The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 578 I'm afraid it will be difficult

Chapter 578 I'm afraid it will be difficult
Venerable Ya looked at Su Tianling in surprise, is he Hua Qingcheng's friend?
Can a Xuanzong be friends with a Xuanzun?

The levels are different, the heights of the stations are different, and there are basically few common topics.

However, how can there be any pure friendship between men and women?

Unless they don't like each other, it is possible to become friends.

Venerable Ya opened his mouth slowly, and told Su Tianling something about that year.

More than two years ago, Hua Qingcheng was already in the Venerable Realm. She went to every faction to find people, and almost searched the entire middle-grade region.

Didn't find one either.

Su Tianling frowned slightly as he listened. Hua Qingcheng's way of looking for people was different from his. He was looking for people with portraits, so that everyone would see the portraits.

But Hua Qingcheng went directly to various places and searched by herself, and did not make a portrait of the person she was looking for.

In this way, there may be omissions in finding someone, but it is also very safe. At least, others will not know the characteristics of the person Hua Qingcheng is looking for.


Yafei said at first that he had heard his name, did Hua Qingcheng tell the venerables her name?

But if you told me, Zhao Mufeng's father, Zhao Zunzhe, didn't have any reaction after hearing his name.

"Did she mention my name to you?" Su Tianling looked at Yazun and asked.

"I mentioned it." Ya Zun nodded slightly, and said to Su Tianling, "She asked me if I had ever heard of a person named Su Tianling, and I said no."

"In addition to asking if you have heard my name, did she ask other people's names?" Su Tianling asked. Since Hua Qingcheng asked his name, she must have asked Liu Xue and the others.

Ya Zun shook his head lightly, "That's not true, she only asked your name."

Su Tianling nodded lightly, thoughtful, why only asked his name?Although he knew that Hua Qingcheng had a special feeling for him, but Liu Xue and the others had a very good relationship with Hua Qingcheng, why didn't they ask her names?

This is a bit difficult to figure out.

Su Tianling was also a little disappointed, which meant that there was no trace of Liu Xue and the others in the Zhongpin area.

Because Hua Qingcheng checked it carefully two years ago.

However, for the sake of safety, he has to check it out himself, and he can only feel at ease if he has done a thorough investigation.

Su Tianling looked at Yazun at this time, "Yafei should have told you that I need a lot of profound stones, how about I exchange them with you for a hundred mid-grade local grades?"

Ya Zun looked at Su Tianling, and couldn't help shaking his heart. Yafei had told him before that Su Tianling had produced three hundred local middle-grade exercises. There are so many earth-level exercises.

He was very puzzled in his heart, and he kept guessing, this Su Tianling, and that Hua Qingcheng, who the hell... are they?

Can't guess, can't speculate.

He nodded to Su Tianling, "Yes."

Yazun pondered for a while, then he agreed, he didn't have any bad thoughts, first of all, he couldn't have any bad thoughts at all.

Let's not talk about Su Tianling's talent first, let's talk about Hua Qingcheng, whose realm is lower than him, but his strength can crush him, which makes him feel awe.

What's more, if Su Tianling can come up with so many exercises and such a terrifying talent, if it is said that he does not have a strong background, he will definitely not believe it.

Instead of taking the risk, it is better to make friends. What's more, although the earth-level exercises are precious, he also has earth-level middle-grade exercises. If he wants more earth-level middle-grade exercises, it will not be of much use to him.

Yazun took out a ring and handed it to Su Tianling, "Look at the mysterious stone in the ring."

Su Tianling checked it, nodded and said, "Enough."

He looked at Yazun and Yafei, "I will continue to bother you during this time, so I won't bother you two. I'll go to retreat."

"Hehe, let's go." Venerable Ya smiled.

Su Tianling turned and left. This time, he wanted to consume all the profound stones before leaving the level.

Venerable Ya looked at Yafei and said with a smile, "Girl, what do you think of Su Tianling?"

"Father, what are you talking about?" Yafei said angrily.

Yazun put away his smile, looked at the direction where Su Tianling was leaving, and couldn't help sighing softly, "Yeah, why did you say this, Hua Qingcheng and Su Tianling are by no means simple friends, you are fighting with Hua Qingcheng, it's a fight." But."

"Father!" Yafei was a little angry, what kind of pot is this!
"Hehe, daddy won't talk anymore, daddy won't talk anymore." Yazun smiled, he was just trying to test Yafei to see how his daughter would react, fortunately, his daughter didn't fall in love with someone she shouldn't like people.


Time passed, as if in the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

During this month, Su Tianling didn't eat or drink, didn't waste a single bit of time, and kept absorbing profound energy.

During this month, he had completely consumed all the profound stones, and his realm had also reached Xuanzun.

Although it is only a one-star Xuanzun.

Su Tianling opened his eyes, his eyes were calm and unwavering, Xuanzun, it's time to search the entire middle-grade region!

Although he is only a one-star Xuanzun, there is absolutely no need to worry about the venerables in this region.

Su Tianling erupted Xuanzun's unique domain power, covering a thousand miles around in an instant. It was as if everything in the thousands of miles was under his control, and every movement could be clearly seen.

After some investigation, I didn't see any clues!
When Su Tianling released the domain, Venerable Ya noticed it for the first time, his face changed suddenly, his eyes penetrated the distance, and saw Su Tianling, and at this time, Su Tianling also penetrated the distance, and looked at Venerable Ya.

Venerable Ya was very shocked in his heart. Su Tianling broke through to Xuanzun after retreating for a month?

With a flash, he appeared in front of Su Tianling, and couldn't help saying, "I didn't expect you to break through to Xuanzun so quickly."

Su Tianling nodded lightly, it would be strange if he couldn't break through to Xuanzun so quickly.

Su Tianling looked at Yazun and said, "I need a map of the distribution of forces in the middle-grade region, please give me a map."

Yazun took out a map and handed it to Su Tianling, frowned slightly and asked, "Aren't you going to be like Hua Qingcheng, looking for someone?"

"Well, if you don't investigate thoroughly yourself, you will always feel uneasy." Su Tianling said.

Although I know that Hua Qingcheng has already searched it, but I still want to search it again. After all, Hua Qingcheng has stayed in the lower-rank area, but I still haven't found him?
In Hua Qingcheng's search method, there will be places that are missed.

Yazun nodded, and reminded Su Tianling, "Back then, Hua Qingcheng thoroughly investigated the middle-grade region and had conflicts with some forces. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to thoroughly investigate some forces."

(End of this chapter)

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