The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 590 Very good, how about you?

Chapter 590 Very good, how about you?
"How have you been in recent years?" Su Tianling looked at her and asked.

"Very good, how about you?" Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Tianling.

"That's pretty good." Su Tianling looked at her and asked, "Have you seen Xiaoxue and the others?"

Hua Qingcheng shook her head lightly, "I've searched for all the places I need to look for. If I want to expand the scope of search, I can only go to the top-notch area."

Su Tianling nodded slightly, feeling a little lost. He thought that if he found Hua Qingcheng, he might have clues to Liu Xue and the others, but there were no clues at all.

But no matter what, at least Hua Qingcheng was found, and there were still five people missing.

The communication between the two is in secret language, others don't know what the two said, but judging from the expressions of the two, it seems that they are not talking about love.

"Qingcheng, who is he?" Chu Jun's voice suddenly sounded, and everyone couldn't help looking at Chu Jun. Chu Jun's face was not very good-looking at the moment, and he looked very cold.

In fact, Mr. Chu really felt very angry and embarrassed. He is the majestic lord of the holy land, looking at the holy land, who doesn't know that he likes flowers all over the city?But now!However, Hua Qingcheng is closer than a friend to Su Tianling who exists in this Star Saint Realm.

Where does this put the face of the Lord of the Holy Land?
And this Hua Qingcheng, how could the woman he likes fall into the hands of others?
Hua Qingcheng glanced at Chu Jun indifferently, "Who he is has nothing to do with you."

When Chu Jun heard the words, his face was a little gloomy, and a hint of ruthlessness flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he refuted his face in front of so many people!It also made him a laughing stock!One can imagine how the saints would talk about this in private.

He looked at Su Tianling coldly, "See you in the holy war."

Su Tianling ignored Mr. Chu. He had seen many people like Mr. Chu, so there was no need to spend more time with such people.

"Before Su Tianling told me that we were good friends. I was a little skeptical at first, but now I completely believe it." Holy Master Donghua stood up at this moment, and looked at Hua Qingcheng with a smile.

Hua Qingcheng looked at Donghua Shengjun, and immediately understood that Su Tianling had entered Donghua Holy Land.

"His wife and I have been friends for many years." Hua Qingcheng explained.

Donghua Shengjun was stunned for a moment. Are Su Tianling's wife and Hua Qingcheng good friends?Why did he feel something was wrong?

Normally, who would call his wife's friend that way?It seems a little too intimate.

"Sit next to me." Hua Qingcheng found the seat in the Holy Land of Yao Palace at this time, and sat down, while Su Tianling sat beside him.

"Qingcheng, he must be the man you were looking for at that time." Dressed in a phoenix robe and a phoenix crown, the dignified Lord of Yao Palace came and sat on Hua Qingcheng's right side.

Hua Qingcheng nodded lightly, and said to her, "It's him."

Yao Gong looked at Su Tianling on the left side of Hua Qingcheng, and nodded slightly to him as a signal. She could see at a glance that Su Tianling's realm was only one-star holy realm. Unexpectedly, Hua Qingcheng seemed to care about Su Tianling.

Su Tianling didn't say anything, said everything that should be said, and asked all that should be asked. It is not suitable to talk about the family's elders and family's shortcomings in this kind of place.

Chu Jun also sat down early, seeing Su Tianling and Hua Qingcheng sitting together, his eyes were cold and his face was not very good-looking.

At this time, the Holy Master of Xishan raised his glass and said with a smile to the holy masters, "This time, the peak holy realm existences of all the holy lands will participate in this holy war. After the holy war, the imperial forces will select particularly outstanding people. Entering the cultivation of the imperial clan, there is a slight chance to prove the Tao and become an emperor."

When it comes to the battle of the holy way, the expressions of the saints can't help but be a bit solemn. It can be said that if one can enter the cultivation of the imperial clan, there is a certain chance that he can be taught by the sleeping emperor.

Even if it is just one or two pointers, it will be useful for a lifetime.

"If you drink this glass of wine, you don't need to be merciful in the holy war." The Holy Master of Xishan first drank the wine in the glass.

Everyone didn't say anything, and drank the wine in their cups in one gulp.

Everyone knows that Holy Dao warfare is not just a simple martial arts competition. In the competition, there is a risk of death. Although this risk is very small, only in the battle of the peak holy realm can one know one's true strength.

Leaving no room for consequences, someone could be seriously injured.

The other existences in the holy realm remained silent. Although they were also existences of the holy way, they were not at the peak of the holy way and were not qualified to participate in this holy way battle.

After drinking, the saints began to chat.

Su Tianling and Hua Qingcheng didn't have the time to stay here, Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Tianling, "Let's go elsewhere."

Su Tianling nodded lightly, got up with Hua Qingcheng, and left.

When Chu Jun saw this, his expression was ugly, and a cold murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes. Today, his face was completely humiliated.

Su Tianling and Hua Qingcheng came to a distant mountain, stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the cliff.

"I was in a coma for three years in the Xuanqi Continent, and was taken to a residence by an outer disciple of the Qinglang Sect in the lower-rank region to take care of me for three years. I only woke up in the last half a year." Su Tianling turned to look at Hua Qingcheng, "I am in the lower-rank region. Searched the area, someone has seen you."

Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Tianling in surprise. She didn't expect Su Tianling to stay in the lower-rank area all the time, and was still in a coma for three years.

"I was searching quietly at the time, and I didn't disturb anyone. I also went to Qinglangzong, but I didn't expect you to be in a coma." Hua Qingcheng frowned slightly, looking at Su Tianling, "I was not in a coma when I came to Xuanqi Continent. , It was just a fall, why are you in a coma, and you have been in a coma for three years?"

"Maybe it's because of the chaotic world in my sea of ​​consciousness." Su Tianling thought for a while and said, "All the creatures in the chaotic world are in my sea of ​​consciousness, and there are some people missing in the sea of ​​consciousness, except you, Qingxuan and Liran, and Liu Xue and the others, as well as the Lords of Chaos from the previous eight eras."

A trace of complexity flashed imperceptibly in the depths of Hua Qingcheng's pupils, and this trace of complexity quickly disappeared.

"By the way, there's one thing I haven't figured out. Logically speaking, it's normal for the Lord of Chaos of the Nine Ages to come to the Xuanqi Continent. Why did you, Li Ran, and Qingxuan also come to the Xuanqi Continent?" Su Tianling Looking at Hua Qingcheng, he has been unable to figure this out.

"I don't know either." Hua Qingcheng lightly shook her head.

"Hmm." Su Tianling didn't say anything, feeling that this question was a bit redundant, even he didn't know, how could Hua Qingcheng know?

Hua Qingcheng fell into silence for a while, not knowing what to say, Su Tianling asked her why she, Li Ran, and Ye Qingxuan also came to the Xuanqi Continent, Su Tianling didn't know about this, neither did Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan, only she knew.

"You plan to go to the top-notch region after the holy war?" Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Tianling.

"Yeah." Su Tianling nodded, "Since there is no news about Xiaoxue and the others in the lower, middle, and upper regions, there must be news from the top-notch region."

(End of this chapter)

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