top-grade cultivation techniques at the earth level. If he leaves, Yang Xin's safety will be difficult to guarantee.

Yang Xin is currently practicing a powerful profound skill outside her cave, which was given by the core elders of the sect.

Su Tianling looked up at Yang Xin who was not far away. He only taught Yang Xin's exercises, but he did not teach Yang Xin to practice profound skills.

"This profound technique is too bad, and you didn't practice it right." Su Tianling couldn't help but said that the profound technique practiced by Yang Xin was full of loopholes in his eyes.

Yang Xin, who was practicing profound skills, couldn't help but froze for a moment when she heard the voice, the voice was so familiar!

It's Su Tianling!

She hurriedly turned around, and when she saw Su Tianling, she ran over quickly and said with an excited smile, "Why are you here?"

"Come and see you." Su Tianling smiled. He looked at Yang Xin, pointed at her head, and some mysterious skills entered her mind in an instant.

Yang Xin received a large number of chapters of profound skills in her mind, she couldn't help blinking, and looked at Su Tianling, "You have given me so much, I don't even know how to repay you."

"It's me who repays you. Three years ago, if you hadn't brought me to the sect, I might have been eaten by wild beasts or monsters." Su Tianling smiled softly, and said to her, "I will accompany you to the sect." For three days, during these three days, I will teach you to practice profound skills."

(End of this chapter)

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