The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 597 Because She Is a Bad Person

Chapter 597 Because She Is a Bad Person
Su Tianling was drinking, when he heard Hua Qingcheng's voice, he couldn't help but stop drinking.

He didn't expect Hua Qingcheng to say such words at such a time. He thought that Hua Qingcheng would bury his thoughts in his heart forever just like before.

Why do you want to talk about it at this time?
Su Tianling was a little puzzled, it should be the best to continue with the previous relationship.

Saying such words to him suddenly now is equivalent to breaking the long-term relationship of good friends.

He put down the wine bowl, bowed his head in silence for a while, looked at Hua Qingcheng, "I know."

One sentence, I know, made Hua Qingcheng's eyes moist, she thought Su Tianling didn't know.

"Then, do you like me?" Hua Qingcheng's voice trembled slightly, as if she was afraid, but her eyes stayed on Su Tianling.

Su Tianling's breathing became heavier, and instead of directly responding to this question, he said, "I can't give you anything. I have Xiaoxue, Xiaoke, and Qingran. I won't let them down."

Hua Qingcheng was not disappointed because of this, she kept looking at Su Tianling, and asked seriously, "If the person you met first was me, would you marry me?"

"Yes." Su Tianling thought for a while and replied.

"What's the reason?" Hua Qingcheng asked after her.

"You are suitable to be a wife, and you have very good qualities. You can cook, do housework, and take care of children. You have also been on the battlefield, and you are very considerate in everything. I don’t know who doesn’t want to marry.” Su Tianling praised first, but in fact he didn’t lie at all, what he said was from the heart, and he said what he thought.

Hua Qingcheng smiled beautifully, like the only ray of light left in the darkness. When the light shines, it gradually covers the darkness, filling the originally dark place with light.

Smiling and laughing, two lines of tears suddenly flowed from the corners of her eyes. She heard what she wanted to hear, but... also heard what she didn't want to hear.

Why wasn't she the one I met first?
It was Liu Xue, Xia Qingran, and Su Xiaoke.

She knows...she knows why Su Tianling didn't meet her first.

Because of that person, because of that Ren Tianxing.

Ever since she came to Xuanqi Continent, a very, very strong existence came to her, and that person told her many, many things.

After listening, she answered some doubts in the chaotic world.

At her level, she no longer believes in fate, and her fate is up to her. If she can't change her fate, it means that there is a stronger existence that has locked her fate, making it impossible for her to change her fate.

In the past, she wanted to be with Su Tianling, but due to various reasons and restrictions, she couldn't take that step.

It's like there's someone behind the scenes who knows her weaknesses and how she responds accordingly.

In this way, her behavior was blocked, and she kept hiding her thoughts in her heart.

That person told her that the so-called chaotic world was just a piece of divine stone, and it was rumored that whoever got the divine stone would win the world.

The sacred stone was obtained by Ren Tianxing, but one piece of the sacred stone was missing, and the missing piece was in the hands of the dark forces.

Her appearance, her appearance in the chaotic world, is to check and balance the bright seeds cultivated by Ren Tianxing.

It was Ren Tianxing, it was Ren Tianxing who manipulated the sacred stone before he died, and arranged countless causes and effects to make Su Tianling and Liu Xue stay together, and she, who was supposed to be a passerby, couldn't follow Su Tianling all the time.

However, because of the intervention of dark forces, she has been following Su Tianling.

Hua Qingcheng hated Ren Tianxing, if it wasn't for Ren Tianxing, maybe she would have been with Su Tianling long ago.

But now...

Hua Qingcheng was silent for an unknown period of time. She looked at Su Tianling with a flash of determination in her eyes, as if she was going to fight, "Actually, we still had a chance to be together, but now, since we can't be together normally, we can only live a happy life." The one I've always hated!"

"Who?" Su Tianling frowned suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he stared at Hua Qingcheng. From Hua Qingcheng's eyes, he sensed a power, a power of unwillingness, and a power of resentment.

Once these two forces arise, they will turn a good person into a wicked person. If they are not guided to the right path in time, the consequences will be very serious.

"Bad guys!" Hua Qingcheng's voice contained a terrifying sound, which directly knocked Su Tian into a coma.

She lightly supported Su Tianling in the air, letting Su Tianling float in front of her. Looking at Su Tianling's handsome face, the demon in her heart was uncontrollably nourished.

How could she let go of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity today?
In the past, Su Tianling was stronger than her, or he was in the same situation as her, so she couldn't have any strong thoughts.

But now, she is the quasi-emperor, Su Tianling is only a one-star saint realm, the difference in realm is so big that it is impossible to make up for it, what's more, she is not weaker than Su Tianling in the same realm, and the current Su Tianling is at her mercy.

"I didn't want that."

Hua Qingcheng's hand caressed Su Tianling's face. What she hated most in the past were bad guys, who were selfish and violated morality.

But now, she really can't help it. To be a good person, she has to bear too many things, but to be a bad person, she doesn't need to bear anything, and she can do whatever she wants.

She also understood at this moment, Buddha and demon.

It is difficult to become a Buddha.

Become a demon, only in one thought.

She looked at Su Tianling, supported him lightly, and brought him into the room, sealing the entire courtyard so that no eyes or ears could penetrate it.


As time passed bit by bit, Su Tianling was immersed in a dreamland, and what happened in the dreamland left him speechless for a while.

He has lived for too many years, and he can't have dreams between men and women at all, but what happened this time?
Could it be that they have been separated for a few years and miss Liu Xue and the others so much?


The light came in through the window, and Su Tianling, who was sleeping soundly, felt the light becoming stronger, and couldn't help but slowly opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, the drowsiness he still had was swept away in an instant.

He saw a person!

This person is Hua Qingcheng.

He suddenly remembered what happened before he fell asleep. He asked Hua Qingcheng who he was, and Hua Qingcheng said the bad guy.

"Why." Su Tianling didn't get up directly, let alone take off the quilt, because he knew what was under the quilt.

"I want you, that's all." Hua Qingcheng woke up early, and she calculated the time when Su Tianling woke up. She turned sideways and looked at Su Tianling calmly.

Although Su Tianling was in a coma before, the feeling of finally becoming Su Tianling's woman made her feel very satisfied.

After hundreds of millions of years, she finally did what she wanted to do. As for what will happen after that, she no longer thinks about it, because she is a bad person.

(End of this chapter)

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