The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 64 Order the entire sect to arrest Su Tianling, whoever kills him will be rewarded by the se

Chapter 64 Order the entire sect to arrest Su Tianling, whoever kills him will be rewarded by the sect!

Ever since she married Su Tianling.

Su Tianling took Tiancaidibao to reach Wuwang. Although she was the weakest Wuwang, she was not able to deal with it at that time.

At that time, Su Tianling bullied her several times.

At one point she was crying.

She has always kept this account in her heart.

"Can you finally bully me back?"

Liu Xue muttered to herself, with a fierce look in her eyes.

After a few hours.

The female law enforcer appeared, and she said to Liu Xue, "It has been confirmed that Xiao Wanrou and Bai Yunfei are siblings."

At the same time, the female law enforcer took out some information about Xiao Wanrou and handed it to Liu Xue.

After Liu Xue took a glance, her face became extremely cold!
Xiao Wanrou and Bai Yunfei are really siblings!

Now she finally understood why Xiao Wanrou kept praising Bai Yunfei in her ears.

I also understand why Xiao Wanrou persuaded herself to expel Su Tianling from the sect!

"Heh! This move is really good!"

Liu Xue sneered, although she had figured out the reason, she could not kill Bai Yunfei and Xiao Wanrou without absolute proof.

Bai Yunfei's father is Bai Walking, the Great Elder of the Li Sect.

Bai Walking has his own small influence, it can be said that some elders of Lizong follow Bai Walking.

If there is no certain evidence to kill Bai Yunfei brothers and sisters, I am afraid that Bai Xing will unite with other elders to rebel.

And even if there is evidence, she can't act immediately unless her master Li Ran is here.

It's just that her master, Li Ran, went out to look for something, and I'm afraid he won't be back in the short term.

"You go back first." Liu Xue said to the female enforcer.

"Young Sect Master, Bai Yunfei has left Lizong. According to investigations, he has gone to the West Wilderness." The female enforcer said.

"Xihuang!" Liu Xue's eyes froze upon hearing this, why did Bai Yunfei go to Xihuang?

"Follow me to have a look." Liu Xue said.

"Yes." The female enforcer nodded, and then half of the Zongmen's enforcers followed Liu Xue to leave Lizong, and the rest of the enforcers stayed behind to guard the Zongmen.


Su Tianling came to a hot spring pool at the back of the yard, and formations were arranged around the hot spring pool.

Only by holding the array card can one enter and exit the hot spring pool at will.

Su Tianling also wanted to soak in the hot springs before, but Liu Xue refused. Liu Xue said that the hot spring pool was used by her and the suzerain Li Ran.

He also said that Li Ran has a cleanliness habit, and would be very angry if she knew that someone other than her had soaked in this hot spring pool.

"Li Ran is not here again, you are gone again, I have nothing to do, just soak in the hot spring." Su Tianling said to himself, he looked at the thick fairy fog around the hot spring pool.

This fog is not from the clouds, but the fog that overflows because of the formation. This fog can isolate the perception of outsiders, and the eyes can't penetrate it, and they can't hear the movement inside.

Su Tianling walked over, turning a blind eye, and came to the hot spring pool, where white air was floating on the surface of the spring water.

He took off his clothes and soaked in the hot spring pool.

When Su Tianling really relaxes, he will take back his emperor thoughts and adjust his perception to the state of ordinary people.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to completely relax yourself if you always pay attention to every move of the outside world.

"It's comfortable... It would be nice if I soaked in the hot spring with Xue'er."

Su Tianling laughed, then closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

The sky above Lizong.

At this time, a tall and slender figure appeared, hovering above the clouds, standing with hands behind his back, beautiful and elegant, just like a fairy in a painting.

She looked down at the entire Lizong with her beautiful eyes, but she didn't find Liu Xue's figure, and her beautiful Liu Yemei raised slightly.

Where did her apprentice go?
Is it in the hot springs?
Li Ran's figure flitted towards the residence, she glanced at the direction of the hot spring pool, and said to herself: "There is no trace of going in and out of the formation of the hot spring pool, and I didn't soak in the hot spring? Where did it go?"

"It doesn't matter, this sect mainly takes a soak first to refresh yourself." Li Ran went straight to the hot spring pool.

After walking in, she was very relaxed. Just as she took off some clothes, suddenly, her eyes froze and she stared at the past.

Because there is thick smoke on the surface of the hot spring pool, it is not clear when you are not paying attention.

When Li Ran looked intently.

Her face was extremely cold, and her eyes burst out with cold killing intent.

"Dare to trespass the forbidden area, die!"

Li Ran scolded coldly, and an extremely cold force spread all over her body, directly spreading towards Su Tianling.

Ever since Li Ran walked into the hot spring pool, Su Tianling opened his eyes, until Li Ran took off a little of his clothes, Li Ran found him.

He could tell at a glance that Li Ran's realm was the Martial Emperor's realm.

He immediately understood that this beauty was Li Ran, the suzerain of the Li Sect.

This is the only thought in Su Tianling's mind. If Liu Xue knew that he had seen Li Ran's gleam of spring, would he be crazy?
Looking at her master's body, Liu Xue might not be able to bear such a blow, right?

The power of the Martial Emperor instantly shattered the hot spring pool into pieces!
Seeing Su Tianling's figure disappear out of thin air, Li Ran's bright pupils froze suddenly, how could she slip away under her nose?

Looking at the ninth-class regions, no one has been able to do this step!

"Who is it!" Li Ran's imperial thoughts spread in all directions, trying to find Su Tianling's figure, but found no trace.

"If I see you, I will kill you!"

Li Ran uttered a cold voice, just now she took off a little of her clothes, although the important parts were not fully exposed.

But as far as she is concerned, the exposed skin cannot be seen by men, whoever sees it will die!

Li Ran's figure instantly appeared at the core of the sect, where there were law enforcers of the sect.

When the law enforcement officers saw Li Ran, they hurriedly bowed: "I have seen the suzerain."

With a cold face, Li Ran said coldly: "My lord asks you, who else has stepped into the forbidden area besides Liu Xue!"

"There's also Xiao Wanrou." A law enforcer hurriedly said, everyone's minds fluctuated violently, and they couldn't understand why the suzerain's face was so cold.

"By the way, there is also Su Tianling." A law enforcer added.

"Su Tianling? Who is he!" Li Ran asked coldly, her voice contained an explosive force that shook the souls of all law enforcement officers.

"He...he is the servant of the Young Sect Master..."

"Servant?" Li Ran raised Liu Ye's eyebrows, feeling unbelievable, she still knew Liu Xue's temperament very well, how could she find a man to serve food and daily life?
"Is it like this!" A blank sheet of paper appeared in front of Li Ran, and a face slowly appeared on the blank sheet.

"Yes, it's him, that's him." The law enforcement officer said tremblingly.

After being confirmed by the law enforcement officer, Li Ran's eyes became indifferent, and the portrait suspended in front of her burst into flames out of thin air, burning the portrait into a pile of ashes.

Seeing Li Ran's expression, everyone dared not speak.

Li Ran glanced at them, and said indifferently: "Did any major events happen in the past two months when the sect left?"

"Yes." A law enforcer recounted what happened between Su Tianling, Liu Xue, and Xiao Wanrou.

After hearing this, Li Ran slapped her palm angrily, and the entire hall collapsed instantly, turning into a pile of ruins.

"Your apprentice was deceived! You let such a villain sneak into Lizong!" Li Ran looked at these enforcers indifferently, and said coldly: "Order the whole sect to arrest Su Tianling, whoever kills him, this sect will reward you!"

[Thank you for the rewards of Minhe, Ranyue Mioji, and Wheat in the Wheat Field]

(End of this chapter)

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