The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 566 You have to convince me

Chapter 566 You have to convince me

Qinghe nodded, glanced at Su Tianling, walked out of the yard, and closed the door.

Su Tianling waved his sleeves to block the eyes and ears of the outside world.

"What are you doing?" Lin Yuan's face changed slightly, and she stared at Su Tianling.

The yard itself isolated the eyes and ears of the outside world, but Su Tianling isolated it again.

Su Tianling looked at her, "Now Xuanhuang of the entire emperor-level force knows that I have many earth-level exercises. They may check who I am closest to in the past few years, and in the past three years, Yang Xin and I The closest, if they find out that Yang Xin is close to me, they will guess that I gave Yang Xin advanced exercises, so if I leave, Yang Xin will be in danger."

Lin Yuan frowned, thinking that Su Tianling would do something to her.

She looked at Su Tianling, "With me here, those Xuanhuang dare not act recklessly. In addition, if they dare to act recklessly, they will also consider whether they can bear your anger when you find out."

Su Tianling nodded, all those who can reach Xuanhuang have lived for many years, and will not be confused by the things in front of them.

At least it will make sure that you dare to do something when there is no threat.

"Thank you for your hard work, so that Xuanhuang from the other eight major forces will come to Qinglangzong tomorrow." Su Tianling looked at Lin Yuan.

"Yes." Lin Yuan agreed without hesitation.

Su Tianling didn't say anything, his figure turned into a streamer and disappeared in an instant.

Lin Yuan didn't say anything, but she also guessed that Su Tianling wanted to intimidate the Eight Great Profound Emperors before leaving!
Although he didn't warn her directly, Su Tianling's words already meant to remind her.

Lin Yuan smiled, she is not stupid, it is more in her own interest to befriend Su Tianling than to offend Su Tianling.

Lin Yuan opened the door at this time and let Qinghe outside the door come in.

"Master." Qing He looked at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan glanced at Qinghe and said with a smile, "Go on."

Qing He nodded, sat down, took two bites, looked up at Lin Yuan and asked, "I heard that Senior Su was taken care of by Yang Xin for three years, and with his generous appearance, Senior Su must have given Yang Xin a good deal." The exercises and profound skills."

Lin Yuan looked at Qinghe and reminded, "You can only befriend him, and you must not use your brain."

"Disciple knows." Qing He laughed and said to Lin Yuan, "Being close to Senior Su will do us no harm. I will get close to Junior Sister Yang Xin in the future."

Lin Yuan nodded lightly, she ate a few mouthfuls, then glanced at Qinghe again, as if hesitating to speak.

Qinghe also noticed that Lin Yuan seemed to have something to say, so she couldn't help saying, "Master, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Lin Yuan put down her chopsticks and looked at Qinghe. She originally wanted to train Qinghe to become the next suzerain of Qinglangzong.

However, the plan cannot keep up with the change!
Now Yang Xin is more suitable to be the next suzerain, she pondered for a while, and said to Qinghe, "Qinghe, master wants Yang Xin to be the next suzerain."

Qinghe stared blankly, making Yang Xin the next suzerain?Her complexion didn't change much, she just nodded, "Everything is under Master's arrangement."

Seeing that Qinghe had no objection, Lin Yuan was relieved, but she was afraid that Qinghe might have something in her heart.

She took out a local-level kung fu method for a low-grade earth-level profound skill, and handed it to Qinghe, "This is a low-grade low-level kung fu method and a low-grade mysterious skill, which are just right for you, so you can use it to study it."

"Thank you, Master." Qing He took over the exercises, joy in his heart showing on his face, earth-level exercises and profound skills, these are earth-level exercises and profound skills!

"Qinghe, although Yang Xin is the next suzerain as a teacher, the main purpose of being a teacher is to make friends with Su Tianling. Maybe Su Tianling will give him better exercises when he is happy. In the heart of being a teacher, you are still a teacher. My favorite disciple." Lin Yuan held her hand with affection in her voice.

"Master, I know." Qing He.

Lin Yuan smiled for a while, and said to Qing He, "I have something to do to go out for the teacher, you eat first."

"Okay." Qinghe nodded, watching Lin Yuan turn into bright white light, and the flickering disappeared.

She looked at the direction where Liu Guang disappeared, and her face gradually became gloomy. Let Yang Xin become the next suzerain?

Yang Xin's talent is lower than hers!

It's just that luck is better, and I have taken care of a peak Xuanhuang for three years!
If it were her who took care of Su Tianling for three years, Su Tianling would also give her very good exercises!

Now, her position of young suzerain will be deprived!
So what's the point of her?Do you want her to assist Yang Xin?

How could she assist someone who was only relying on luck!
Qinghe's eyes were cold, her fists were tightly clenched, and she gritted her teeth in a cold voice, "After Senior Su left! I will take away your exercises! Cultivation depends on taking and fighting! If you can get it, you can get it, and you can do it! Luck! I, Qinghe, was born with extraordinary luck! I am the real one! And what are you, Yang Xin?"


Su Tianling was chatting with Yang Xin at the moment, and would occasionally mention something about cultivation when they talked about it.

Yang Xin seemed to be unaware of sleepiness, and kept chatting with Su Tianling, seeming to cherish every moment.

Until dawn, Su Tianling looked at Yang Xin and asked, "Do you want to rest for a while?"

"I'm already a mysterious general. I'm fine if I don't sleep for a month." Yang Xin shook her head, looked at Su Tianling, "Teach me how to practice."

"Yes." Su Tianling nodded slightly.

In the morning, Xuanhuang from the eight major factions all came and gathered in the main hall of Qinglangzong. They were all very curious.

Lin Yuan looked for them yesterday and asked them to gather at Qinglangzong this morning. It was Su Tianling who asked Lin Yuan to look for them.

Everyone was a little excited, did Su Tianling have something to order?In that case, they will be able to obtain the exercises!

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Lin Yuan appeared in the core area at this time, seeing Su Tianling pointing Yang Xin, she did not disturb.

Su Tianling looked back at Lin Yuan, "Are they all here?"

"They're all here." Lin Yuan said.

Su Tianling nodded and looked at Yang Xin, "Practice by yourself first, I'll take care of some things, and I'll be back later."

"Okay." Yang Xin nodded.

Su Tianling turned into a streamer and appeared in the hall in an instant.

When Su Tianling appeared, everyone fell silent, and all eyes were on Su Tianling.

Su Tianling glanced at them, and said softly, "I will leave the low-grade area the day after tomorrow. I believe you have checked it. Yang Xin has been closest to me in the past three years. After I leave, you will attack her and want to get her." Can you get the exercises I gave her?"

Everyone's expressions changed, and they immediately understood that Su Tianling summoned them here not to give orders, but to warn them.

Sect Master Jianyun looked at Su Tianling, "I, Jianyun Sect, will definitely not attack a junior!"

"It's the same for me in the Longevity Valley." The owner of the Longevity Valley said.

"Me too."

"Me too." Zhu Xuanhuang expressed their opinions one after another.

"It's not proven." Su Tianling shook his head lightly, and said to them, "I have to believe it."

(End of this chapter)

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