The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 568: One Line of Vitality

Chapter 568

Qinghe went to a remote place. She knew that Elder Lingyue's spiritual consciousness covered many places. She could only go to some remote and non-dangerous places to let Elder Lingyue relax his vigilance.

When he was far away, Qinghe patted the shoulder of the disciple next to him, and quietly put a red pill on the disciple's body.

"Junior brother, let's go and have a look inside." Qing He smiled at his disciple.

"Okay, Senior Sister." The disciple was flattered that the Young Sect Master was so close to him.

Follow Qing He to the farther outer area, infinitely close to the inner area, the monsters in the inner area are more powerful,

There are demon generals and even demon kings.

And on the other side.

Yang Xin felt bored, her true cultivation was a mysterious general, and she could deal with the demon masters on the periphery very easily.

Fighting like this didn't feel like it at all, because there wasn't the slightest sense of crisis.

Yang Xin looked into the distance, just now Qinghe went to the west direction, she also followed, hoping to meet a slightly stronger monster general.

The figure swept away quickly, and soon found Qinghe and an inner disciple.

"Young Sovereign." Yang Xin rushed to Qing He, frowned slightly, and said to Qing He, "Young Sovereign, are you a mysterious master? It will be dangerous to enter the inner circle."

"I'm a mysterious general." Qinghe exuded a mysterious general's aura.

Yang Xin nodded, and said to Qing He, "There is a demon king inside, we'd better be careful."

"Then what is the purpose of our coming out? You came out to divert thoughts, and I came out to temper myself. Fighting with monsters similar to myself is of great benefit to me. If I can learn from someone who is stronger than myself Being able to escape from its hands can train people better, and it is difficult to improve only by fighting with ordinary monsters!" Qinghe shook her head, she looked at the disciple, "Follow me to the inner circle!"

The disciple hesitated a little, he was just a mysterious master, it was very dangerous to enter the inner circle.

"With me protecting you and Elder Ling watching, what are you afraid of?" Qinghe frowned, looking dissatisfied, "If the disciples of the Qinglang Sect are so cowardly, they should be kicked out of the sect! The sect does not need people without courage! "

The disciple seemed to be irritated, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go with you."

"It's not too bad." Qinghe looked a little better, and led the disciple directly to the inner circle.

Yang Xin looked at the back of Qinghe leaving, Qinglangzong didn't need disciples without courage, and she was already a mysterious general, how could she stay in the safe area?It's time to go to the danger zone!
Yang Xin's figure flitted away, chasing after Qing He and the two, when she approached, Yang Xin said to Qing He, "Senior Sister, I'll be with you."

"Yeah." Qinghe nodded, she looked into the distance, and there was a faint roar of monsters in the distance.

There was an imperceptible flash of joy in her eyes, the red pill she quietly put on the disciple was the inner alchemy of a peak demon king, the inner alchemy was very precious, it was given to her by her master Lin Yuan.

This time I consumed a pill of the peak demon king, hoping to attract a demon king. If so, hehe...

"I'll go inside first." Qinghe said, his figure flickered, like an arrow leaving the string, and with a whistling sound, he had already reached a hundred meters away.

After a few breaths, Yang Xin heard the sound of fighting in front, and Qing He started fighting with a monster general.

Yang Xin's heart tightened, fighting with a monster general, Qinghe might be difficult to deal with, she needs her help.

"You stay here." Yang Xin said to the disciple, and hurried to the place where there was a fight.

The disciple's face turned red, he was a majestic man, but he stayed where he was, but there was nothing he could do, he was just a mysterious master.

If you go far away, if you encounter a powerful monster, Qing He and Yang Xin will be too busy to take care of themselves, so how can they care about his life?

Elder Lingyue, who had been monitoring the area of ​​Wan Yao Valley, looked calmly into the distance. Qing He and Yang Xin were teaming up to kill a monster general, and the monster general had been retreating steadily, and would soon be beheaded by the two together.

To be on the safe side, Lingyue's figure exuded an aura, which made the demon king farther away feel apprehensive and dared not easily step into Yang Xin's range.

It can be in the Valley of the Thousand Monsters.

Many demon kings let out cruel roars, opened their mouths wide, and the fangs in their mouths were very sharp, as if they could bite people to pieces with one bite.

Their eyes are full of ferocity and anger. As monsters, they can feel the breath of inner alchemy, and they sense a very strong demon king inner alchemy. This shows that once a famous demon king was beheaded, the inner alchemy also Captured!
Kill their kind!Also snatching the inner alchemy of their kind, this is what humans like to do most, because the inner alchemy has many uses and is of high value!

hoo hoo hoo hoo!

dong dong dong dong!
More than a dozen demon kings nearby roared angrily, jumped up, and flew towards the location where the inner alchemy's breath emanated.

Their eyes are full of killing intent, they want to kill the person who is carrying the inner alchemy!

Elder Ling, who was monitoring everything, sensed the presence of demon kings approaching, her expression changed, and she hurriedly swung her sleeves away, intending to sweep Yang Xin and Qinghe away and take them away.

It was a bit late, a monster was super fast, like lightning, and with a click, it flashed in front of the disciple who was carrying the inner alchemy.

A slap!Snapped!Under the terrified expression of this disciple, his head was directly crushed.

The spirit elder's face was ugly, and he let out an angry cry. The violent profound energy formed a spiritual whip, and ruthlessly threw it towards those monsters.

clap clap clap!

Everyone seemed to be crazy, and rushed towards Elder Ling, who had an ugly expression on his face. She looked at Qinghe and Yang Xin who were not far away, and hurriedly urged, "Go!"

Yang Xin wanted to leave at first, but the coercion of so many demon kings and the movement of the fight spread too far, so she had no choice but to go inside, but the inside was the base camp of Demon Valley!There are more monsters out there!If you go, there may be accidents!

"Follow me!" Qinghe grabbed Yang Xin's hand at this time, and without waiting for Yang Xin to ask, she directly pulled Yang Xin towards the depths of the inner circle.

Seeing this, Elder Lingyue's face was ugly, why did he go further inside!If something happens to Yang Xin, the consequences can be imagined!

When going further inside, Qing He suddenly stopped.

Yang Xin also stopped in her tracks. She was flustered and looked at Qing He, "Sovereign Young Master, it's more dangerous here."

"It's more dangerous." Qinghe nodded and looked at Yang Xin, "Junior Sister, just now the elders fought with those demon kings. The scope of the fight is too large. If it affects us, we will definitely die in our realm."

Yang Xin also knows, but now, there are wolves in front and tigers in back, there is really no way out.

"Young Sect Master, what should we do now?" Yang Xin asked.

Qing He shook his head and sighed softly, "Wait, wait until the Elder Ling cleans up those demon kings, maybe we still have a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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