The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 61 Ask the young suzerain to order to kill Su Tianling

Chapter 61 Ask the young suzerain to order to kill Su Tianling
at this time.

A man in white rushed over immediately, took out his long robe and covered Xiao Wanrou's body.

"Su Tianling!" The man in white is Bai Yunfei. He has been staying in the dark, ready to appear at the right time!

did not expect!
This is the right time, and such a scene will appear!
Xiao Wanrou's surname is not Xiao, but Bai!

Bai Yunfei and him are brothers and sisters!

Bai Yunfei wanted to get Liu Xue, so he asked Xiao Wanrou to blow some wind in Liu Xue's ear from time to time, praising him for how outstanding he is.

In this way, for a long time, a kind of seed will be planted in Liu Xue's heart, and subconsciously she will think that he is the best in Lizong and the most worthy man to go to Liu Xue.


Su Tianling appeared in the sky, and now that this happened again, the killing intent in Bai Yunfei's heart had reached a critical point!

Today, his sister's innocence has been ruined, and countless sect disciples have seen her beautiful body.

That was his own sister, his heart and soul!
He can't control his anger!

"Death!" Bai Yunfei turned into a sword light, and the sword light passed through the space, intending to end Su Tianling's life!

Suddenly, a force spread and sent Bai Yunfei flying. The person who shot was a law enforcement officer. He said indifferently to Bai Yunfei: "Young Sect Master has not ordered, no one can shoot!"

Bai Yunfei stabilized his figure, his face was cold.

He stared at Liu Xue, and uttered a cold voice: "Su Tianling bullied the sect's female disciples and ruined Xiao Wanrou's reputation. This crime must be punished by death!"

"Please give the order, Young Master, to kill Su Tianling!"

"Please give the order, Young Master, to kill Su Tianling!"

The faces of hundreds of disciples present were flushed, and everyone's eyes were filled with blood-red murderous intent.

Su Tianling defiled their goddess!
They can't stand it!

It was as if their hearts were blocked by a stone. Only by killing Su Tianling could the stone in their hearts disappear!

There were only two people who collapsed the most.

One is Xiao Wanrou.

Xiao Wanrou burst into tears, the previous crying was fake crying, but the crying now is real crying.

The crying before was just for realistic effect.

The cry now is a cry from the heart.

There is a bottom line for her to frame Su Tianling with her body.

At most, it's just cuddling and hugging. As for my clothes, I can't reveal them at all!

But now, her clothes were exposed, and countless disciples of the sect saw her!
She, what face does she have to stay in Lizong?
"Please young suzerain kill Su Tianling!"

Xiao Wanrou was wearing Bai Yunfei's robe, but it was still empty inside. Tears flowed from her red eyes, and she looked at Liu Xue pitifully.

Liu Xue.

At this moment, she only feels the pain in her heart. She has lived for 20 years since she was a child, and she has never felt the pain in her heart.

Even the pain of the medicine bath, she felt now, was not even one percent as good.

Heartache is the most painful pain in the world.

No pain can surpass the pain of the heart.

When getting married.

She doesn't like Su Tianling, but she doesn't dislike him that much either.

Since getting married, her heart seems to have changed.

Slowly he developed love for Su Tianling.

As more and more things are experienced, as time goes by, this kind of love continues to grow.

This love has grown for two full years.

Suddenly one day it broke.

It's like a bird in the clouds suddenly loses its wings and falls to the ground. The pain... can't be described in words.

She looked at Su Tianling, with tears in her eyes, and only asked, "Why did you do that?"

"Family flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers." Su Tianling looked at her calmly.


When Liu Xue heard this, her mind was torn apart!
Immediately fell into a coma.

A female law enforcement officer picked up Liu Xue and left immediately.

Another law enforcement officer waved Su Tianling's sleeves and brought him into the forbidden area of ​​the sect, Jin Haiya!

One of the law enforcement officers present said to everyone indifferently: "After the young master wakes up, we will deal with this matter!"

Then, all the enforcers left.

Those present were dumbfounded.

Why did the young master suddenly pass out?

And what did Su Tianling mean by the phrase, home flowers can't smell like wild flowers?
Why does it sound like the young suzerain is Su Tianling's woman?
Bai Yunfei's face was ugly, at this critical moment, Liu Xue actually fell into a coma!
Xiao Wanrou's complexion became even uglier, her eyes burst out with endless killing intent, Su Tianling would not die for a day, she could hardly sleep or eat!
"Let's go!" Bai Yunfei took Xiao Wanrou and left immediately.


Lizong, medicine garden.

The King of Medicine was investigating Liu Xue's injuries. After the investigation, he frowned slightly and said, "Young Sect Master's mind has been stimulated, and she needs to rest for a while. I will give her a calming pill to stabilize her mind first. Everything else is fine."

Many law enforcement officers breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

The suzerain Li Ran entrusted Liu Xue to them for protection, if Liu Xue made any mistake, they would be miserable.

No, Liu Xue has already made a mistake.

The enforcers looked at each other, then smiled wryly, thinking of the suzerain's temper, if they knew that Liu Xue had been hurt under their care, they would not know how they would be tortured again.

Just thinking about the suzerain's methods of torturing people made them feel their scalps tingling and their souls trembling.

Liu Xue.

At the moment she is unconscious.

Generally, there are several situations that will occur when such a stimulus is received.

One, crazy.

Two, stupid.

Three, stayed.

Fourth, you can recover after a period of recuperation.

However, most people are almost crazy, stupid, and dumbfounded when they receive strong mental stimulation.

This state is commonly known as psychosis.

She was lying on the crystal clear ice bed, which had the effect of calming the nerves and nourishing the spirit, and everyone was here to accompany her to prevent any further mistakes.

However, what everyone doesn't know is.

Inside Liu Xue's body, there was a red crown that flickered, and the flickering speed changed from once every ten breaths to once every breath.

It seems that something is about to wake up.

Until, when the bright red crown no longer flickered, but kept blooming red, a unique, remote and extremely strange force spread towards Liu Xue's body.


Liu Xue's aura suddenly became stronger.

Many law enforcement officers felt this breath and were stunned.

"What's the situation? Why did the young suzerain suddenly break through from an early general to a mid-term general?"

"I... I don't know." The Medicine King was also dumbfounded, he is the Medicine King of the Lizong, and he is a famous existence in the entire ninth-class region.

The king of medicine, who said that a pill can save a living dead person, was also stunned at this moment.

Liu Xue's aura suddenly became stronger again.

Everyone was even more confused.

"This... this... this... what's going on! Another breakthrough!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

Now Liu Xue is already a general in the late stage.

This weird breakthrough confuses everyone. They have practiced for many years and know that practice comes step by step.

I have never seen or heard of someone who can break through continuously, and is still in a coma...

Liu Xue's aura became stronger again.

"Damn!" The crowd couldn't help but swear, how many years have they lived as a mighty King Wu?It has long since stopped screaming from time to time.

And now, it's hard to hold back.

The aura of the Young Sect Master is already a half-step Martial King!
[I ask for the recommendation ticket in your hand]

【Seek your five-star praise】

【If it looks good, give me a tip, that's fine...】

【well?How do you know I'm a woman?Not a man, I said I am a man, believe it or not]

(End of this chapter)

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