Chapter 576 Stop!

A coldness flashed in the depths of Xuying's eyes. He once mentioned that he wanted Yafei to marry his son.

However, Yafei made it clear in front of him that he had humiliated his son, saying that his son was being sentimental!
After all, Ya Fei is the biological daughter of the Pavilion Master of the Nine Pavilions. Although he is stronger than the Pavilion Master of the Nine Pavilions in terms of identity, he is both Xuanzun and belongs to the Tianxia Pavilion.

What's more, his son made a mistake first, and he didn't take it seriously.

However, Zhao Mufeng is his son after all!

If he hadn't left a life-saving means on Zhao Mufeng, then his son would have died.

Xuying glanced at Yafei indifferently, then looked at Su Tianling, and said in a cold voice, "Although my son was at fault first, but you almost killed him just now, he is the child of the deity after all! So! Capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes are difficult. escape!"

After the voice fell, there was a terrifying coercion, like the sky falling, giving people a very sense of despair.

The sky collapsed and landed directly on Su Tianling. However, even Yafei felt the terrifying coercion.

Yafei's face suddenly became cold, Zhao Mufeng's father wanted to torture Su Tianling with this coercion.

She raised her head, looked at Xu Ying, and said in a deep voice, "Uncle! You are so unreasonable!"

Xuying glanced at Yafei, and said indifferently, "Cultivation means that when you encounter anything, you don't have to reason. If you reason, why do you need fists?"

Yafei's heart sank. Today, Venerable Zhao must torture Su Tianling, and this incident happened because of her, so he couldn't help but feel guilty.

She turned her head and looked at Su Tianling, "I will make it up to you."

When Venerable Zhao heard what Yafei said to Su Tianling, his heart became colder, and the terrifying coercion strengthened again, descending on Su Tianling.


The next moment, the two of them suddenly noticed something and looked at Su Tianling one after another.

"You...why do you act like a normal person?" Yafei looked at Su Tianling with a calm face and tall figure in shock.

Venerable Zhao also looked at Su Tianling in doubt. He could tell that this Su Tianling was only Xuanzong, a Xuanzong, how could he not change his face under his pressure?Not even a little bit of influence.

"Hmph!" Venerable Zhao snorted coldly, and directly used the coercion of the Venerable. He believed that under his coercion, Su Tianling would definitely not be able to bear it, and finally knelt on the ground.

At this time, Su Tianling slowly raised his hand, and when he raised his hand, the power of rules surged.

These multiple strands of regular power are constantly intertwined, and the power is superimposed again and again, becoming very powerful.

This force was equal to Zhao Zunzhe's coercion in just one breath.

To the point of tit for tat!Venerable Zhao couldn't help Su Tianling at all.


Yafei opened her eyes wide, looking in shock at the power of rules wrapped around Su Tianling's arms.

Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Light, Darkness!

The power of nine rules intertwine!Let the breath of strength superimpose layer upon layer, superimposed to the coercion equivalent to Xuan Zun!

At this moment, Venerable Zhao's face was ugly, and he looked at Su Tianling deep in his eyes, and there was a flash of struggle.

The power of nine attribute rules!
Such a place!Even in the top-grade region, it is already top-notch!
And what is he doing now?He is targeting a very terrifying evildoer. In the future, this evildoer is likely to reach the pinnacle of the Holy Path, and is even expected to aspire to the Great Emperor Realm!

He was wondering whether to reconcile now, or to continue to target Su Tianling. If he continued to target Su Tianling, then Su Tianling must be killed, otherwise, there would be endless troubles!
Zhao Mufeng's face turned pale from being frightened by this scene, his eyes were full of horror, envy and hatred, how could this Su Tianling have such a top talent?
Nine attributes in one!Especially the Five Elements attribute!With all the attributes of the five elements together, you can explode with strength beyond your own realm!
And this is the nine attributes!Not only can you fight across small realms, but you can even fight across large realms!
Su Tianling looked at Venerable Zhao calmly, thinking whether he should kill Venerable Zhao.

When he came to the Xuanqi Continent, his biggest enemy was darkness!
Not this Zunzun Zhao.

It doesn't matter if Zhao Zun is killed.

At most, he was chased and killed by Tianxia Pavilion, but it was relatively easy for him to raise his level, and he would be able to fight back in a few days.

Thinking of this, Su Tianling's eyes became indifferent, and he was going to sacrifice another power of rules, so that he could surpass Venerable Zhao!
This Venerable Zhao is only a two-star Xuanzun!

"Wait!" Zhao Zunzhe made a mental struggle and chose to give up.

He immediately put away his coercion, looked at Su Tianling and said, "The deity shot at you just now, but I was out of breath. After all, Mu Feng is the son of the deity, but after thinking about it, it is Mu Feng's fault after all. If the deity attacks you again , it seems that this deity is too stingy."

"Father, you..." Zhao Mufeng couldn't help looking at Venerable Zhao, anxious in his heart, Su Tianling's talent is so terrifying, he should be killed as soon as possible, otherwise it will be his end when Su Tianling grows up.

"Bastard!" Venerable Zhao looked down at Zhao Mufeng, and slapped him across the air. With a slap, Zhao Mufeng was slapped and spun around in circles, teeth flying all over the place!
"Create trouble everywhere!" Venerable Zhao hated that iron cannot be made into steel. Although Zhao Mufeng was talented, he had suffered too little, and usually did not take people seriously.

Venerable Zhao looked at Su Tianling with a smile on his face, "Little brother, I am willing to pay a price for what happened just now, how about exposing this matter?"

Su Tianling looked at Venerable Zhao, "[-] million high-grade profound stones, this matter has been exposed."

"Okay." Without hesitation, Venerable Zhao put a large number of profound stones in the Sea of ​​Consciousness into the storage ring, and then gave them to Su Tianling.

Su Tianling took the ring, checked it, and after confirming that it was correct, he glanced at Zun Zhao, "If there is a next time, your son will die."

Venerable Zhao nodded. As a Xuanzun, he was naturally very angry when Xuanzong said that.


He sensed that something was wrong, very wrong!
That's why I stopped suddenly.

"Let's go!" Zhao Zunzhe glanced at Zhao Mufeng on the ground, and immediately left with Zhao Mufeng.

en route.

Zhao Mufeng's eyes were red, he looked at Zhao Zun, gritted his teeth and said, "Father, why didn't you kill him?"

"Are you an idiot?" Zhao Zunzhe scolded angrily, "How many times has Dad told you to pay attention to details when doing things? Details determine success or failure. Didn't you see that he has nine attributes? Who do you think can have nine attributes?" Talent? Most of the people who can have this kind of talent are very terrifying giants from their ancestors who inherited the talent, that is to say, his background is very terrifying!"

"Also! Didn't you find that he was very calm when facing his father? What do you think the normal Xuanzong would do when facing his father?"

"It will be scary." Zhao Mufeng thought for a while.

"But he wasn't afraid, he was even very calm!" Zhao Zunzhe's tone was a bit more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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