Chapter 599
"Emperor Realm is easier said than done? However, she does have a chance." Said the Holy Master of Huashan Mountain.

Through the ages.

In the entire Xuanqi Continent, no more than 18 people have reached the Emperor Realm.

And these eighteen great emperors have experienced a battle with darkness, falling and falling, and sleeping and sleeping.

There is no perfect emperor sitting on the mainland.

If we wait for the darkness to come back and there is still no new emperor to appear in the Xuanqi Continent, then the Xuanqi Continent will be really dangerous, and it may be truly destroyed.

This time the Imperial Clan selected the holy path experts who were expected to become emperors, which showed that the entire Xuanqi Continent had reached a very dangerous time.

It is necessary to prepare for the war in an all-round way and make every effort to create a new emperor. Only in this way can we resist the darkness when the war comes in the future.

"She will definitely become an emperor." The Lord of Yao Palace said at this moment.

"How do you see it?" Chu Jun stood aside, looking at the Holy Master of Yao Palace.

The Holy Master of Yao Palace glanced at Chu Jun, "Just because she easily defeated Ye Nanqiu, do you think she used all her strength? To tell you the truth, she was already stronger than me when she was still a one-star saint."

Chu Jun's pupils shrank, and his eyes showed disbelief, "How is it possible? One-star holy land vs. peak holy land? Even if you are all over the city, you wouldn't say that, would you?"

"What's the benefit of lying to you?" Yao Gong gave Chu Jun a cold look. Hua Qingcheng had stayed in her holy land for a year, and she had some understanding of Hua Qingcheng's strength. Comprehension, it's terrifying, and she pointed out her shortcomings in a few words.

She is an existence at the peak of the Holy Realm, and when facing Hua Qingcheng, she feels like a child who knows nothing, while Hua Qingcheng is more like a teacher who knows everything.

Chu Jun turned his head and snorted coldly, his eyes pierced through the void, and he could not see Hua Qingcheng and Su Tianling for a long time. This time, because of the Holy Dao War, he completely lost face.


On the way to the top-notch area.

Although Su Tianling looked calm and couldn't see anything, but his heart was always in suspense. What he was most afraid of was that Liu Xue and the others would fight Hua Qingcheng.

However, I feel that the possibility of a fight is very small.

A long time ago, Liu Xue and the others had told him that they knew that Hua Qingcheng liked him, and Liu Xue and the others did not match up or stop him, they seemed to be letting nature take its course, and they seemed to not know how to deal with this matter.

He glanced at Hua Qingcheng beside him, now that Hua Qingcheng was acting a bit extreme, he was afraid that when Hua Qingcheng faced Liu Xue and the others, his words would be too violent.

He reminded in a whisper, "If you see Xiaoxue and the others, you must calmly say whether this matter is serious or not. In fact, Xiaoxue and the others have known your thoughts a long time ago."

Hua Qingcheng looked at Su Tianling, did he know it a long time ago?

Hua Qingcheng remained silent, and fell into deep thought for a while, since he knew it a long time ago, then, should he be prepared?

When the two were thinking about each other, Ye Nanqiu smiled, looked at the void in the distance, and said to Su Tianling with a smile, "It's very fast from here to the Imperial Clan, it only takes one day."

Su Tianling nodded lightly. There is a special aircraft for carrying people, of course it will be much faster. After all, this aircraft was built by the former emperor.

Ye Nanqiu looked at Su Tianling, then at Hua Qingcheng, and his words were probing, "I checked your backgrounds in the past month, and you are from the low-rank region, right?"

Su Tianling looked calm, glanced at Ye Nanqiu and said, "Is there a problem?"

"No problem." Ye Nanqiu smiled and said, "After entering the Imperial Clan, there will be a screening, and before the screening, you must investigate everyone's background, even if you can't investigate clearly, you must make sure that this person is not from the dark forces A lurking undercover agent."

"Which area is the dark force mainly infiltrating? When I was in the middle-rank area, I killed five dark lords. When I was in the lower-rank area, I didn't see the dark force." Su Tianling said.

Ye Nanqiu nodded and said, "If the dark forces fight against the Xuanqi Continent, only the top-grade regions and the top-grade regions can affect the battle situation. At least from now on, the existence of the holy realm cannot be ignored. When the dark forces fought against the Xuanqi Continent, the dark forces All the great emperors were seriously injured, but Ren Tianxing, the strongest emperor in the history of our Xuanqi Continent, also fell, and the other great emperors fell and fell, and fell asleep. Judging from the current situation, the dark forces will mainly lurk in the top-rank areas and the absolute product area."

Su Tianling nodded lightly, the dark forces are lurking, and they just want to know how the situation in Xuanqi Continent is. If there is a monstrous evildoer in Xuanqi Continent, they will definitely be assassinated by the dark forces.

However, as long as one reaches the peak of the holy realm, how will the dark forces assassinate them?Unless the emperor who was seriously injured by the use of dark forces.

When the chaotic world collapsed, he saw the scenes that appeared in his eyes. Ren Tianxing severely injured the nine dark emperors at the cost of his fall. It may be that the nine dark emperors have not recovered until now.

He might even be seriously injured, otherwise, the nine dark emperors who were not seriously injured would definitely descend on the Xuanqi Continent.

Now that the Dark Emperor has not come to the Xuanqi Continent, it means that the Dark Emperor's injury has not improved much.

Ye Nanqiu glanced at Su Tianling, "I also know about the fact that you killed the Dark Lord before. You can kill the Dark Lord, and in a sense, you are not from the dark forces, but..."

Ye Nanqiu changed the subject and looked at Hua Qingcheng, "Your peers are very powerful. If the emperor technique you obtained was not from the great emperors of the Xuanqi Continent, you would not be able to fight in the next battle."

Hua Qingcheng looked calm, and said indifferently, "Whether I can be instructed by the emperor is not important to me."

"..." Ye Nanqiu was speechless.

He looked at Hua Qingcheng, Hua Qingcheng really didn't seem to care, he didn't understand, but being taught by the emperor, how many people dream of being taught by the emperor?

not to mention.

Being able to be instructed by the emperor can save a lot of detours.

"By the way." Su Tianling changed the topic at this moment, took out some portraits, unfolded them, and asked Ye Nanqiu, "Have you ever seen the people in the portraits?"

Ye Nanqiu, as well as Ye's other holy realm existences, saw this portrait, their eyes froze slightly, they had naturally seen the person in this portrait.

Seeing their reactions, Su Tianling immediately knew that Ye Nanqiu and the others had seen Liu Xue and the others.

Su Tianling looked at Ye Nanqiu and hurriedly asked, "Where did you meet? Where are they now?"

Seeing Su Tianling's emotional reaction, Ye Nanqiu couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and asked curiously, "What's your relationship with them?"

"The person in the three portraits on the left is my wife, and the person in the two portraits on the right is my friend." Su Tianling said.

After Ye Nanqiu and the others heard this, their pupils couldn't help shrinking. Three of the people in this portrait turned out to be Su Tianling's wife!
(End of this chapter)

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