The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 582 A visitor from a top-rank region

Chapter 582 A visitor from a top-rank region
"Hurry up." Seeing them standing there in a daze, Su Tianling couldn't help saying, he was in a hurry.

At the later stage of the realm, it takes a long time to break through a small realm.

"I want Thunder Cultivation Technique and Profound Skills." Palace Master Zilei said hurriedly, and handed over a storage ring to Su Tianling.

Su Tianling nodded lightly, and gave the Thunder-attributed exercises and profound skills to Palace Master Zilei.

"I want fire-attributed exercises and profound skills."

"I want wood-type exercises and profound skills."

In just a short time, Su Tianling harvested a large amount of profound stones. Seeing that everyone's profound stones were almost consumed, he said, "I'm going to retreat first, and I will stay in the middle-grade area for a while. If you still have a lot of profound stones Shi, you can continue to exchange exercises and profound skills with me."

"Okay." There were smiles on everyone's faces, and getting the exercises and profound skills meant that their strength could go a step further.

Su Tianling didn't say anything else, turned around and left, returned to the residence, and began to retreat.

This retreat may be longer.

Su Tianling was immersed in cultivation, and the venerables in the middle-grade region were also mining profound stones frantically, wanting to accumulate more profound stones, and then exchange them with Su Tianling.

Time passes slowly, for some people, time passes slowly, for some people, time passes quickly.

For Su Tianling, he had forgotten the time and was immersed in cultivation. His cultivation was improving bit by bit, and his aura was also rising bit by bit.

During this period, Su Tianling frantically operated the exercises, which made the consumption of profound stones much faster.

Only three months later, Su Tianling stabilized his realm at the peak Xuanzun, and the Xuanshi gathered by the major forces could only stabilize him at the peak Xuanzun.

As for breaking through to Profound Sage, it is far away.

Because to break through the Profound Sage, more profound energy is needed!

This profound energy is the sum total of a one-star Xuanzun to a peak Xuanzun!With so much profound energy, he couldn't obtain it in a short time.

He also knew that the profound stones gathered by various forces before had almost used up the profound stones in the middle-grade region, and he could only get more profound stones unless he went to the high-grade region.

"It's time to leave." Su Tianling murmured to himself, his eyes pierced through the distance, from the moment he landed in the Xuanqi Continent to the journey, he was very calm and nothing happened.

However, it is because he has been very low-key recently. Apart from being low-key, his cultivation speed is very fast, so fast that he can withstand any power in the region.

Because of this, it looks calm and there is no danger.

It may not be so when he reaches the top-grade region. It will take a long time to break through again. When he reaches the top-grade region, he may not have so much time for him to practice stably.

Su Tianling couldn't go out. In the yard, Yafei was sitting there drinking tea dignifiedly. When she saw Su Tianling, she couldn't help getting up and said with a smile, "Master Su, come have a cup of tea."

Su Tianling nodded lightly, walked over and sat down, glanced at Yafei and asked, "Nothing happened these past few months, right?"

"Yes." Jaffe.

"What's the matter?" Su Tianling frowned slightly, could it be that someone from the dark forces came?
"All the venerable forces are frantically mining mysterious stones, and they want to exchange black stones with you for exercises or profound skills."

Yafei said that thinking of the past few months, the major forces have gone crazy, and can't help but be amazed.

Only Su Tianling was able to make the major venerable forces make such a fuss.

Su Tianling nodded lightly, and asked, "How about the situation of the big powers opening Xuanshi?"

Yafei shook his head, "Although a lot of profound stones have been mined, it takes a long time for each piece of profound stone to turn ordinary waste stones into profound stones. It has never stopped mining in the past. I mined it myself, and almost used up a lot of profound stones, and it will take a long time to wait for the next batch of profound stones to condense."

Su Tianling nodded lightly, which was expected. Although Xuanshi can be born infinitely, it still takes time to form.

"Tell them, I will leave tomorrow and let them bring all the profound stones they have." Su Tianling said.

"Leave tomorrow?" Yafei ignored the previous words, only heard that Su Tianling was leaving tomorrow.

"Yeah." Su Tianling nodded lightly, and said to her, "I've basically done what I need to do in the middle-rank area, and I'm going to visit the upper-rank area."

Yafei understood the meaning, and also knew why Su Tianling was in such a hurry to go to the upper-grade area, nothing more than to find the woman in the portrait.

"I'll tell my dad now." Yafei got up and left.

Su Tianling didn't say anything.

Yafei went to look for Yazun, but found that Yazun was not there, she couldn't help but look puzzled, where did he go?

She inquired and found that no one knew where Yazun had gone.

In desperation, Yafei went back to the yard and said to Su Tianling, "I didn't find my father."

"No hurry." Su Tianling waved his hand, "Before I leave, I will go to various forces."

"Okay." Yafei said.


At this moment, the Zhongpin region has ushered in a big man, at least for many venerables, this is really a big man, and a very, very powerful man.

In the Shadow School.

There is a group of people, although none of these people directly show their aura, but invisibly, they put pressure on many people.

On the opposite side of this group of people, there are many venerables in the Zhongpin area, and they seem a little cautious when facing this group of people.

There were only six people in this group, and the leader was the middle-aged man. This middle-aged man was dressed in a white robe and glanced at the entire Shadow School.

In the end, he fixed his gaze on the Shadow Sect Master, and asked, "How long have the dark forces been hiding in the Shadow Sect?"

"Two years and two months." The Shadow Sect said to him, with a very cautious attitude and a little awe.

The main reason for the restraint and reverence is because this middle-aged man is from a top-grade region, and he is also a member of the Holy Land of the top-grade region.

If he is just a person from the Holy Land, it is not enough to make him like this. The most important thing is that this middle-aged man is a holy existence in the Holy Land.

That is Xuansheng!
The Holy Realm is a level that no matter how many venerables spend countless hours, it is difficult to reach it. Once you reach the Holy Realm, you will become extremely powerful in all aspects.

It can be said that under the holy land, there are all ants. It is conceivable how terrifying this holy land is.

The middle-aged man's eyes showed a thoughtful look, two years and two months.

Not long ago, he got a message from the middle-grade region. There were dark forces hiding in the middle-grade region, and they directly suppressed the Shadow Sect.

And killed many, many people.

He looked at the Shadow Sect Master and asked, "In the news I got, a venerable named Su Tianling saved the Shadow Sect and killed the five dark lords. Is this true?"

"Hui Shengjun, it's true." The Shadow Sect Master said.

(End of this chapter)

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